There are 3 instances when you consider rolling for tech (as any power, Allied or Axis);
1.) When you’ve got some extra cash (that is, after figuring what you’ll want to purchase if you DON’T get tech) that you don’t really NEED to put you over or keep you in the game. Usually this comes up right after a power has been taken and the side that conquered has a lot of spendable cash & wants to put the game away w/ some heavy-hitting tech (Heavy Bombers is really what you are looking for here). Spending too much here is very tempting–always have it worked out in your mind what you will buy if you don’t get tech; if its a choice between tech rolls and a needed unit, tech always loses…
2.) You are losing the game militarily and technology is the only solution. many of the techs are “defensive/offensive” in nature–pertaining to defensive capabilities (i.e. Jet Power); offensive reach for bottled up units (i.e. Long Range Aircraft); Economic relief (i.e. Industrial tech); Improvement of strategically defensive-type units (i.e. Super Subs); Punitive strikes (i.e. Rockets); or just plain a$$ kicking (i.e. Heavy Bombers). Basically, the techs heavily aid beleagured powers over those in the lead.
Here again the choice of how much to spend & when is tricky. Essentially it comes down to how long you have left. If you are sure you are losing, and the prospect of further economic gain is low-to-nil, try tech–but if you can take a few more territories and gain a few more bucks, wait; tech is to be bought with “spare” bucks only. At this point you want to buy tech when the game will be all downhill from here…however, since you theoretically are gonna lose anyway otherwise, you can allow yourself more latitude in how much you spend. Just remember that tech is useless unless you already have the units it pertains to, or can buy more.
3.) You are just feeling it. :D A friend of mine has phenomenal luck with tech–when he rolls, he just seems to get what he needs. But is this just because he is willing to take the risk and try tech more often? Who knows? Suffice it to say, this friend is a big gambling fan, and he simply has a “sense” when the dice are “hot”. He is an example of why even well-thought-out plans in A & A go awry.
If you are a gambler, you can always take this route. I am not a gambler so I have no suggestions. You will know when its time… :wink:
Hope these suggestions help…