@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
R02 - DutchmanD (Axis) vs Battling Maxo (Allies +14);
Bast twlo 2inf
3inf art arm rus/2inf kaz/inf euk>>cau inf bel>>euk 2inf nov>>rus inf eve>>nov 2inf far/3inf bry/inf yak>>stc arm kar/2inf arc>>rus
ss z4>>z6
mobilize 2inf 2arm karelia 3inf arm russia collect 32
Japan 1
2 tnps
Save 3Combat Moves
1 inf FIC
2 inf z61
cru from z61 bombardsYunnan
2 inf FIC
ftr Formosa
ftr ManchSui
3 inf ManchHup
3 inf Kiangsuz50
BB z61
ftr Japanz53
dd z51
2 ftrs z57z56
2 ftrs z57Sum
2 inf CaroBorneo
1 inf CaroPhil
arm Japan, inf Oki
inf, art z61Combat
Rolls: 3@1 1@3; Total Hits: 13@1: (5, 1, 6)1@3: (6)
Japs lose 1 inf, withdraw to Kiangsu
Sum, Borneo taken by walk-in
ftr z56 > z60
2 ftrs z53 > z62
AC z57 > z60
AC z57 > z62
AC z61 > z37
ftr z35 > z37
2 ftrs Yunnan > FIC
ftr z50 > z60Mobilization
2 tnps z62Collect $36+3
Has $39 -
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