There’s been a Lucas McCain sighting!
'God', the Facist
Animals have just as much right to life as any human does.
I would take my friends dogs life over and human life in the middle east and never lose sleep over it.
Yanny i have a solution for u! QUIT Boscouts and Join the Hitler Youth!
JKING Join C.A.P. Civil Air Patrol! its fun there not Racist or Religeous biased u get to fly planes and Camp aswell. it is also better on college applications and ect. and we get to go to Army/AitForcebases and all that crap u evern get special privleges in bases that reg civillians do not get ;)
Um… no
eh u C A P biggot ;)
I don’t know about you guys in the East, but here, Boy Scouts really doesn’t have much to do with religion (Christian religion or otherwise). The Scout leaders might mention God or moral codes, irrelevant mostly, but I’ve never of any stories of people being coerced into doing missionary working, going to Sunday Church, or actually being denied promotion due to religion. Seems pretty discriminate to me.
Problem is, I live in a town 80% Catholic, half of those hardcore Catholics.
Also, my leaders are complete assholes.
Ahhhh… sucks to be you.
…or actually being denied promotion due to religion. Seems pretty discriminate to me.
The BSA is a private organization and can do as they please. They have the right to do this, just as they have been shown to have the right to not allow homosexual leaders.
It is good to see that organizations still exist which maintain and defend what they stand for.
You stand behind an organization that discriminates against a particular part of society?
Do they not allow black leaders as well?
I mean, they have the right to do it, dont they? -
Of course they have the right to deny black leaders. They SHOULD have the right to.
We may not agree with it, but, as we too allow the KKK, everyone has the right to their own opinion.
[ :lol:
Let me get this straight:
Agnostic = homosexual?
Who’s morality, who’s religion?Of course they have the right to deny black leaders. They SHOULD have the right to.
Hmmmm… it would seem under Civil Rights Amendments, Non-Discriminatory Polices, and Affirmative Action that they don’t.
Of course they have the right to deny black leaders. They SHOULD have the right to.
We may not agree with it, but, as we too allow the KKK, everyone has the right to their own opinion.
How about a Jewish leader?
They can deny them too?Is it me …does this sound Hitler-ish to anyone or am I just dumb?
This kind of goes to some “private golf courses”.
The membership decides who is allowed to be a member. Although it is distasteful that they would discriminate against allowing someone to join their club due to color, race, religion, etc. at the same time, the nature of the private club makes it a reality.
For example - “Italian sporting clubs” are private clubs that i’m guessing are not rushing to give blanket membership to. One has to apply and fulfill certain criteria, and then the club chooses whether or not to allow you access. If this was a public organization, then there would be virtually no criteria as this would attract cries of discrimination and lawsuits faster than one could blink.
I don’t think that anyone would argue that the Scouts should discriminate against people. At the same time, there does seem to be an argument for the Scouts to allow whomever they deem appropriate - given their “private club” status. Once the Scouts lose this status and ability, then i’m going to sue Hugh Hefner for discriminating against me ability to attend his partys :wink: -
They will not deny a Jewish leader. Its too bad on the PR game. However, a Muslim leader, of course they would. Ultra-conservative bastards.
I can kind of see their point of view. Particularly if the original intent involved a Christian gathering of boys for certain activities, etc.
Imagine setting up an A&A club, but making it open for all people. You rent a hall, specifying that people can come play A&A every saturday from noon until 10, supply tables, chairs, etc.
Now you get a guy coming in with MtG cards, occupies a table, and starts to play. He has some friends join, and unlike the A&A slackers, they are there from noon until 10 every day. Eventually all of the chairs and tables are used up by these people who have no intention of playing A&A, but rather have usurped the meeting area and time for their own purposes.
You, my friend, appear to be a MtG player in the A&A club. The BSA has certain principals, goals, and properties, some of which you clearly wish to hijack for your own political/selfish reasons. If you can’t adhere/abide by the principals of the BSA, then one might well wonder why you’d become apart of this organization. (incidently i never did participate in the Boy Scouts, however i did do a lot of camping with my friends growing up). -
However, it is not an organization for Christians. A better analogy would be you set up on AA Club, and a group of people speaking Chineese come in and want to join.
However, it is not an organization for Christians.
Good help us if it were.