TG Moses VI I have to ask you a question. What American exploitation of Africa are you talking about??? From what I know it was the English, French, German, Italian and Belgian who had major colonies in Africa. If there were others please tell us. Please excuse my spelling.
Sorry about the hold up, but I got “delayed” in some other post.
I thought this would be a no-brainer considering slavery* and all, though American “Imperialism” still extends across the African Continent today. America exploits many African diamond and gold workers today, as his form of human labor is so valuable that different groups of capitalists are fighting wars over it in Africa.
Another example is America’s exploitation of Africa’s oil wealth. For too many countries in Africa, though, oil wealth has been more a curse than a blessing. The gas you put into your SUV may come from an African country where conflict, corruption, bad governance and continued poverty are the rules rather than the exception. The Bush administration and U.S. oil companies have a responsibility to help ensure that aggressive oil exploitation does not come at the expense of human rights, the environment and the human dignity of the poor who live amid such massive wealth. There’s so much more though I’m a little sort of time here. :(
- = it must also be said that slavery existed long before the arrival of the Europeans, under subject of the Muslim religion in the eleventh century. However exportation of African slaves increased and in time Europe found themselves exchanging guns for slaves. Yet, the definition of slavery in Africa was not tantamount to the American or European vision of slavery. Slavery in Africa was a symbol of honor and not an instrument of wealth and greed. African slaves were permitted to live very normal lives. They had sanction to marry, own property, and customary legal rights. Many of them had significant skill and learning – all while in America slaves underwent brutal beatings, hard labor, and lack of respect. :evil:
o i got nothin against black people. exept for the Gangster Rap ones :evil: but i dont mean die out, as in extinction. i mean let them die out till there surroundings can support them with out outside help.
Let’s hope so. Also, I can partly agree with you on the Gangster Rap. I hate rich rap artist that sing of the “grave injustices” occurring to them. In reality, real Afro American rappers wouldn’t sell themselves out to the capitalist machine for fabulous riches (reason why Bob Marley was so beloved – he sang for what he believed in and I respected him for that).
The real rappers are those in the “underground” that have a real reason to gangster rap. I don’t know if you were old enough when this happened, but way back, a rap group by the name of NWA came out with the song, “F—the police.” Growing up in South Central Los Angeles and witnessing the harsh injustices of police brutality (my Afro American friend was beat up by the cops simply because he “back talked” them), I can agree with them. For this reason alone, we need rap music to show us the naturally occurring prejudices and hate that happens today – even if we do turn our heads and shut our ears from it. :(
Moses’ sister, you are a Christian? Why have you not weighed into the religious debate?
Maybe her connection with the Almighty is so strong that she doesn’t have to squabble differences with others in order to be content with herself? :o