would the American people really care if 2 people or 200 were killed? Would they believe the numbers? And if they did would the numbers mean anything to them?
Would you, if you knew that almost every single media source was dominated by bleeding heart liberals and vindicrats? Americans would care of the causality list. Of course when you hear accounts of dead, wounded, and missing, day after day, the effect starts to wear off on you. Suddenly those numbers seem like “one more drop in the bucket.” Remember, “When you kill one, it is a tragedy. When you kill one million, it is a statistic.
Or would the typical “gung-ho” American attitude of “let’s kick some a**!” prevail?
It’s a damn shame that I don’t see that Yankee confidence of “We can do it” here that much anymore. A damn shame.
There is no proof of that. That is based on questionable information that a mid ranking Iraqi offical met with a known Al-Quada (sp) member in Florida. We live in a society where one is innocent until proven guilty.
Interesting since Czech intelligence claimed that five months before his monstrous attack [9/11], Atta met with an Iraqi agent in Prague.
The Media never found out the Civilian Casualty figures in Afganistan.
The main reason being that there’s still a war to be faught in Afghanistan. Also (as seen by the dead reporters shot by terrorist), is that the region is still unsafe for much of the media. Give it time, you shouldn’t expect an accurate and precise death toll until at least next year.
The Media never found out about Senator (insert name here, I forget his name)'s experience that he told the nation about in Vietnam, rounding up and killing Civilians in cold blood
Sorry, this is either worded incorrectly or I have no idea what you’re talking about.
The media has changed very much since Vietnam.
Very true. It seems like the media cares more about making slandered and scandalous reamdarks then they do about honor and integrity.
If 3 civilians are killed by bomb, Sadam will say we Bombed a school house killing 20.
Again, this is true. Just remember how the liberal the media was at reporting the civilian death toll in Jenin (as mentioned) and initial estimates of 9/11.
It talks about a weapon that we might use in Iraq. It fries electronics, think of it as the weapon from the Bond movie “Golden Eye”, just without the nuke.
I’m all in favor of using non-lethal incapacitators such as e-bombs and directed energy as a means of reducing civilian deaths, while stiull posing a deadly threat to militants.
Ok, this situation with Iraq reminds me of the same situation during World War II. I hear the main argument against attacking Saddam right now is “lack of proof.” Does anyone remember back in WWII, when we heard bits and pieces of a so-called “holocaust” and that the German army was exterminating Jews?
Agreed. I found this very fulfilling after going over a response to a recent New Yor Times Article. In it, the Times explained that America need only “ensure that Iraq is disarmed of all unconventional weapons.” The same editorial warned against invading Iraq on the grounds that “there may be no way to deter Iraq from using unconventional weapons against American forces.” Wait, weren’t we easily disarming Saddam of unconventional weapons a couple paragraphs back?
The Times also assured its readers that there is “no reliable evidence” that Saddam is connected to al-Qaida. What liberals mean by “no evidence” is always that there is lots of evidence, but arguably not enough to convince an OJ jury.
In addition, the Times announced that there “appears to be no evidence so far that Baghdad means to share its deadly arsenal with others.” Well, that’s a relief. So the person in the Middle East deadly arsenal is a cruel dictator who gassed his own people, murdered his family members, and passionately yearns for the total annihilation of the United States. And yet, Khidir Hamza, a former member of Iraq’s weapons-building program, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Saddam is actively developing weapons of mass destruction and will have accumulated enough enriched uranium to have three nuclear bombs by 2005.