What the hell is wrong with you amaricans!

  • We are all humans. We all do dirty work we don’t want other people to know about; but somehow it comes up. The government should just tell us about things that aren’t really that secret. If we know about the delta force, what will happen? Will we riot? I honestly don’t think so, but history is full of suprises.

  • that is enough government bashing!

    The reason they lie about casualties is so the people don’t lose support for the war.

  • (i know i promised no more posts - this is strictly informative) . . .
    an interim report demonstrated that the Canadians “played it by the book” in the friendly fire incident in Afghanistan.

  • Horten, life sucks without government bashing. And IMO, they lose more support in the war by lying to citizens. I would think that the way society thinks now adays, that if we knew they took more of our lives, then we would want to take more of theirs.

  • The government will try keep quiet anything they feel is vital to national security, or makes them or the country look bad. It’s only natural. It may seem like their treating us like children and later on they’ll have some lame reason for doing it. Hey, they make mistakes, too. Every country in this world does it. At least here we can have an election every 4 years…

  • I prefer a corrupt government to anarchy any day!

  • We’re a democracy, if we, the people, don’t want to stop the war because of casualties, then the war should stop.

  • Hey, folks! No need to argue. After all, we’re all part of the same country–- the United Commonwealths, Provinces, States, and Territories of Amerrica. We just put up with Canadians thinking they are a separate country bettter than the People’s Republic of China(PRC) puts up with that little upstart province that calls itself the Republic of China(ROC).

    This too serious for a fun website.

  • Tiwan is seperate from China. Tiwan is were all the capitilsts fled back in 49.

    and Canada is vary seperate from the US just look at our beer canadian’s drink real 5.5-6% beer and in the states they drink barley flavored water. ( what is it like 3.8% Ha anything under 5% is for children and the elderly)

  • MP,Get real! You wouldn’t even have a 'country if we weren’t protecting your delusions. The PRC would have invaded you with an army of 10 million or more.
    “Canada is the country with the largest land mass in the whole world.”- A quote from the most normal Canadian I’ve ever met(can’t you take a joke MP?)

  • Don’t take this the wrong way, but Canada is quite weak. I am a former Canadian and since I moved to the U.S, it is appearent. But in my mind, I’d live in Canada sooner than I would live in the U.S. I hope I am not offending anyone, but I feel the need to speak my views.

  • I hope by weak you mean militarily and population-wise. As I’ve stated before, Canada’s a peacful nation and has no need for a large standing army. I’m also thankful for the low population, I wouldn’t want to deal with that many people.

  • On 2002-05-14 20:03, bossk wrote:
    I hope by weak you mean militarily and population-wise. As I’ve stated before, Canada’s a peacful nation and has no need for a large standing army. I’m also thankful for the low population, I wouldn’t want to deal with that many people.

    That is indeed what I meant. I love Canada.

  • Beautiful country, Canada.
    I hear and read that the Medical system ain’t great. Got a waiting list for lotsa surgery, so if you/they can afford it you/they come down here and pay to get it now(meaning sooner than you/they might get it up yonder. And yet, the whiney butts here in da USA (USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! usa……)
    Sorry about that! Just went Olympic with a touch of 9/11/2001.
    I hear/read that the Rx drugs (Oh, like, far out, man!) are cheaper (due to gov’t footin’ part of da bill er sumpin’ like dat.
    And then, NO RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS? Did I hear that correctly? I guess you/they don’t have enough people up there…criminals cannot find any one to rob/kill etc. … don’t hear much about dat. However, in UK and Australia the crime rates have soared since the right to private gun ownership was taken away. And in the USA (I saw it comin’ so I was able to steel myself for the rush of patriotism) the crime rates have dropped in every state that concealed carry has been passed(at least where the statistics are out). But, Ohio’s Gov. Robert(Bob) taft is a chicken sh*t! He said he’d pass a concealed carry law if elected, won, and then said he’d listen to the FOP(HE AIN’T GONNA GET THE NRA VOTE NEXT TIME, but he’ll probably win since he’s got 10x the $ to spend_).
    I guess I might move this line of thought(CONCEALED CARRY) to a new forum.
    …and now let’s play…
    …Okay, contestants! I need the who, where, and when. Any takers?.._

  • Do you type to ammuse yourself?

  • crime goes down with concealed? can i read that somewhere?

  • On 2002-05-15 22:48, Disclaimer wrote:
    Do you type to ammuse yourself?

    Yes, but I went thru a few personality changes (MPD) while typing the previous note.
    “I tawt I taw a putty tat. I did! I did! I did taw a putty tat!” - Name that character

  • On 2002-05-16 14:14, HortenFlyingWing wrote:
    crime goes down with concealed? can i read that somewhere?

    HFW, try mynra.com
    “I’m a material girl.” - Name dat millionairess

  • True, I once had to do a report on concealed weapons.

  • I hear and read that the Medical system ain’t great.

    I dont know a lot about Canada but i can hardly image a system worse than yours.

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