• Ha, atheist communist in Seattle.
    Let me guess, is the Establishment trying to crack down on them?
    Always silencing the will of the people.

  • What is the ‘will of the people?’

  • That the truth wants to be free!

  • HFW,
    This is fom page 1

    I hate how social issuesa and economic issues make you right or left. I’m pretty moderate more to the right when concerning economics (I believe capitalism is the best system, but i wouldn’t want the late 1800s or modern day japan capitalism) and other issues…

    pro guns…very pro
    pro abortion
    pro euthanasia
    pro harsh (relatively) punishment of arrested illegal immigrants
    —(specific topic, eh?)
    pro true campaign finance reform bills
    —(sounds IDEALISTIC)
    Pro israel until oil is no longer needed
    —(you sound, in the flesh,like what the Dems. accused Bush 41 of being)
    pro environment besides arctic drilling
    —(specific detail, eh?)
    what party lines are these? I’m happy to say they don’t belong to either. I hate how “conservative” politics are based on morality and how “liberal” politics are based on idealism.

    I’ll believe what I want to :)


    A little about me so you know my background. I was born and raised a democrat. Poor grandparents (all dead now), Dad unemployed most of the the last 15 working years of his life due to mood swings(Manic-Depressive, now known as Bipolar Disorder[they keep changing the name to confuse you as well as being politicaly correct]). He SURVIVED THE LAST 5 YEARS OF HIS LIFE DETERIORATING IN A NURSING HOME. Mom worked cleaning houses(10 years) and housekeeping(8 years) for an 80 year old couple to make ends meet.
    Members of our church brought grocery bags of food to the house in daylight. My mother was told “You can’t buy paper products with food stamps” in front of other customers @ Krogers(grcr.). Do you know what this might do to a family’s self-respect?
    I voted for Carter in '76 and lookwhere it got us…Iran and double digit inflation(cars were 5 yrs. for 20%, that’s paying twice what it’s worth).
    In '80 and '84 I voted for Bill and Opus[Oh, you may not remember them-Bill the Cat(Pres.) and Opus the Penguin(V.P.) from the Bloom County comic strip]. Yes, we had the Iran-Contra affair, but whoop-de-doo. We had a president who believed in the American people, took a bullet(1/4 inch to one side and he’d be dead), scared the shit out of Muhmar(1982) Qhadafi, lowered taxes(and it worked just like JFK, '61) creating the longest peacetime boom economy in US history(until the end of Clinton, who blew it all cause his economic policy was “Get Microsoft”), half-spent and half scared the Soviets into the ground on defense('We launch the missles at moscow in 5 minutes."or sumthin lik that, and told Gorbachev to “tear down that wall!” The only mistake I think he made was not letting the democrats shut down the government(they threatened to when he lowered taxes, increased defense, and the revenue came rolling in, so they could outspend the income).By the end I was sorry I didn’t vote for him. Then came wishy-washy Bush(I voted for Mickey Mouse that year.) who still beat Sad-dam(pronounce it the way it looks, please) even with the damn restrictions(and look what we gotta do now cause of the Coalition and the UN and Clinton). I won’t go into Clinton, you probably can tell how I feel bout him.
    Then, closer to home, the Ohio Republicans(fiscally responsible) have been in control of the state House of Representatives and overspending for the last 10 years. Now they have to slash the budget, just like 36 other states this year. Didn’t they ever hear or read about Joseph’s interpretation of Pharoah’s dream in da Good Book ?
    So i’ve been a Dem., Moderate, Rep., and now I’m just gonna start my own groip…The FED UP SOCIETY…the parties will come after victories, and we will party hearty then. our parties will nclude designated drivers, jail cells for the rowdy,and execution squads for the uncooperative. :P

    Most people(60%) say they are not tied to any party. Sounds like you don’t like being put in a box(Democrat majority created US Census structure starting in the 1960’s, I believe). [Side note- Democrats are worried now that 40% of legal immigrants, including Hispanic(no such race) and Middle Easterners are classifying themselves as “white” when they enter the US. HA!]
    Funny thing is when you get older you may regret not being in some of those boxes.
    As to your politics let’s use this scale(2=conservative, 5=moderate, 8=liberal).
    You are an extreme conservative (Republican[1]) regarding guns.
    Without them(2nd Ammendment) we would keep NO other rights(See Founding Fathers).
    You are a liberal (Democrat[8]) regarding abortion.
    You are a liberal (Democrat[8]) regarding euthanasia.
    You are a conservative (Republican[2]) regarding punishment.
    You are a mild liberal (Democrat[7]) regarding CFR.
    You are a mild conservative(Republican[3]) regarding Israel.
    You are a mild liberal(Democrat[7]) regarding the environment.
    Thus, if we take your average score (6 subjects gozinta 36 points 6x) of 5 (five), you are a liberal Moderate. Oops! Sorry, I just put you in a box.
    Moderates usually (approx. 70% of the time) vote by the way they feel. This means they will vote Democrat(as you put it “idealism”. Republicans vote with their brains using logic. They present the facts the same way- cold and harsh(We are spending our grandchildren’s money[No one can picture that]. Democrats vote with their hearts using feelings. They present facts the same way- with flesh on it(Republicans will make your grandmother eat dog food and starve your children with no free school breakfast or lunch).
    When I vote with my feelings I vote Democrat. However, mostly I vote with my thoughts.(see below)
    Keep adding topics and scoring yourself. But, beware! some topics, like the environment belong in the middle. Extreme conservatives do not want to poison the water/air(though greedy people of any persuasion might), and yet extreme liberals do destroy equipment and kill innocent people(spikes in trees and bombs in buildings) because of their misconceptions.
    See what you think/feel and get back to me(I will be notified)
    As for me
    -ExtremlyPro guns[1]
    -Pro-Life[2] We need to think of the others we affect with our decisions.
    I’ve volunteered in a pregnancy counseling center and seen the results when the aborted child’s grandparents, dad, brothers and sisters find out(aborting mother’s plan). I know kids(and adults)who told their mom that they would rather be dead or have a brother/sister to share nothing with[poverty] than have mom have an abortion(accidental dicovery/slip of the tongue by aborting neighbor[1] and friend[1]).
    -Anti-euthanasia[2](see Pro-Life)
    If we cannot suffer a great deal to show others the value of life why will they want to live it? Teens kill themselves over a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd love. About 15 years ago an 8-10 yr. old kid killed himself because Battlestar Galactica[TV show] was cancelled).
    I worked with the mentally retarded for a few years. We dicussed the idea that some people wanted to kill babies in the womb who were handicapped[topic started as physically handicapped, but they made the leap to their situation]. ALL SIX MR ADULTS SAID THEY WOULD RATHER LIVE AS THEY WERE THAN NOT BE BORN. I personally think it is a $ and TIME issue as in HITLER’S GERMANY[how’d that get here?].
    -Pro punishment fits the crime with mercy applied sparingly[3]( Not 4 yrs. for killing a dog while only 3 yrs. for killing a child[California, this year]).
    -Anti campaign finance reform[3] - (everyone with an economic/finance background [and most conservatives] know it will NEVER work0. Look at Sen. [bribery]Toricelli[NJ]- he got off but the guy who gave the money serves time. The US Senate recently raked the business CEOs and CFOs over the coals for taking $,etc. Then they all get on Big Business’s supplied jets and fly to Kinnebunkport(sp?), and Paris[fancy dinners and gifts], and Afghanistan for vacation and fact finding missions. If we leave it as is the only ones besides the politicians who can have a say in politics within 60 days of elections is the LIBERAL(85%+) News media. HA!)
    -Pro Israel [3](Israel says it wants peace with it’s neighbors[and acts that way, too, more often than not].
    How many other countries do you know that 1-are attacked by multiple enemy countries, 2-win a war[normal], 3-take land as a result of combat[normal], and 4-give it back[What ? Who’s brilliant idea was that? Oh, yeah! Israel’s allies, the US, UK, and France all said ‘Give it back.’]. Then they do it all over again.[That’s right! go back and reread this paragraph one, no, two, no, three more times. YOU HEARD ME. DO IT!]
    And currently the US holds a billion dollar annual loan out of reach of the Israelis every time the US gov’t wants something. Israel and Egypt are the two biggest loan recipients from the US.
    Palestinians and most other outspoken Arabs say they want land for Palestinians and the desruction of Israel. What else could you get out of comments from “Jews are pigs and monkeys” and “drive the jews into the sea!” ?
    -Pro environment [5]and Pro economy at the same time. please, read The Skeptical Environmentalist. I think you will see that the truth is not always The TRUTH.
    This makes my average score(6 gozinta 16 points 2.66x which makes me a mild Conservative. Yes, that’s about right, I think/feel
    Oh, one odd thing I’ve noted is that Ds say they are inclusive. they are pro-Gay only. Yet, the Rs have a group called the Log Cabin Republicans(Gay and Lezy). also,42% of all UNION members lean to the Rs side when voting yet 100 % of Union $ goes Ds. Then, Rs dicuss both sides of abortion, but Ds only have it one way.

    Boy,this has been a long post. Tears, anger, frustration, a laugh(or 2).
    –--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“The truth is not always THE WHOLE TRUTH” - Xi

  • A little closer to the present,
    speaking of animal rights-
    Did you know that in the state of California some cities are passing laws against the use of the word ‘OWNER’ when referring to pets. The word to use will soon be ‘GUARDIAN’. Then lawyers will be needed to represent the pets in court. Next, the word 'PET will probably be stricken from the english language by the first pet/lawyer lawsuit brought into the 9th Circuit Appellate Court. :wink:

  • A little closer to the present,
    speaking of animal rights-
    Did you know that in the state of California some cities are passing laws against the use of the word ‘OWNER’ when referring to pets. The word to use will soon be ‘GUARDIAN’. Then lawyers will be needed to represent the pets in court. Next, the word 'PET will probably be stricken from the english language by the first pet/lawyer lawsuit brought into the 9th Circuit Appellate Court.

    What do you expect from those bleeding-heart liberals in California? Far be it from me to follow any of that Political Crap.

    • Moses

  • “…that political crap…” means more to you than you know!
    your right to free speech,
    your right to own and bear arms,
    your right to private healthcare,
    your right to privacy, and
    your right to legal representation as a US citizen within the US borders

    ARE ALL UNDER ATTACK(by representatives elected by you[if you vote], your peers, and your elders)!

    Do it! - Xi

  • Ha, all victicrats want to do is take away your time honored liberties.

  • Victicrats. Nice verbage. Anything like a fecalith?

    How bout dat!

    No response(2 and1/2 weeks goin’ on 3) - Xi

    Liberals cannot handle THE TRUTH. - Xi

  • your right to own and bear arms

    What a stupid right… everyone know weapon are not use for self-defence. Anyway, i have the right to be in security, and i would be more secure if nobody have handgun.

    your right to private healthcare,

    Tssss… You mean the right of the rich to get better healthcare because they are rich… We could also give other right… like the right of the rich to be over rules and laws… ho pardon, that is already the case. That is completly anti-social, even if i could afford it i have some principle… American are often treating the Canadian like they were idiots but they should see how their healthcare work, i, personaly, think it is way more civilized than a healtcare for the rich, a healthcare for the others…

  • A) Finsternis, if you take away all weapons, a murderer will kill people with a wrench, then your society will be a much diferent one… one where all the victims probably aren’t allowed to own wrenches…

    B) Read a British newspaper. Then tell me how well their 41 year-old socialized health care is working for them.

  • city on a hill is right when he says that guns aren’t the only weapons. Here in Canada (at least, where I live), you aren’t allowed to have guns or knives or even wrenches. You can be arrested even if you claim you have them for protection. Your spit is even considered a weapon. You can be arrested for spitting at someone.

  • @city:

    A) Finsternis, if you take away all weapons, a murderer will kill people with a wrench, then your society will be a much diferent one… one where all the victims probably aren’t allowed to own wrenches…

    B) Read a British newspaper. Then tell me how well their 41 year-old socialized health care is working for them.

    It always make me think, those who are supposed to be good with other and to love everyone; they do not accept that everyone derserve the same medical treatment… quite paradoxal.

    A) I did not said it will stop all crime, but it will reduce accident, suiside and some murder.

    B) Read a Swedish, a French, a German, a Canadian newspaper. Sure it is not perfect, but everyone get healtcare and private healtcare are minor (they should be even more minor in France & Germany). We call that justice, not a justice for the rich and a justice for the poor; a justice. How dare you, as a human, to get medicare before someone just because you habe more money ? Some people get ruined because they get a cancer…

  • @FinsterniS:


    A) Finsternis, if you take away all weapons, a murderer will kill people with a wrench, then your society will be a much diferent one… one where all the victims probably aren’t allowed to own wrenches…

    B) Read a British newspaper. Then tell me how well their 41 year-old socialized health care is working for them.

    It always make me think, those who are supposed to be good with other and to love everyone; they do not accept that everyone derserve the same medical treatment… quite paradoxal.

    A) I did not said it will stop all crime, but it will reduce accident, suiside and some murder.

    B) Read a Swedish, a French, a German, a Canadian newspaper. Sure it is not perfect, but everyone get healtcare and private healtcare are minor (they should be even more minor in France & Germany). We call that justice, not a justice for the rich and a justice for the poor; a justice. How dare you, as a human, to get medicare before someone just because you habe more money ? Some people get ruined because they get a cancer…

    Actually, i’ve been railing against the current state of health care in this country (Canada), as have a few of my colleagues. We need health care reform, one way or another. I am not at all opposed to an intelligent 2-tiered healthcare system in Canada (read “intelligent” - not “American”). The fact is 2-tiered health care does exist everywhere, and by following a certain ideology people are denied better healthcare if they have money and do not wish to spend it in another country.
    Naturally i believe that basic health care should be available to everyone. At the same time, i believe that (in Canada) there might be major benefits to a 2-tiered system, and i will successfully argue that with just about anyone (and i’ve received backing by people involved in health policy in Manitoba as well).

  • A) I did not said it will stop all crime, but it will reduce accident, suiside and some murder.

    I am willing to grant the former (accidents). However, statistics show that firearm accidents (in the US) have been on the decline for the past ten years, due to an increased emphasis on gun training and gun safety. Almost all gun accidents are a result of inattention to a few basic safety rules. I agree that more gun training and gun safety measures are needed (as does the NRA) - however these programs are often denounced by gun control advocates.

    Suicide? The majority of suicides in the US are caused by dysfunctional people or those with histories of disturbances due to their unique circumstances. Those people should not have access to deadly weapons –of any type. Logically, their loved ones should be more concerned with helping that person out, not simply just checking for any guns in the household. If firearms were prohibited, there are just as many ways, through suicide, of ending a person’s life quickly and painlessly. If guns help “reduce” suicide how does this account for the fact that Japan (which prohibits firearms) has a much higher suicide rate than the US?

    Murder? If anything, firearms help to prevent murder. Guns have been shown time and time again to be used in “Defensive Gun Uses” (DGU). An average of eleven private surveys conducted worldwide show that 2.16 million reported DGUs occur yearly (1.5 million in the US). Also, only 24% of people actually fired their guns, and 8% wounded the attacker. The perpetrators have been the first to strike in 84% of the times, showing the responsibility from gun users. Firearms have also been shown to be a very good deterrent in crime, as only 11% of property crime attempts occur successfully with the presence of a gun from the defender.

  • Tssss… You mean the right of the rich to get better healthcare because they are rich… We could also give other right… like the right of the rich to be over rules and laws… ho pardon, that is already the case. That is completly anti-social, even if i could afford it i have some principle… American are often treating the Canadian like they were idiots but they should see how their healthcare work, i, personaly, think it is way more civilized than a healtcare for the rich, a healthcare for the others…

    The problem with healthcare under the capitalist system is that it is considered a “limited resource” – as it is. Obviously not everybody in the US can have access to the advanced medical research, hospital facilities, doctors, and specialist – this simply isn’t enough quantity and quality to meet the vast demands of patients. The next step of the capitalist is to presuppose that those the most “qualified” (ie those with the higher paychecks) should have access to such a limited resource. The cost for such medical procedures (cancer was mentioned) aren’t cheap. Unless, America takes drastic communist measures, don’t expect this to change very seem.

    city on a hill is right when he says that guns aren’t the only weapons. Here in Canada (at least, where I live), you aren’t allowed to have guns or knives or even wrenches. You can be arrested even if you claim you have them for protection. Your spit is even considered a weapon. You can be arrested for spitting at someone.

    What do you expect from the Victicrats that run the government?

  • F_S,

    your right to own and bear arms

    What a stupid right… everyone know weapon are not use for self-defence. Anyway, i have the right to be in security, and i would be more secure if nobody have handgun.

    your right to private healthcare,

    Tssss… You mean the right of the rich to get better healthcare because they are rich… We could also give other right… like the right of the rich to be over rules and laws… ho pardon, that is already the case. That is completly anti-social, even if i could afford it i have some principle… American are often treating the Canadian like they were idiots but they should see how their healthcare work, i, personaly, think it is way more civilized than a healtcare for the rich, a healthcare for the others…

    I understand how you can feel that way about Europeans or yourself. After all, one of the first things the Nazis did was take away the right of private citizens to own firearms. And then again, in Great Britain they made it illegal to own a gun a few years ago. . . the crime rate has SKYROCKETED. . . and now they are passing legislation to encourage sriminals to turn in their guns . . . by making ‘illegal’ guns illegal to own(AREN"T WE BRILLIANT). :lol: :roll: :lol:
    However, in America we have the National Rifle Association(NRA). It has over 4,000,000 members who own guns. Less than 0.00007% of that # have ever had any gun related charges filed against them. That works out to less than 2800 out of 4,000,000.
    In addition, in America a gun is used 5,000,000 times a year to thwart crimes and save lives(that’s private citizens, not police or military). I know that less than 50,000(not sure of the exact #) lives are lost to illegal guns in America annually. Argue with the facts and LOSE, F_S.

    First, I love Canada! YEAH, we(Canada & the US)kid around. However, I would join the revolution that would sweep America, if any US president tried to annex/take over Canada(or any part thereof). They can remain as they are, split, or do whatever they please[(read this subliminal message, “INVADE THE USA, INVADE THE USA, INVADE THE USA”,act on the message in quotes on May 15, 2003, now forget this message, but continue to plan for the invasion, which is an original idea that you and many of your friends had, independently,continue reading as if this message were not here, which it is not)].
    Hey, silly! It’s been that way for a while here in America. But, not anymore! The hospitals GIVE FRE HEALTH CARE TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS & ALIENS. However, they track down and harass the common man.
    Plus, free surgery(for the publicity) on third world Siamese(SP?)twins while Veteran’s Administrations Hospitals let many of the men who helped save the world from Nazis(that’s NATIONAL SOCIALISTS to you , MR. WORLD SOCIALIST), Fascists, and Imperialists. When you don’t allow doctors to choose specialties, businesses to adjust prices, and people to shop around. . . you take the desire to improve and compete, as well as choice and FREEDOM.
    ONCE UPON A TIME only royalty(QUEENS, PHAROAHS, TZARINAS, EMPERESSES, KHANS, SHEIKS[pronounced SHAKES] AND KALIPHS, to name a few) had the best care(and often QUACKS, remember Rasputin?).
    America, into the 1980’s, had the best healthcare in the world. Then the breakdown began. Lawyers, health rights activists, insurance companies, illegal aliens and immigrants, and liberals giving to many PRIVILEGES to everyone and CALLING THEM RIGHTS are just a fw of the causes. NOW BEST CARE IS BECOMING POOR CARE, even for those who could afford it!
    Soon(20 years, I’d say) the care will be on par with many third world nations.

    No, it’s not a perfect system(money still buys things). :( Well, how about that! I think that’s what it’s for. :P

    F_S, in the US, according to the 2000 US Census, composed & conducted by a liberal administration(to their chagrin), ONLY 5% OF those who were POOR IN 1990 WERE POOR IN THE YEAR 2000. Some rise and some fall. I’ve been there. I was poor growing up, but with hard work, and getting a few breaks(WHICH I WORKED FOR, TOO, they weren’t just handed to me)I made a better life for myself and my family.
    BUT, I know kids, in their 20’s and 30’s, who got out of high school or college expecting to have everything, NOW, that their parents have(like a $200,000 house, 3 cars, a boat, and a vacation home)today! But, they are going to have to work for it. The world is going to have to work for it and IT TAKES TIME!
    Not everyone could afford a new car when they first came out and there weren’t enough. Computers… the same. Castles… the same. Armor… the same. Health care… the same. A college education… the same. Lobster… the same :oops: sorry, envirowackos and vegans.
    I hope you get my point.
    I’m sorry to say this! I’m even sorrier to say that I believe the system will collapse from pressure from within and without. For example, we now have a nurse shortage, as well as shortage of students and those interested in the field. We also have a nursing school shortage. The # of patients with AIDS and Alzheimer’s as well as some other diseases are are increasing faster than the # of caregivers. Normally the shortage can be made up in 4-5 years(I’ve seen it happen 2 other times since I was ten).
    NOT this time! Those in the nursing education field(I have a sister and a niece who teach/train nurses)fear that it will be 8-10 years before the staffing is adequate. The problem is that the qualifications must be lowered in the meantime to get the #s out. This does not lead to adequate care and staffing.

    NO. It is not ANTI-SOCIAL.


    With this type of LOGIC, ETHICS, AND PHILOSOPHY you make as much sense as Ted Kazinsky(the UNIBOMBER) or Charles Manson.

    Anti-social, MY ASS, and you can kiss it, too! :x (Just to be clear, this is a derisive remark. It is not anti-social, it is not politically correct, nor is it homosexual in nature.)
    I apologize to all reasoning, logical, ethical, and philosophically sound persons that I am not omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent. :wink: - Xi

  • In addition, in America a gun is used 5,000,000 times a year to thwart crimes and save lives(that’s private citizens, not police or military).

    5 million DUI’s? Sorry, and I’m a pro-gun supporter, but where are you getting your statistics from? I like to see them.


    Yes, I sure wish the government would snap out of it and do something about the number of illegals. I was counting on Bush, but I’m afraid that even a Republican has let me down (for some reason, he believes that US Latin American citizens want illegal immigration). And don’t even get me started with the Democrats. :x No illegals makes for a good economy, but poor politics (allowing the flow of illegal immigrants for free votes).

    while Veteran’s Administrations Hospitals let many of the men who helped save the world from Nazis(that’s NATIONAL SOCIALISTS to you , MR. WORLD SOCIALIST), Fascists, and Imperialists.

    True. I guess people are forgetting that they fought wars to prevent the spread of tyranny

  • @Xi:


    your right to own and bear arms

    What a stupid right… everyone know weapon are not use for self-defence. Anyway, i have the right to be in security, and i would be more secure if nobody have handgun.

    I understand how you can feel that way about Europeans or yourself. After all, one of the first things the Nazis did was take away the right of private citizens to own firearms. And then again, in Great Britain they made it illegal to own a gun a few years ago. . . the crime rate has SKYROCKETED. . . and now they are passing legislation to encourage sriminals to turn in their guns . . . by making ‘illegal’ guns illegal to own(AREN"T WE BRILLIANT). :lol: :roll: :lol: In addition, in America a gun is used 5,000,000 times a year to thwart crimes and save lives(that’s private citizens, not police or military). I know that less than 50,000(not sure of the exact #) lives are lost to illegal guns in America annually. Argue with the facts and LOSE, F_S.

    I don’t know about GB, but here we have very few stories about guys “going postal” and knocking off their classmates, fellow office workers, etc. Also the handgun murder rate is quite low relative to the US (even on a per capita basis).
    Also saying that “the Nazi’s did such and such” does little to lend credence to an argument. “The Nazi’s did things efficiently” “The Nazi’s built up a massive armed force” and so on. It doesn’t make the US a Nazi state.
    I believe the fewer guns in the pool the better - fewer to get stolen, fewer for kids playing with to blow their heads off (happens WAY to often), less accessible in a domestic dispute, etc.

  • Violence, Murders, Passionate Murders & Accident with Handgun are very high in the US, so i don’t see how i can “look at the fact”…. Anyway the fact is; i don’t care. American want handgun; there choice, they can capital punishment; good for them. I don’t care.

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