A question regarding research developments

  • When I like to technology roll, I try to do it with Great Britain. Many players consider Great Britain to be a ‘lesser’ countries, so it gives me the opportunity to test out new strategies without other players expecting too much out of me. Tech rolling works best when you are using an All Bomber Strategy. By choosing an All Bomber Strategy, you will naturally always be praying for high numbers. I remember, one time, I had successfully scored consecutive sixes in a strategic bomber raid. With such magical numbers, I decided to take a shot at tech rolling. Lucky me! Not only did I score two sixes out of five rolls, but one of them happened to be heavy bombers! :D I already built up a set of bombers, so I was able to make the effects of heavy bombing felt…you couldn’t believe the look on TG’s face! :P

  • @TM:

    When I like to technology roll, I try to do it with Great Britain. Many players consider Great Britain to be a ‘lesser’ countries, so it gives me the opportunity to test out new strategies without other players expecting too much out of me. Tech rolling works best when you are using an All Bomber Strategy. By choosing an All Bomber Strategy, you will naturally always be praying for high numbers. I remember, one time, I had successfully scored consecutive sixes in a strategic bomber raid. With such magical numbers, I decided to take a shot at tech rolling. Lucky me! Not only did I score two sixes out of five rolls, but one of them happened to be heavy bombers! :D I already built up a set of bombers, so I was able to make the effects of heavy bombing felt…you couldn’t believe the look on TG’s face! :P

    I thought all 3 of my sisters were evil.
    eeeeeee :wink:

  • thanks a lot for the responses, you guys sure have things down pat.

    the help is appreciated

  • @TM:

    I already built up a set of bombers, so I was able to make the effects of heavy bombing felt…you couldn’t believe the look on TG’s face! :P

    That wasn’t fair! You take that back! Everything was going fine on my side (I even managed to shoot down a couple of TM’s vaunted bombers), until UK4, where out of nowhere TM manages to unlock heavy bombers on her first tech rolls! The utter pain! I had this game (Africa and Asia were mine!) in the refrigerator, when all of a sudden a wave of four heavy bombers flies from England to Germany and in one turn wipes out my entire IPC cash reverse. The humanity!!!


    I thought all 3 of my sisters were evil.

    Ha, and I thought I was the unlucky one. :roll:
    Well I just have one that runs around causing havok and destruction to my life :x. Are your sisters younger than you? Those are always the worst - or so I heard… :wink:

  • ok, one more question

    so if your opponent gets tech, should you then be aggressive, and buy some rolls yourself to combat their new “power”?

  • naaaa. . . just buy the “anti-tech” weapons.
    If they get super subs - get more ftrs to sink em’.
    if they get heavy bombers - . . . you’re screwed-ish. Maybe increase your AA guns and seek out their bases a little more.
    if they get improved industry - bomb the crap out of them - make 'em hurt financially
    that kind of thing.

  • no…get all the units u can spare and destroy all the stuff that got better with that tech :)

  • @GeZe:

    no…get all the units u can spare and destroy all the stuff that got better with that tech :)

    or that :D

  • GZ,
    How redundantly droll and refreshing!

    Why not try limiting heavy BMRs to one unit! This limits the HBMR effect to a better balance with the other techs. However, it also makes it necessary to roll against specific BMR units to have a chance of AAing the HBMR. My A&A crew uses this rule and it helps keep the game within reach…even against the once dreaded HBMRs.

    To the lictor belong the boils - Correct that misquote.

  • @Xi:

    How redundantly droll and refreshing!

    what do you mean?

  • Why not try limiting heavy BMRs to one unit! This limits the HBMR effect to a better balance with the other techs. However, it also makes it necessary to roll against specific BMR units to have a chance of AAing the HBMR. My A&A crew uses this rule and it helps keep the game within reach…even against the once dreaded HBMRs

    You know what? That might actually work! I’ll give it a try and lower the cost of tech research from 5 IPCs to 4 IPCs.

  • Why would you need to roll against the heavy bomber specifically? That’s not fair, because the attacker gets to choose his casualties from all the hits, whether it be during a battle or picking planes to die from AA fire. The attacker should get to “guard” his Heavy by escorting it with other planes.

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