• Das cliché ’ ein Terrorist des Mannes ist die Kämpfer’ Marken Freiheit eines anderen Mannes, die zwischen den schwierigeren Revolutionären und Terroristen unterscheiden. Terroristgruppen haben stark am Unterscheiden die oben angegebene cliché Wolke zwischen Revolutionären und Terroristen in der öffentlichen Meinung gearbeitet. Jedoch nehmen Revolutionäre militärische Ziele in Angriff und Terroristen nehmen Zivilziele in Angriff. Egal was politische vordere Gruppen für Terroristorganisationen, wie ’ Sinn Fein ', den ’ Ausschuß in der solidarität mit den Leuten von EL Salvador ’ oder ’ Hezbollah ’ Anspruch, Terroristen Zivilisten zielen und angreifen, wenn er einen politischen Zweck dient. Revolutionäre nehmen militärische Ziele in Angriff. Klassifikation der politischen Gruppen in Revolutionär oder Terroristaufkleber ist eine Angelegenheit des Kennzeichnens, wer in Angriff genommen wurden und warum.

    Sorry, now I will try mein English!

    The cliché ‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’
    makes distinguishing between revolutionaries and terrorists more
    difficult. Terrorist groups have worked hard at making the above
    stated cliché cloud the difference between revolutionaries and
    terrorists in public opinion. However, revolutionaries attack
    military targets and terrorists attack civilian targets. No matter
    what political front groups for terrorist organizations, such as
    ‘Sinn Fein’, the ‘Committee in Solidarity with the People of El
    Salvador’, or ‘Hezbollah’ claim, terrorists will target and attack
    civilians if it serves a political purpose. Revolutionaries attack
    military targets. Classification of political groups into revolu-
    tionary or terrorist labels is a matter of identifying who was
    attacked and why.


  • I’m against terrorism as it was rejected by Marx. Acts of individual terror do little but alienate the mass of the people from the cause you are supposed to be promoting. Bombing a market place where women and children are killed does not make the average working Joe too sympathetic to your cause. Our power and strength are in our numbers, not in individual acts.

    As for Revolutionarism or Guerrillaism as Lenin has explained is the method of the lumpen proletariat and of the peasants. While it is somewhat understandable for the guerrilla movements to develop in countries where there is virtually no proletariat, there can be no justification whatsoever for urban guerrillaism! In most countries in the world today the proletariat makes up the vast majority of the population. India for example has more industry than her former colonial master Britain. Peasant wars even if victorious can only lead to the victory of Bourgeois Bonapartism (Dictatorship) or Proletarian Bonapartism (Stalinism). They can never result in the victory of a socialist revolution in the classical form which requires a conscious movement by the proletariat.

    “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways… The point is to change it!” - Karl Marx

    USA Imperialism is terrorism!

  • Terrorism has existed since Rome occupied Palestine. When a larger power has such a controlling hold on a culture, it ensues. The American Revolution for example, was a terrorist revolution. So was the French Revolution.

  • Moses, you crazy socialist :D

  • It will only be a matter of time before the world welcomes the specter of communism.

  • Ooooookay,
    but who will make the rules, enforce them, change them as needed,
    determine educational needs, decide who gets the prize(job /trophy),
    judge guilt/innocence, balance the budget, work in the sewers/BIG office,
    will the Premier/trashman be payed the same if they do their best?
    Commune? Did someone mention the commune?

    Did/Will Captain Kirk earn the same credits/gold pressed lautinum(sp.?)
    as the transporter room dude? - Xi
    p.s. :P Anyone remember the name of the one who had a name?
    p.p.s. :D In the modern era can we still have p.s.(s)? I think not! :lol:

  • Communism is almost as bad as a Capitalism. The perfect Government would be 2/5 Capitalism and 3/5 Communism.

    Not to derail the thread…

    Personally, I think it would make a better statement to the world if the Suicide Bombers of Palestine attacked the Israeli Military instead of civilians. They’d get a lot of foreign support and be seen as a legit organization.

  • Ooooookay,
    but who will make the rules, enforce them, change them as needed,
    determine educational needs, decide who gets the prize(job /trophy),
    judge guilt/innocence, balance the budget, work in the sewers/BIG office,
    will the Premier/trashman be payed the same if they do their best?
    Commune? Did someone mention the commune?

    The people naturally or for higher decisions (ex. educational needs), elected soviets. Also no one is “paid” so I don’t see where you’re coming from. There is no “Premiership” either and there are already automated sewer cleaners. Positioning will be based on skill, not money or influence.

    Communism is almost as bad as a Capitalism. The perfect Government would be 2/5 Capitalism and 3/5 Communism.

    Both systems cannot be interchangeable with each other. Either you have one or the other.

  • Wanna bet? Its called Socialism.

  • Ha, socialism is only a transition period. It was newer meant to be permanent (in place until the withering away of the state).

  • Lets see, the Socialisms of Europe survived long after any attempted Communism )

  • I would call Europe socialist (maybe more socialistic than us), at least not yet.

  • I ment Finland/Norway/Sweden/Denmark )

  • Ahhh, but someone would still program the computer(GIGO), reads the
    results, makes assignments, a favor for a favor, greased palms, etc. :wink:

    The purpose of our war is victory,
    not peace, not compromise. - Xi

  • Greased palms? Sure…… :roll:

  • @Yanny:

    Terrorism has existed since Rome occupied Palestine. When a larger power has such a controlling hold on a culture, it ensues. The American Revolution for example, was a terrorist revolution. So was the French Revolution.

    Firstly, Rome occupied Judah and renamed it Judea. Judah not Palestine. Jews come from the tribe of Judah which was part of the 12 Israelite tribes. 10 of those tribes were lost in an Assyrian exile. There are many speculations about where they went. Also, how was the Great Revolt against Rome terrorism? It may have been terrorism on Rome’s part, but generally I believe you are referringto the mass peoples.

  • @General:

    Sorry, now I will try mein English!

    Guderian, try a different translation program. The german text was without meaning. And don’t pretend you will “try” english, when you tried german ;)

  • @Yanny:

    Personally, I think it would make a better statement to the world if the Suicide Bombers of Palestine attacked the Israeli Military instead of civilians. They’d get a lot of foreign support and be seen as a legit organization.

    i’d suggest that it would make a “less evil” statement - not a “better one”. Regardless you still seem to be advocating for the killing of people - by suggesting that killing people belonging to a military organization would somehow legitimize them. Does this apply to Al queda still attacking American/allied occupying troops?
    Terrorism is evil, regardless of whether you are attacking military or civilian targets. Just because these people are wearing uniforms and are prepared to deal with another military threat does not make their dreams, loved ones and they are working for all vanish.

  • Guderian, try a different translation program. The german text was without meaning. And don’t pretend you will “try” english, when you tried german

    Haha, good one. Sad, sad, sad… :wink:

    Terrorism is evil, regardless of whether you are attacking military or civilian targets. Just because these people are wearing uniforms and are prepared to deal with another military threat does not make their dreams, loved ones and they are working for all vanish.

    Terrorism will achieve nothing and undermine the struggle of the revolution. As Trotsky writes,

    “In our eyes, individual terror is inadmissible precisely because it belittles the role of the masses in their own consciousness, reconciles them to their powerlessness, and turns their eyes and hopes towards a great avenger and liberator who some day will come and accomplish his mission. The anarchist prophets of the ‘propaganda of the deed’ can argue all they want about the elevating and stimulating influence of terrorist acts on the masses. Theoretical considerations and political experience prove otherwise. The more ‘effective’ the terrorist acts, the greater their impact, the more they reduce the interest of the masses in self-organisation and self-education. But the smoke from the confusion clears away, the panic disappears, the successor of the murdered minister makes his appearance, life again settles into the old rut, the wheel of capitalist exploitation turns as before; only the police repression grows more savage and brazen. And as a result, in place of the kindled hopes and artificially aroused excitement comes disillusionment and apathy.”

    Now preaching 75 years of Trotskyism! :wink:

  • Anyone in the military knows the risk that comes with the job or duty.
    They are volunteers.

    Killing is terrible, but its going to happen.
    I’m sure the military prefer to be the targets of terrorism than non-military people.

    And if the terrorist attacks where just against military targerts, it really ceases in being terrorism.

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