• Hockey Kicks ass! Long Live Mario Lemuix! and Yarimer Yager!and i know i cant spell but thats my problem!

  • Hickey? Hickey players?
    I never heard kissin’ refererred to like that!
    Oh, well, I guess the English language is evolving even as we type.
    Hey! Speaking of language . . . is their A way to spell email (e-mail) that is accepted by spell checks?
    The truth shall make you free. - CIA motto

  • @Xi:

    Hickey? Hickey players?
    I never heard kissin’ refererred to like that!
    Oh, well, I guess the English language is evolving even as we type.
    Hey! Speaking of language . . . is their A way to spell email (e-mail) that is accepted by spell checks?
    The truth shall make you free. - CIA motto

    well, there’s always “tonsil hockey” - a former favorite of mine.

  • Anybody remember . . .

    “. . . suck face . . .”? :lol:
    “We have met the enemy and he is us.” - Pogo(character and comic strip of the same name), by Walt Kelly

  • We will eventually own Canda, just as Taiwan will eventually own (part of) China.

    By the way, in the war of 1812 we actually captured Montreal and burned the Parliament building down. Thats why they burned the white house.

    If we had manged to capture either Quebec or Toronto, I can’t remember which, we would now own Canada. Sadly the Candians held out and we were really cold so we ran away. A glorious chapter of American history.

  • Are you thinking of the American Revolution? And it was Quebec. Benedict Arnold failed in his assault on Quebec, but stayed in Montreal over a year looking for a second chance.

  • Actually YB, i believe that if the British were better negotiators, close to 1/3 of America would belong to Canada including the Ohio valley. The British/Canadian forces had occupied much of the US under Wellington (who had just come over after defeating Napoleon to replace the recently departed Canadian General (who’s name escapes me, but was brilliant apparently)).
    Also the capital was Ottawa, and it was hidden for pricisely the reason of avoiding being sacked by the Americans - unlike Toronto which was sacked and burned, like the White House, HA!

  • I like America just the way it is. Besides, Canada is a bit too cold for my taste. Plus, who knows what horrors Canada holds? Good beer, gratuitously violent hockey, and Polar Bears - a deathtrap for Americans! :roll:

  • @TG:

    I like America just the way it is. Besides, Canada is a bit too cold for my taste. Plus, who knows what horrors Canada holds? Good beer, gratuitously violent hockey, and Polar Bears - a deathtrap for Americans! :roll:

    Don’t forget higher taxes, sociallized healthcare, stronger unions, sociallist governments.
    It was once said “Canada could have British government, French culture, and American efficiency. Sadly it has a French government, American culture and British efficiency”

  • @yourbuttocks:

    We will eventually own Canda, just as Taiwan will eventually own (part of) China.

    By the way, in the war of 1812 we actually captured Montreal and burned the Parliament building down. Thats why they burned the white house.

    If we had manged to capture either Quebec or Toronto, I can’t remember which, we would now own Canada. Sadly the Candians held out and we were really cold so we ran away. A glorious chapter of American history.

    Actually, the Americans captured Fort York and burned the parliament there. York is now known as Toronto. So the Canadians burneddown the American parliament as revenge which was then called the white house.

    The General you are thinking of is General Brock who was killed in the Battle of Queenston Heights which was probably the most important battle in 1812. The Canadians and Natives were outnumbered 4 to 1 and still defeated the Americans.

    And don’t forget that Canada got Michigan state in the battle of Detroit.

  • Yeah I forgot to mention your higher taxes on just oh. about everything :wink:

    As for most important battles, I always thought it was the Battle Of Lake Champlain - yet another milestone in our superb Navy.

  • I se from history that we were not meant to be hockey players.
    “The most important thing learned from the Persian Gulf War of 1991 is this: if you are ever to go to war against the United States of America, be sure to bring a nuclear weapon.” - Republic of India’s Military Chief of Staff

  • if higher taxes means that if i broke my arm or cut hand and needed stiches or got sick and needed anti biotics I would not have to pay a cent, i’m for it. i do think taxes are a little too high up here, but canadians are too apathetic to do anything about it.

    also it was not called the white house before, it was actully called the presidentel palace, the renamed it after the painted it white to hide all the scorch marks.

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