@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
G40-03 Ksmckay (Axis -15) vs BigBadBruce (Allies)
Bso rnd 2
1 inf
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (3)
1 tac
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)
Bso holds, attacker loses inf
Combat results
Egy holds with inf (up to you which)
TrJ twol (mt) Yay!
Gre holds, neutrals lose inf, attacker loses 3 inf
SFra twlo inf
z93 twlo dd
Alx twol
Bso holds, attacker loses inf.NCM
2 ftrs z93 to SIta
1 tac Gre to SIta
1 ddz95 to z96
1 ca z95 to z98Placement
2 inf 1 art NItaCollect 13
Lame results there, Gre was unexpected :( At least z93 didn’t end as poorly as it started.
Not sure to understand you point. Sarcasm?
You won many games with axis, so I’m rather surprise if you think about to quit already.You wrote 9 ftr instead of 9 inf.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Fool me, 9Ftr, I so wish… hahaha, didn’t realized my typo!
Very unlucky turn. Egypt was supposed to fall, so Greece and overall way over normal defence.
PLaying France now… gimme 5mins
Oups… your map is missing.
France 1- Planing revolt.
#1 South France (Inf, Art, Arm)
WFR : Inf, Arm
LON : Ftr - land on AC z92Att : Inf, Arm, Ftr
Rolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (6)2@3: (1, 5)
DEF : Inf, Art, Arm
Rolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 22@2: (1, 5)1@3: (1)
#1 South France Retreat
Ftr - land on AC z92NON COMBAT MOVES
FWA > FCA : Inf
Germany 2
Purchases 68
1 ss 1 dd 4 mec 5 arm 2 artCombat
WFr ()
1 art FraHol (1 inf)
1 art Fra
1 inf 1 ftr 3 tac WGrz109 (1 trn)
1 ss z110z111 (1 dd)
1 ca 1 bb 1 cv 1 tac z112
1 ftr WGrSco ()
1 inf WGr v trn ->z111z104 ()
1 ftr 1 tac WGr
1 bom WGrGre (3 inf)
3 inf Bul
3 arm Yugo
2 ftrs SItaCombat
1 inf 1 art 1 ftr 3 tac
Rolls: 2@2 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@2: (6, 4)3@3: (3, 5, 4)1@4: (4)
1 inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
Hol twol
1 ftr 1 tac 1 ca 1 bb
Rolls: 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 12@3: (5, 6)2@4: (4, 6)
1 dd
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
z111 twol
1 ftr 1 tac 1 bom
Rolls: 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (3)2@4: (5, 2)
1 dd
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
3 inf 3 arm 2 ftr
Rolls: 3@1 5@3; Total Hits: 43@1: (3, 1, 2)5@3: (1, 3, 5, 3, 6)
3 inf
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 33@2: (1, 1, 1)
Greeks are deadly again! -
:-o Jeez, crazy greeks are 6 of 7.
Combat results
WFr twol (mt)
Hol twol
Sco twol (mt)
Gre twlo 3 inf
z109 twol (autokill)
z111 twol
z104 cwolNCM
1 inf NIta to z97 trn
1 ftr 1 tac z104 to z111
1 ftr 1 tac z111 to Fra
1 ftr 3 tac Hol to Fra
1 bom z104 to Fra
1 ftrs Gre to Fra
1 ftr Gre to WGr
2 inf 2 art WGr to Fin v 2 trn
1 inf Nor to Fin
12 inf 1 art Ger to Hun
1 art Fra to WGr
1 mec 5 arm Fra to Ger
2 inf 1 art NIta to Yugo
3 inf 1 art Yugo to Hun
2 inf Bul to RomPlacement
1 ss z112
1 dd z113
1 mec WGr
3 mec 2 art 5 arm GerCollect 55
RUSSIA 2 - Clearing some misguided officers within Red Army.
3Inf(9) + SB(12) + 4Art(16) = 37, save 0COMBAT MOVES
BEL > NOV : 10Inf, Art, AA
BAL > NOV : Inf
RUS > SAM : 2Inf, 2Art
BRY > NUKR: Inf, Art,AA, Arm, MInf
SUKR> NUKR: 2Art, Inf
ROS > SUKR: 2Inf
BURY> AMU : 18Inf, AA
YAK > AMU : Ftr, Tac
NOVO> YEN : MInf, Arm
SUKR: Inf, Art, SB
NOV : 3Art
VOL : 2InfCOLLECT : 37 + 0Saved = 37
Japan 2
screwed up my money last turn, actually have 45 not 35
Purchases 45
1 airbase
1 trn 2 dd
1 inf 1 artCombat
Yun (4 inf)
1 inf 1 art Hun
1 inf 1 arm Kwa
1 ftr 1 tac z36
2 ftrs 2 tac KwaSze (5 inf)
6 ftrs 3 tac 2 bom KwaKwe ()
2 inf ANh
1 mec JehSui ()
1 inf 1 art ChaHop ()
2 inf CHaCombat
2 inf 1 art 1 arm 3 ftr 3 tac
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 4@3 3@4; Total Hits: 51@1: (6)2@2: (4, 4)4@3: (1, 5, 4, 1)3@4: (3, 2, 4)
4 inf
Rolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 24@2: (2, 5, 3, 1)
Yun twlo 2 inf
6 ftr 3 tac 2 bom
Rolls: 6@3 5@4; Total Hits: 56@3: (5, 6, 5, 3, 4, 3)5@4: (3, 2, 5, 5, 3)
5 inf
Rolls: 5@2; Total Hits: 25@2: (1, 5, 1, 6, 3)
sze cwlo 2 ftr
Combat results
Yun twlo 2 inf
Sze cwlo 2 ftr
Kwe, Hop, Sui twol (mt)NCM
1 inf 1 art KWa to z36 -> z42
2 inf Sia to trn z36 -> z42
2 cv 1 dd 1 ca 1 bb z33 to z42
4 inf 2 art Jap to Kwa v 3 trn z6
1 inf Jap 1 art Jeh to z35 v z6 trn
1 dd z33 to z35
1 bb 1 dd 1 ss 1 ca z36 to z35
2 ftr 1 tac z33 to Man
1 tac z33 to Jap
6 inf 1 aa Jeh to Man
1 ftr 1 tac Yun to z36
2 ftr 2 tac Yun to z42
4 ftr 3 tac 2 bom Sze to Kwa
3 inf 1 art Ksi to KWaPlacement
1 airbase Kwa
1 trn 2 dd z6
1 inf 1 art JapCollect 43
USA 2 -
Tr(7) + Inf(3) + Art(4) + DD(8.) + 11(Tac) + SB(12) = 45, save 7COMBAT MOVES
z10 > z26 : 2AC, BB
GUA > z26 : Ftr
HAw > z26 : 2Ftr, Tac
z15 > z26 : Sub
z23 > z26 : Sub
z49 > z55 : DD
z26 > z46 : DD
WUS > HAW : Inf, AA via Tr z10
z26 > z10 : Tr
z10 : Tr, DD
WUS : Tac
CUS : Inf, ArtCOLLECT : 52 + 7saved = 59
CHINA 2 - Fall back! Crazy planes around…
5Inf = 15, save 0COMBAT MOVES
#1 Hopei (2Inf)
SHE : 4Inf, Ftr land in KANATT : 4Inf, Ftr
Rolls: 4@1 1@3; Total Hits: 14@1: (3, 2, 1, 2)1@3: (4)
DEF : 2Inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 1)