• How about this for a japan move: Spend your 3ipcs on J1 or J2 and take mongolia. If Russia doesnt take it then you have passage to the unprotected “underbelly” of russia. If they do take it, they have to defend more and it spreads their forces out too much. How about that that idea? I’ve never tried but maybe someone has?

  • Probably not. I rather spend my 3 IPCs on inf and not a netural the opponent may or may not take. Besides, you don’t want to spread your forces too thin, especially early on.

  • T_6 is correct. I’ve seen it tried yarons ago. Japan spread himself too thin and got chewed up. Same thing happened both early and late in the game. Though if the opportunity looked good you might try it and see for yourself. Even if USSR attacks Manchuria and weakens his eastern front the $ IPCs interest me more! - Xi

    “We, who lived in concentration camps, can remember the men who walked
    through the huts of others, giving away their last piece of bread. They
    may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that every-
    thing can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last of the
    human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circum-
    stances, to choose one’s own way.” - Viktor Frankl, Istanbul, Turkey

  • '10

    An excellent plan! Especially if only Russian forces are moving against Japan. Russia just does not have the air assets to be taking back 3 or 4 territories each turn vs. Japan. Also take Afghanistan and give those Ruskies another target to worry about!

  • Most probably the Russian will ignore you or hit you hard from Yakrut, forcing Japan to lose valuable infantry. Besides, a first turn taking of Sinkiang would offer all those benefits (excpet for Yakrut, which can be attacked from Manchuria), along with 2 IPCs per turn without having to pay 3 IPCs just to take. Even then, I still wouldn’t suggest taking either the first turn. It leaves your forces too widely spread apart and unable to halt any allied thrust from the South.

  • Good frikin luck taking sinkang J1. But i dunno, 2/1 says its bad idea for mongola. I just came off the top of my head once, ive never seen it done.

  • R_34, good catch!

    I think T_6 meant CHI. However, that is confusing as most players (I know) would take CHI to eliminate the US ftr. I am willing to take CHI and reinforce MAN. If USSR takes MAN on R2 then I hit MAN with what I can to leave MAN and CHI strong! After that the USSR has no strong force to block the advance of the RISING SUN. 8)

    Of course, this is all flexible, depending on what
    the Allies have burdened me with. :roll: :wink: What next? - Xi

  • No, I meant Sinkiang. But you probably weren’t reading my message correctly. In it I said that, “Besides, a first turn taking of Sinkiang would offer all those [Mongolia] benefits.” However I also said, “Even then, I still wouldn’t suggest taking either the first turn.”

    But to translate: If you want to pursue like taking Mongolia, I would suggest you go with Sinkiang instead. Of course, I’m not really happy about taking either.

  • O-tay. Situation clarified. You meant either MON or SSI. - Xi

    “Stiller…took part in the Spanish Civil War… It is not clear
    what impelled him to this military gesture. Probably many factors
    were combined — a rather romantic Communism, such as was common
    among bourgeois intellectuals at that time.”

    • Max Frisch, author. Originally published as Stiller(1954).

  • No problem.

    a rather romantic Communism, such as was common
    among bourgeois intellectuals at that time."

    Bourgeois see communism as romantic? They rather crush it under the boot of oppression.

  • Its a good move on J3 for me usally. Forces Russia to spread it’s Yakut stack out to two territories, or just defend one and hope for the best.

  • T_6,
    I think he was referring to the '20s and '30s of one or a few European countries.

    “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection,
    which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
    and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” - Confucius
    Nobody knows history because history does not really
    exist except in the leaky jar of our heads. - Xi

  • Its a good move on J3 for me usally. Forces Russia to spread it’s Yakut stack out to two territories, or just defend one and hope for the best.

    Usually on J3, I will have the Russian stack beaten or forced to retreat from Yakut. There are so many options other than Mongolia, esp after taking Sinkiang J2.

  • I try to go after India first. I figure I can remove any threats there first and have my southern flank secure.

  • Usually I see UK forces in India evacuated to Africa on UK1, so this isn’t so much of a problem. However, if the UK’s have kept their forces there (or worse, reinforced it), then, yes, I would go after my Southern Front first.

  • I do the same thing usually. But a lot of British players try to take a stand in India. Also the Japaneese forces down there can be sent to Africa to help out later in the game.

  • I’ve never truly seen a British player take a stand in India, atleast not alone. That’s why I always like to take the British prize and CHina on J1 along with SFE or Hawaii, depending on Russia’s moves.

  • Taking it on J1 if the British are making a stand is pretty hard. J2 or J3 is a good time to hit a British IC.

    Usually, a build will be put IC there first turn, along with a US one in Sinkang. Both crank out tanks every turn, and attack with everything they got to try to delay Japan for around 6-7 turns. It works, buys russia some time, but once they are captured, you have 2 ICs in Russia’s backdoor for free.

  • I never do it - there’s no point, at least for my Japan strategy. The only advantage Mongolia has over Yakut is that it’s connected to Sinkang, but you can get your troops to Sink one turn faster going through Burma. I can see the advantage Yanny gets out of threatening Yakut and Novo at the same time, but if I’m stuck at Yakut I threaten Novo with troops in Sinkang instead - they are going that direction anyway… ;)

    The point being if you are sending troops [Manchuria -> Yakut] and [Burma -> Sinkang] there is no reason to move into Mongolia.

  • However, you could Split your forces, put half in Manchuria and half in Mongolia. Make sure they are combined enough to take out Russia in Yakut, and alone able to withstand an attack. Force the Russian player to Retreat his Yakut stack, and split it up to hold more territory.

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