Thanks for the update. Enjoy your travels :)
R01 - DM (Axis) vs. Soul (Allies + 10)
Japan Round 16
Buy 2 arm save 9
Combat Move
Non-Combat Move
1 sub to sz 14 from sz 13
10 subs to sz 14 from sz 34
2 trns, 5 dd, 4 ac, 1 bb to sz 15 from sz 34
4 ftrs to egy from sz 34
2 ftrs to egy from sz 15
1 ftr to egy from ger
1 ftr to fra from ger
1 ftr to sz 15 from gerPlacement
2 arm on Egy
Collect 13 + 9 saved = 22 total
12 inf trn cacombat:
2 inf 4 ftr bst -> pol *support bb ca
arm per, 4 ftr ind -> trj
trn 5 -> 6 load 2 inf -> 5 unload polpol
aRolls: 4@1 5@3 1@4; Total Hits: 44@1: (5, 5, 2, 6)5@3: (3, 5, 2, 3, 4)1@4: (4)
dRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 03@2: (4, 4, 3) -
pol twol
aRolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 25@3: (5, 3, 1, 5, 5)
dRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 1) -
trj cleared, not taken.
inf fin -> kar
4 trn 5 -> 6 load 6 inf gbr inf nwy -> 5 unload kar
4 ftr pol -> 5
4 ftr trj, 8 arm aa per -> ind
arm nin -> yunmobilize:
trn ca 5, 2 inf kar, 3 inf ind, inf nwy, 6 inf gbrcollect:
52+5=57, has 57 -
Italy Round 16
Pay 4 damage to Cauc
Buy 1 aa, 8 inf, 1 arm
Combat Move
1) Per - mt vs. 1 arm (cauc, back to cauc)
per - taken, blitz
Non-Combat Move
1 inf to lib from alg
1 inf, 1 aa to egy from ita
1 inf to fra from ita
1 rt to cauc from kaz
3 inf to cauc from mos
6 arm to mos from cauc
2 ftrs to egy from mos
1 aa to cauc from mosPlacement
4 inf on Cauc
4 inf, 1 arm, 1 aa on MosCollect 27 + 10 (NO) = 37 total
4 inf 2 art arm 2 trn 2 ftrcombat:
conscript 4 infcombat:
trn 38 load 2 inf -> 35 unload
trn 50 load inf art -> 36 unload
inf art sui -> nin
4 inf man -> sui
2 trn 62 -> 59 load 3 inf arm -> 62 unload man
12 sub 3 cv 6 ftr 6 dd 38 -> 35
trn 59 -> 50
trn dd cv 2 ftr 10 -> 9
3 inf eus -> eca
ca 6 dd 62 -> 36
trn 56 load 2 inf -> 57 unload
trn 59 -> 56
2 ca 4 dd cv 2 ftr 59 -> 62
3 inf sik, 3 inf nin -> chimobilize:
inf art 2 ftr eus, trn 10, trn 56, inf art arm wus, 2 inf phi, 2 inf sik, 2 inf nincollect:
42+15=57, has 57 -
Germany Round 17
Buy 1 dd, 1 aa, 9 inf, 1 arm
Combat Move
1) Bst - mt vs. 1 arm (bel, back to bel)
2) Arch - mt vs. 1 arm (bel, back to bel)
3) Pol - 4 inf vs. 15 inf (ger), 5 rt (4 ger, 1 cze), 2 ftrs (ger) -
15 inf, 5 rt, 2 ftrs
Rolls: 10@1 10@2 2@3; Total Hits: 710@1: (1, 4, 1, 6, 5, 6, 1, 4, 5, 6)10@2: (5, 1, 4, 5, 4, 6, 3, 6, 2, 2)2@3: (1, 6)
4 inf
Rolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 34@2: (1, 2, 6, 1)
bst - taken, blitz
arch - taken, blitz
pol - taken with 12 inf, 5 rt, 2 ftrsNon-Combat Move
2 ftrs to bel
1 aa to pol from ger
2 inf to pol from cze
4 inf, 1 rt to ger from nwe
2 inf to ger from fra
1 inf to per from cauc
1 inf to bel from mos
3 arm to bel from caucPlacement
1 dd in Sz 5
7 inf, 1 arm, 1 aa on Ger
2 inf on FraCollect 34 + 15 (NO) = 49 total
3 inf hup -> kia
Wrong map.
Your russian inf were already in Kia. Are they moving to Hup?
Japan Round 17
Buy 1 bom, 2 inf save 4
Combat Move
1) con - mt vs. 1 arm (egy)
2) Feq - mt vs. 1 arm (egy)Results
con - taken, walk-in
feq - taken, walk-inNon-Combat Move
1 ftr to sz 15 from egy
3 ftrs to ger from egyPlacement
2 inf on Egy
1 bom on JapanCollect 15 + 4 saved = 19 total
11 inf art 4 armcombat:
arm kar -> arc -> kar
arm kar -> bst -> kar
inf 4 ftr ind -> per
4 trn 5 -> 6 load 6 inf gbr inf nwy -> 5 unload kar
2 trn 3 ca cv 6 -> 7
3 ca 4 ftr cv 2 dd bb attack 55
aRolls: 2@1 2@2 7@3 1@4; Total Hits: 72@1: (3, 1)2@2: (2, 6)7@3: (2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 4, 3)1@4: (2)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2) -
5 cwol
aRolls: 1@1 4@3; Total Hits: 31@1: (1)4@3: (1, 4, 6, 1)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2) -
per cleared, not taken.
arm yun, 4 ftr per -> ind
2 ftr 5 -> 7mobilize:
inf art arm ind, inf arm kar, inf 2 arm nwy, 8 inf gbrcollect:
46+5=51, has 51 -
I do not think you can load inf during a combat move and then unload them in a friendly territory (Kar).
I think you have to attack (do an amphib assualt) if you load during a combat move.I believe my dd prevents the reinforcing of Kar.
You can change your turn if you need to.
We can also get clarification if we need it.
I pmed gamerman01 about the situation… I will copy/paste what he sent me when I am not on my phone… but he gave me a list of 4 things I could do. He clarified that I could ncm out of and that sz during a combat move. I cannot load transports in the sz though or amphibious assult AND conduct combat in the sz.
Copied and pasted from the PM:
Page 14 of the AA50 FAQ, Sea units starting in hostile sea zones:
You have 4 options.- Remain in the sea zone and conduct combat
- Leave sea zone, load units if desired, and conduct combat elsewhere
- Leave sea zone to load units and return to the same sea zone to conduct combat
- Leave sea zone and conduct no combat (this must be done during the combat movement phase, even if it does not result in combat).
Copied and pasted from the PM:
Page 14 of the AA50 FAQ, Sea units starting in hostile sea zones:
You have 4 options.- Remain in the sea zone and conduct combat
- Leave sea zone, load units if desired, and conduct combat elsewhere
- Leave sea zone to load units and return to the same sea zone to conduct combat
- Leave sea zone and conduct no combat (this must be done during the combat movement phase, even if it does not result in combat).
Those are correct options, but you cannot “unload to a friendly” territory.
Both option 2 and 3 involve conducting combat.
I PM’d Krieg for clarification. Here was my layout of the situation and his response. I can ask for further clarification and have him post in this thread if needed.
Bolded for emphasis:
You thought correctly. You can only load units onto a transport in combat movement for an amphibious assault.
Krieg, quick question.
I didn’t think you can unload into a friendly territory during combat move.
The situation:
Russia was eliminated, UK owns and collects income for Kar. UK fleet with all its trns is in Sz 5. Germany buys and places a DD in sz 5. On UK’s turn, can UK load inf (from London) during combat move and then unload them in a friendly Kar (during combat Move)?
I thought if you load in combat move you have to unload in combat move (to an enemy held teritory). So the inf would have to be used in an attack. In other words you can’t unload to a friendly territory during combat move even though you loaded the trns in combat move.