Are you proud of your country ?

  • excellent post SUD
    and Ghoul, i’m sure we knew what you meant.

  • im proud to be canadian:-?, well maybe im nota canadian (not citizen) but im proud i live here, im also proud to be bulgarian as i was born there. i’m not saying there the best countrys in the world but im proud as hell of them. :D

  • @F_alk:

    You really want the whole list?
    I just start with: economic dictatorship over other ppl, making them colonies effectively. Ignoring any other ppls/religions interest, regardless how important it may be for that ppl/religion! Have you really been surprised that terrorists would take the battle to your home some day…. then you have not learned anything!
    These just for starters.

    What do you mean by economic dictatorship? Define that please.
    Ignoring other people’s religion? C’mon F_alk, you know as well as I do that America bends over backwards not to step on anyone’s feet (religion wise.) Wasn’t it us who just outlawed the word “God” in our national anthem? Don’t we kill our own babies because mother’s should have a “choice”. Where’s the morality in that?

    Wow, I can’t believe what I’m reading. :o You sound like you’re justifying terrorist attacks on America.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:


    You really want the whole list?
    I just start with: economic dictatorship over other ppl, making them colonies effectively. Ignoring any other ppls/religions interest, regardless how important it may be for that ppl/religion! Have you really been surprised that terrorists would take the battle to your home some day…. then you have not learned anything!
    These just for starters.

    What do you mean by economic dictatorship? Define that please.
    Ignoring other people’s religion? C’mon F_alk, you know as well as I do that America bends over backwards not to step on anyone’s feet (religion wise.) Wasn’t it us who just outlawed the word “God” in our national anthem? Don’t we kill our own babies because mother’s should have a “choice”. Where’s the morality in that?

    Wow, I can’t believe what I’m reading. :o You sound like you’re justifying terrorist attacks on America .

    economic dictatorship: has two meanings: first the economy ruling supreme over everything else. Humanity serves the economy (which IMO is perverted) and not vice versa, as IMHO it should be: economy does not serve humanity anymore.
    Take this: “profit is all that counts”. Apply it on a world wide scale. Then the economy of a powerful country can enslave other economies. Euphemistically, you could say that this economy is an “engine” for the others. Negatively, the others are slaves and fully dependant of the first one.

    Morality and religion are by far not the same. Thinking they are shows (at least to me) how much influence religion still has in the US. And the most influential religion there is christianity.
    Have you seen the one thread made up by yb? It said (more or less) “why is islam more violent than christianity” …
    It is not that important what you do in your country, when i talk of “any other ppls/religions interest” … it is more important how you impact their country and style of living!

    And now …
    "Wow, I can’t believe what I’m reading. :o You sound like you’re justifying terrorist attacks on America "

    I asked wether you were surprised. That is not justifying.
    I have noticed that some of you are not interested in what i write, but in what they want to read.
    There is no justification! There is a question.
    You kind of disallow me to ask that question for the sake of the holy and invinciible american honour and pride.
    I claim democracy and freedom.

    Make your choice, you can’t have both:
    Either take your honour and pride, or defend democracy and freedom.

    The terrorists chose the first. The US in their reply chose the first as well.

  • Either take your honour and pride, or defend democracy and freedom.

    No. You can have both.

  • I live in the best country of the world. We’re just in a bad stage right now. Not only are we the most powerful country in the world, we have the third best standard of living, the best economy, and can do the most for the world. We could do a lot of good if we just regonized that we could do good.

    I am incredible proud of my country’s history. Until we became a World Power, we were an example for colonies of the world. The Founding Fathers were brave men, who sacrificed everything for our country.

  • @Yanny:

    I live in the best country of the world.

    That does not exist, sorry but i don’t think it is a very mature feeling.

    We’re just in a bad stage right now. Not only are we the most powerful country in the world, we have the third best standard of living, the best economy, and can do the most for the world. We could do a lot of good if we just regonized that we could do good.

    Third Best standard ? With all this pollution & violence ? It is very subjective anyway as we all have different need, but i think country like Canada, Sweden, Norway and Finland can more easily represent the universal “best standard” for the human nature.

    I am incredible proud of my country’s history. Until we became a World Power, we were an example for colonies of the world. The Founding Fathers were brave men, who sacrificed everything for our country.

    I would’nt be proud of how American the treat the amerindians… only the french were acting with honor with the native.

  • I could not ask for any more than what my country has given me. The Cradle of Democracy, Birthplace of Our Founding Fathers, and the Hallmark of Freedom… all things unite under a brave new world. I may not have been born in America, but it is the place that I can call home. America gives so much and asks for so little in return. She may have been wrought with disdain and conflict in the past (segregation, inequality of sexes and races) with problems persisting today (overseas policy), but the ideals and institutions will always remain the same.

    What then is the American, this new man?…He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds. He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of our great Alma Mater. Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world. ~ Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur

  • Nope, we’re third. Canada is first, and either Norway or Finland or Sweden is second, depending on who you ask. Japan is right behind us at fourth.

  • If I recall during the Napoleonic Wars British AND French soldiers slaughtered many civilians…

  • @Yanny:

    Nope, we’re third. Canada is first, and either Norway or Finland or Sweden is second, depending on who you ask. Japan is right behind us at fourth.

    Whereever you get that from…

    i think these statistics are quite strange. It seems like each and every country is second or third there (noone is first :) )… at least the Aussies are somewhere in the TOP3 but first … well, that’s what they claim for themselves :)

    It’s hard to say…
    but for me a country where you build houses out of something else but stone and don’t have double glassing for all your windows can’t be rated anywhere high … IMHO

  • @F_alk:


    Nope, we’re third. Canada is first, and either Norway or Finland or Sweden is second, depending on who you ask. Japan is right behind us at fourth.

    Whereever you get that from…

    i think these statistics are quite strange. It seems like each and every country is second or third there (noone is first :) )… at least the Aussies are somewhere in the TOP3 but first … well, that’s what they claim for themselves :)

    It’s hard to say…
    but for me a country where you build houses out of something else but stone and don’t have double glassing for all your windows can’t be rated anywhere high … IMHO

    It really depends on your source. For something like 5 or 8 of the last 10 years the UN has ranked the standard of living for Canadians the highest in the world, usually followed by the Scandanavian countries and Japan. US is usually round 7th or so, in close ranks with the other european countries. This is usually based on literacy, health, social programs etc. Canada has slipped to number 2 recently because of poverty amoungst the native population.

  • I think Norway is number 1 this year.

  • Canada got 3rd :(

    but stil thats pretty good :)

  • @Anonymous:

    Canada got 3rd :(

    but stil thats pretty good :)

    opps :) thats me (I forgot to log in)

  • Just wanted to add - saw some literally “world-class” volleyball last night. Canada beat the Czech republic in 5 games in volleyball. (Winnipeg - where i live - stations the men and women’s national volleyball teams so we get to see a lot of great games)
    anyway, i almost started a poll last night on what the most underrated sport in the world was.
    I’ve always loved volleyball (and not just Brazillian women’s beach volleyball).
    It has more strategy than American Football, more reflexes than hockey, more finesse than darts, more swing than baseball.
    Anyway - Go Canada (we play then tonight looking for a spot in the world’s).

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