• Just want to wish all you fine people (and not so fine people) a great Independence Day. I know you guys have been taking some hits in the media as late, but remember that you do have a lot of friends out there. (who knows . . . i may one day BE one of you guys)
    So enjoy your parties, fireworks, and beer (although your beer isn’t really that good . . . :wink: ), be safe, and be well.

  • Yes, judging by the “fireworks” (sounded more like barrage shells :roll:) that kept me up all last night, yep, I can say for certain that today is the 4th of July :wink:

    Time to start some forest fires :P

  • Just want to wish all you fine people (and not so fine people) a great Independence Day

    You do not need to add the “and not so fine people” i am not American :lol:

  • @FinsterniS:

    Just want to wish all you fine people (and not so fine people) a great Independence Day

    You do not need to add the “and not so fine people” i am not American :lol:

    despite all of your subtleties, i was somehow able to divine that :).
    and the “not so fine people” was just an ass-covering technique - i don’t need to snub not-so-fine Americans on their nations birthday :)

  • Nothing says Patriotism more than a BBQ and no school! Heck, every day should be Independence Day!

  • '19 Moderator


    So enjoy your parties, fireworks, and beer (although your beer isn’t really that good . . . :wink: ), be safe, and be well.

    Funny you should say that I just picked up a case of moose head for the weekend. :) I like moose head you just have to be careful of the antlers. :o

  • Do i care?
    I care more for the G8 than for the 4th of July

  • Sure, it makes no difference to you. But for those that July 4th has a profound impact on them, so let us have a moment to celebrate and respect. Besides, why make the post in the first place?

  • Intersting Fact: The Declaration of Independance was signed on July 2nd, not July 4th. In fact, the last congressman did not sign it until August.

    Lets not argue over this topic. Leave it as a celebration, not a conflict.

  • @TG:

    Sure, it makes no difference to you. But for those that July 4th has a profound impact on them, so let us have a moment to celebrate and respect. Besides, why make the post in the first place?

    Why? Because one might recognise that people like to have their special days recognised.
    Even if i don’t get married, i congratulate the “happy couple”.
    Also as a citizen of America’s greatest ally and trading partner, it seems appropriate - they have been a good friend to Canada (when they realize that we are here) and i hope vice versa.
    Finally, it’s important to build bridges between countries. Who knows. Maybe a little bit of goodwill directed to the right people will one day influence the country’s policies in a way that is totally unexpected. President Moses will discuss trade with Prime Minister Crypt, and remember that some Canadians are polite and maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to remove some tariffs :)

  • Well, I was refering to F_alk’s post where he said he didn’t care about July 4th. As for Canada, I can see why, we’re practically neighbors. I’ve been there, and I have family there, so Canada does have some importance to me. But as for Germany? Honestly, I have no idea what day their Independence Day is or if they even have one. Nor do I really care, either (ex you probably won’t walk up and congratulate a marriaged couple you don’t even know). But you won’t see me going out of my way to diss it.

    “Intersting Fact: The Declaration of Independance was signed on July 2nd, not July 4th.”

    Hmmm… I always wondering it. The one story heard most often was, yes, the Declaration was finished before July 4th, but it wasn’t until July 4th that everybody got around to signing it. So your story is a new one to me. Can anybody clear this up?

  • i’d read that too somewhere.
    even about the last guy signing much later.
    can someone confirm that the official language was almost German (not English)? I’d heard that before as well.

  • John Hancock signed the Declaration on July 2nd, as did John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and 2 other Congressmen who drafted the Constitution. On July 4th, the Rest of the Congress signed and ratified it, but it was not until August 23rd that the final congressman signed the Declaration.

  • Okay, guys thanks for the clear up :D

    (i"ll impress my history teachers yet, :wink:)

  • I take US I next year, I can’t wait to unleash my vast well of knowledge upon the unsuspecting History Teachers!

  • @F_alk:

    Do i care?
    I care more for the G8 than for the 4th of July

    well good for you…

  • @Yanny:

    I take US I next year, I can’t wait to unleash my vast well of knowledge upon the unsuspecting History Teachers!

    I had an idiot teacher who would teach lies, and it wasn’t even worth talking sense into him.

    What did you guys do on the 4th? My family had a BBBQ (the extra B stands for BYOBB), went to the yankees game, and saw the crappy macy’s fireworks.

    next time i’m going to bear mountain.

  • @TG:

    Besides, why make the post in the first place?

    Because i have and take the same rights as everyone else her :)

  • @TG:

    But as for Germany? Honestly, I have no idea what day their Independence Day is or if they even have one. Nor do I really care, either (ex you probably won’t walk up and congratulate a marriaged couple you don’t even know). But you won’t see me going out of my way to diss it.

    Just a second:
    Where did i diss it? Where is you “Nor do i really care” less dissing than my “do i care?”
    And: at least i know that you have one and which day it is.

    No double standards against europeans !!!

  • Whoa, you guys actually have an Independence Day!? From who and from when!?

    Anyways, lets say Germany won the World Cup (hypothetical of course) and everybody here was hoping and hollering about, so much that over there they even declared it a National Holiday. As for me, heck, I don’t really care, truth is I even rooted for Brazil. Now, do you see me purposely going out and say, in front of those German fans, “So what? No biggie.” No, that’s disrespectful, means a whole lot to them, and it kind of soils their celebration. That’s what I was talking about.

    “No double standards against europeans !!!”

    Who said anything about Europeans? If you from Canada or Mexico, I would still say, in front of our national holiday, keep your comments to yourself.

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