Forgot about China but I don’t have time tonight. Probably won’t have time tomorrow until late evening US Central. You can take the turn for me and do Germany if you want.
Spoox (Axis) vs Alsch91 (Allies) Alpha 2 round 4
Anzac 8
15 IPCs
1 DD (8)
save 7
1 DD SZ 42 to SZ 37
2 Fig Jav to SZ 371 TT SZ 42 to SZ 41, take
1 Inf Jav to Sum (mt) -
Sum lwol
SZ 37
Attack (1 DD, 2 Fig)
Rolls: 1@2 2@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)2@3: (4, 4)Defense (1 SS)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (2) -
SZ 37 R2
Rolls: 1@2 2@3; Total Hits: 31@2: (1)2@3: (2, 3)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (2) -
SZ 37 cwol
2 Fig SZ 37 to Bor
2 DD, 1 CA SZ 42 to SZ 43
1 DD, 1 TT SZ 62 to SZ 54
2 Inf Nsw to QuePlace
1 DD SZ 62
14 + 5 NO + 7 leftover = 26 IPCs
Italy turn 8
–>Purchase & repair
purchase: 1 minor ic (12) + 2 ARM (12) + 1 Mech (4) + 3 DD (24) = 52
save 1 ipc–>Combat movement
Bes: 1 ART --> Sukr
Epl: 4 ARM, 2 Mech --> Sukr
Epl: 1 ART --> Nukr
Hun: 1 ARM --> Nukr
Hun: 1 ARM --> Bal
Epl: 1 ARM, 2 Mech --> Bal
Saf: 1 INF --> Swf (walk in)
Irq: 5 ART, 5 INF, 1 ARM --> Npr
Irq: 1 TacB --> Epr (land Irq)
Sud: 1 ART, 1 INF --> TT z81 --> Epr
Sud: 1 ARM --> Ken (walk in) --> blitz Con (walk in)
Sud: 1 Mech --> Eth (walk in)–>Combat
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 4@3; Total Hits: 41@1: (1)2@2: (3, 1)4@3: (6, 2, 4, 1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)Nukr
Rolls: 2@1 2@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (2, 6)2@3: (2, 4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)Bal
Rolls: 2@1 2@3; Total Hits: 32@1: (1, 2)2@3: (2, 1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)Npr
Rolls: 10@2 1@3; Total Hits: 510@2: (4, 6, 1, 5, 1, 4, 4, 1, 5, 1)1@3: (3)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)Epr
Rolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 3)1@3: (6)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6) -
Sukr twlo 1 Mech
Nukr twol
Bal twol
Npr twolEpr round 2
Rolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 22@2: (1, 2)1@3: (4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2) -
Epr twlo 1 INF
Cpr: 1 INF --> Npr
Egy: 1 ARM --> Irq
z71: 1 TT --> z81
z96: 1 CV, 2 Fig --> z92
z94: 2 SS, 1 DD --> z92
z93: 3 SS --> z92
Nita: 2 INF --> Gib
Nita: 1 ART --> Fra–>Placement
Irq: 1 minor ic
Egy: 2 ARM, 1 Mech
z93: 3 DD–>Income
territories: 39
no’s: 21
saved: 1
total: 61 -
Germany turn 9
–>Purchase & repair
purchase: 4 INF (12) + 7 ARM (42) + 5 Mech (20) = 74
save 0 ipc–>Combat movement
Epl: 1 Mech --> Bry (walk in)
Epl: 1 bomber --> SBR Vol (land Sukr)
Nov: 1 INF --> Arch (walk in)
Nor: 3 ARM --> Vyb (walk in)–>Combat
AA fire
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (5)SBR +2 if AA misses
Rolling 1d6:
(3) -
Vol minor ic takes 5 damage
Nov: 4 ARM, 5 INF, 2 ART --> Bal
Kar: 1 ARM --> Bal
Epl: 1 AA, 10 INF, 22 ART, 21 Mech, 8 ARM, 4 TacB, 4 Fig --> Bal
Ger: 4 ARM, 6 Mech --> Bal
Wgr: 4 Mech --> Pol
Pol: 1 Mech --> Nukr
Fin: 3 INF, 2 ART --> Vyb
z125: 3 TT --> z112–>Placement
Uk: 3 INF
Nov: 1 INF
Ger: 7 ARM, 3 Mech
Wgr: 2 Mech–>Income
territories: 53
no’s: 20
total: 73 -
30 IPCs
10 Inf (30)
No repairsSave 0
1 Inf, 1 Fig Bel to Epl
1 Inf Volo to Arch
1 Fig Bel to Arch2 Inf, 1 Tac Bel to Nov
50 Inf Bel to Bry
Attack (1 Inf, 1 Fig)
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (3)1@3: (4)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)Arch
Attack (1 Inf, 1 Fig)
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (3)1@3: (1)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)Nov
Attack (2 Inf, 1 Tac)
Rolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 02@1: (6, 4)1@3: (5)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)Bry
Attack (50 Inf)
Rolls: 10@1; Total Hits: 010@1: (4, 6, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 6, 2, 4)Defense (1 Mech)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2) -
Off to a good start. :-D
Epl hwol
Arch cwlo 1 InfObviously I can sorta keep rolling in Bry for a while…
:10@1: -
Rolls: 10@1; Total Hits: 310@1: (2, 1, 1, 5, 4, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4) -
There it is.
Bry lwlo 1 Inf.
Nov R2
Rolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (5, 6)1@3: (2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3) -
Nov lwol
20 Art, 1 AA gun Bel to Bry
1 Fig Epl to Rus
1 Fig Arch to Rus
1 Tac Nov to Rus
3 Inf Ros to Bry
3 Mech, 8 Arm Bel to Rus
5 Inf, 4 Art Smo to Bry
1 Inf Vol to Tam
1 Inf Kan to Novo
1 Inf Sui to Kan
1 Inf Cau to Ros
2 Inf Cau to Vol
1 BB, 1 SS SZ 114 to SZ 113
10 Inf Rus to Tam
1 AA gun Sui to Hop
1 Mech Yak to YenPlace
10 Inf Rus
27 IPCs
Rolling 10d6:
(1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6):5@3:
:dice 5@3:
:roll 5@3:
i completely forgot how to use the dice roller :-o
Rolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 25@3: (2, 2, 5, 5, 4)