We will eventually own Canda, just as Taiwan will eventually own (part of) China.
By the way, in the war of 1812 we actually captured Montreal and burned the Parliament building down. Thats why they burned the white house.
If we had manged to capture either Quebec or Toronto, I can’t remember which, we would now own Canada. Sadly the Candians held out and we were really cold so we ran away. A glorious chapter of American history.
Actually, the Americans captured Fort York and burned the parliament there. York is now known as Toronto. So the Canadians burneddown the American parliament as revenge which was then called the white house.
The General you are thinking of is General Brock who was killed in the Battle of Queenston Heights which was probably the most important battle in 1812. The Canadians and Natives were outnumbered 4 to 1 and still defeated the Americans.
And don’t forget that Canada got Michigan state in the battle of Detroit.