I’ve been looking to play G40 but haven’t really found anyone. Let me know if you want to play that too.
R02 - DutchmanD (Axis) vs Battling Maxo (Allies +14);
Egypt twol
2 inf Nor > Fin
ftr Balk > France
2 inf Germany > Pol
ftr, 2 bom Jordan > Lib
arm, inf, art Ukraine > Epl
ftr E Uk > Epl
bom E Ukr > Pol
ftr Bst > Bulg
inf Ukkraine > Bulg
Cru, sub z6 > z4Mobiliation
aa gun, 4 arm, 5 inf GermanyCollect $49
Has $49 -
Russia 2 buy 2arm art 6inf save 0
inf bry>>man ( )
inf cau>>ukr ( )
inf kar>>bel inf aa kar/7inf rus>>arc 5inf 3arm cau>>rus inf cau>>per
mobilize 2arm art 3inf rus 3inf cau collect 27
Nip 2
Has $39
5 inf
2 bom
Save $0Combat
2 inf Burma
2 ftrs FIC
ftr z37NZ
1 inf Borneoz48
BB z50
AC, ftr z60Manch
arm Phil, inf Japan
2 ftr z62Fuk
art Phil
inf Kiangsu
ftr z60Nin
inf SuiBury
inf Iwo, inf JapanCombat
Rolls: 2@1 3@3; Total Hits: 42@1: (1, 6)3@3: (2, 2, 1)
Wow. Too bad these were all gimme battle with those dice…
Nin, NG, Bury taken by Walk-in
inf, art Japan > FIC
2 ftrs Manch > z62
2 inf Sum > Jordan
cru, AC z37 > z34
3 ftrs India > Jordan
inf Burma > Yunnan
inf Sui > Nin
ftr Fuk > BurmaMobilization
2 bombers, 5 inf JapanCollect
53. has 53 -
UK2 buy 2inf 2trn dd ca save 0
inf uk>>nor via z6 ( )
2inf rho>>saf trn z45>>z55 arm eca>>wca fleet z8>>z6 forces persia>>cau
mobilize 2inf uk 2trn dd ca z6 collect 29
Italy 2
Has $15
5 inf
Save $0NonCombat Moves
arm Bulg, inf Italy > egypt
ftr Lib > France
2 inf Italy > France
ing Bulg > EplMobilization
5 inf ItalyCollect $20
Has $20 -
Sorry for the long delay. I was away on vacation this week and the aftermath of the Derecho in the Northeast left us with very intermittent internet service.
US 2 buy 2dd 2trn ss 3inf arm save 0
inf uk>>nwe via z6 ( )
ftr z56>>aus ftr eca>>z56 dd z8>>z6
mobilize 2inf wus inf arm eus dd trn z10 dd ss trn z56 collect 50
spawn 1
3inf sik>>chi
mobilize inf hup
No worries
Germany 3
Has $49Purchases
1 IC
2 arm
8 inf
Save $0Combat Moves
2 inf Fin
ftr BulgNor
1 inf Fin
bom PolSudan/Congo
1 arm EgyptE Af
1 arm EgyptMad
inf, art EgyptNWE
2 inf France
ftr FranceUkraine
inf Bulg
ftr LibBelo
inf E uK
2 bom LibCombat
Rolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (1, 2)1@3: (4)
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