• Spring 1942:

    Can an AA Gun be moved (during Noncombat Movement) into a territory that was successfully taken this turn (during Combat)? How about other land units that did not take part in the Combat?

    Example: Russia, Round 1. Russia invades and captures “West Russia” during Combat. Now it is Noncombat. Can the “Russia” (or “Caucasus”) AA Gun be moved into “West Russia”? Can Infantry in “Russia” that did not fight in the Combat phase be moved into “West Russia”?

    The manual does not specify yea or nay. A review of forum posts re: other versions (Revised, Global) and some of the strategy articles suggests that the answer is yes.

    Thanks for the help!

  • '12

    Yes in both cases.  It’s often wise to move the AA gun into WRu after taking it.  Not only can you reinforce a newly conquered country with units that did not participate in combat but you can blitz through.  Tanks from Cau that did not attack can move through WRu that was just captured and reinforce Kar which was also just taken.

  • @Varn:

    The manual does not specify yea or nay.

    Pag 18 - Conclude Combat
    ‘If you win combat as an attacker on a territory and you have one more surviving land units, you take control of it’ (in other words, it becomes a friendly territory, definition on page 8

    Pag 21- Phase 4: Noncombat Move
    ‘On this phase, you can move any of your units that did not move in Combat Move phase or participate in combat during your turn’
    ‘Land Units: a land unit can move into any friendly territory […] this is the only phase in which AA guns may move’

  • The only exception to that is Air units, which may not land in a territory that has been captured during that turns combat phase.

    All land units that have the movement available to them in non-combat may move into any territory that is now considered Friendly (even if just captured that turn).

  • Thank you all for the clarification!

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