"Tall Paul's" U.S. Navy / U.S. MARINES, painted by the "WARMACHINE TEAM"

  • Customizer

    Jluna and Others,


    Damn, all these pics are amazing.

    ––Thanks for your compliment and let me add that I couldn’t agree more!  :-D
    ----Let me say right now, that ALL of the talent that went into painting and decalling these U.S. Navy / Marine aircraft belongs to Lucas Hoffman, a.k.a. “LHoffman” here on A&A.Org. I think he does an exceptional job, myself. Usually about half of the units you’ll see our ‘gang’ complete will have been modified/detailed by Wil Tan before Lucas gets them for painting.
    ––My contribution to this huge project is to determine the units and paint schemes that I want, buy all of the supplies, etc., and then try to not go crazy with anticipation as they are shipped/modified/detailed/shipped/painted/decalled/and then shipped again. The “not going crazy” part is fairly difficult, at least for me, haha.  :-D
    ----Our ‘gang’,…the**“WarMachine Team”**, has 3 (three) extremely talented guys working on the units themselves, just reference message #1 of this thread for more info.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    ––Here’s another pic that Lucas used as a reference in painting the Wildcats.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer


    ––All of the previous posts have dealt with Wildcats painted in the “U.S. Navy-early” scheme.
    ----Here are some pics of Wildcats in the “U.S. Navy-intermediate” scheme and “U.S. Marine Corps-Guadalcanal” scheme. These pics were also taken by Lucas.

    “Tall Paul”

    ----Hmmm, sorry guys. The site says my pics have the wrong type of file extension to be posted. I’ll get it figured out and post them soon. They are pics of Carriers, Battleships, Navy and Marine Wildcats all on the game board at Guadalcanal.

  • Customizer

    Pure awesome.  Heyo Tall - glad to see things are rolling.  I’m mobile at the moment so haven’t been able to do any painting…

  • Customizer


    ––It’s always great to hear from you, and thanks for the compliments. The talents these guys prove with every unit certainly deserve the plaudits. And yes, I too am glad that we’re back to work producing some more stuff after a temporary intrusion of some of those 4-letter words,…like life, work, wife, etc.  :-D

    ----“V”, I’ll catch up with you a little later, my friend.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    ––I’m still unable to post those two pics you took of the F-4F Wildcats, Battleship and Carriers around Guadalcanal. If you wouldn’t mind doing so I’d appreciate it if you’d post them here on my U.S. Navy/Marines thread. They show off your painting skills really well and show both the U.S. Marine and U.S. Navy schemes. Thanks, Buddy.

    “Tall Paul”

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Here are those Guadalcanal pics you were looking for Paul:

  • Customizer

    God I’m so jealous!!!
    I’ll have pics up soon from the WaffenFabrik to update Paul’s German and my own Threads.
    No wonder Paul has been so enthusiastic about me getting on with the warships.
    I work in batches and creative flows so It’s hard for me to jump around but now it seems that there is impetus for some Pacific units.
    I’ll have the revised Howitzers on the production line so you can have them to go along with those gorgeous units.
    If you liked the originals, you’ll love these new ones since they have at least 8 more detail points that Lucas can accentuate.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Ships are my favorites!

  • Customizer


    ––Thanks for posting the pics. You do such impressive work, especially with the tiniest of painting details. Although I know you to be a very humble person,…I feel you deserve the limelight that your talents so richly deserve.
    ----And these pics show the differences so well between the “U.S. Marine-Guadalcanal” and the U.S. Navy-Intermediate schemes. Like the black numbers and gunpowder smudges on the wings of the Marines. Well, I gotta run. I’ll be back latter.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    Hey Tall Paul,

    What is the warmachine? Is it a club or group of painters? From what I can see there is allworkandnoclay, Lucus, Paul, LHoffman, and yourself. Does everyone have an account here on A&A.org?

    All this work is incredible, I’m totally floored.

  • Customizer



    Hey Tall Paul,
    What is the warmachine? Is it a club or group of painters? From what I can see there is allworkandnoclay, Lucus, Paul, LHoffman, and yourself. Does everyone have an account here on A&A.org?
    All this work is incredible, I’m totally floored.

    ––Well, I guess the best way to answer that question is to describe us as a group of “Deeply Infected A&A fans” that enjoy painted and/or modified A&A units. Or, another way to answer that is that it’s a conspiracy to try and Bankrupt me!  :-D
    ––One day while I was in the midst of talking with Wil Tan about modifications to some ships and had posted some pics,…another accomplished A&A painter, “Viracoacha”, commented that we sounded like we had a real war machine in the works. I liked his description and adopted it as the name for our ‘gang’ of detailers/painters. Thus, the WarMachine Team was born.
    ––Our ‘gang’ consists of:
    Chad Coffman,…a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=16956.0
    Wil Tan,…a.k.a. “SgtWilTan”… http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28013.0
    Lucas Hoffman,…a.k.a “LHoffman”… http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28579.0
    Paul Harwell,…a.k.a. “Tall Paul”… http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=29550.0

    ----And YES, all of the guys have their own threads here on A&A.Org and I encourage you to check them out.
    I’ve listed the links to their threads for you above following their names.

    ––I hope I’ve answered your question(s) and truly encourage you to “check-out” the guys threads so as to keep up with their latest work. IMHO Wil Tan is a MASTER at modifying units to EXACTLY represent specific models/types of units, like the 3(three) versions of (HBG)Stuart light tanks he has already done. And Lucas has such a MAGNIFICENT talent for accomplishing the tiniest of details! Most of the time when I check out an actual unit he’s painted,…I have to use a magnifying glass to appreciate it.

    ----I’m looking forward to next year’s HBG gaming convention in Oklahoma and really planning on attending if it’s at all possible for me to do so. I’m trying to get as many modified/painted A&A units as possible done so we can all meet and have a real war with them. This would be the FIRST TIME any of these modified/painted units will have been used in a game and I’m very much looking forward to it. I hope YOU might also attend and play with/against our ‘gang’. It will be great to meet and play with/against all of the guys I’ve met here on A&A.Org. As I sometimes say,….

    "What Do Ya’ll Think?
    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    WOW! Thanks for that amazing introduction of all your club members, I will checkout all those links with great interest.


  • Customizer


    ––And as I’m sure you know there are many, many excellent painters on this forum. Sharing pics back and forth inspires all of us to more or better projects,…not to mention I love seeing everyones’ great paint jobs.

    ----Do you think it will be possible for you to make the HBG gaming convention next year? It would be great to meet you and play some A&A 1940-Global games with you. I hope so.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer



    God I’m so jealous!!!
    I’ll have pics up soon from the WaffenFabrik to update Paul’s German and my own Threads.
    No wonder Paul has been so enthusiastic about me getting on with the warships.
    I work in batches and creative flows so It’s hard for me to jump around but now it seems that there is impetus for some Pacific units.
    I’ll have the revised Howitzers on the production line so you can have them to go along with those gorgeous units.
    If you liked the originals, you’ll love these new ones since they have at least 8 more detail points that Lucas can accentuate.

    ––Your “modification/detailing” work is so awesome that we’re all thankful to see them, whenever you’re able to blow us away with your next batch. I’m certainly not hurrying you, and the only reason I have to do so would be get as many units finished by next years HBG gaming convention.
    ----Whenever you do “get the itch” to work on some naval units, let’s make sure we start with the “contemporary” units that HBG and FMG have already produced before working on any OOB units. I spoke with the “Coach” not long ago and it won’t be very long before we have some Japanese units to add to the mix. I’m thinking of the “gun-toting warships” first.
    ––I’m also looking forward to the last batch of “improved” 105 artillery as they will be used for the U.S., U.K., and Anzac forces. For such an ordinary unit,…these still are my favorites of yours(so far).
    ----I’m going to have to start a German thread for your armored units and Lucas’ aircraft.
    ----It’s always good to hear from you.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer



    WOW! Thanks for that amazing introduction of all your club members, I will checkout all those links with great interest.


    ––You might notice that when “checking out” my thread, it has links to different threads where all of the same nation’s units are located(or will be). I realized this was the best way to organize the many different units of all different nations that were being completed at differing times. Also, there were so many comments I quickly realized that they had to be segregated or nobody would be able to find things easily, much less engage in a meaningful discussion. With the flood of German Aircraft and Armored units soon to be completed it will also have it’s own thread. It just makes things a lot easier for everyone. I hope you enjoy them.  :-D

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    ––Here is an “in-process” pic of one of the U.S. Navy APD Fast Transports. These are the famous
    “Green Dragon’s” that were re-built from WW-1 ‘four-piper’ Destroyers into Fast Transports to assist the Marine Raiders in their endeavors. The paint scheme utilises “Allworkandnoclay’s” talent to the max. The units are from Shapeways and have had their depth-charge racks removed so as to have the 48-star U.S. Flag applied to their stern decks. More on these six ships as they progress. Enjoy!
    ––Unless I’m mistaken these are the first highly detailed, painted and decalled SHIPS that the
    WarMachine has done so far.

    Tall Paul

    xUSNavy APD-01.jpg

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    ––Here is an “in-process” pic of one of the U.S. Navy APD Fast Transports. These are the famous
    “Green Dragon’s” that were re-built from WW-1 ‘four-piper’ Destroyers into Fast Transports to assist the Marine Raiders in their endeavors. The paint scheme utilises “Allworkandnoclay’s” talent to the max. The units are from Shapeways and have had their depth-charge racks removed so as to have the 48-star U.S. Flag applied to their stern decks. More on these six ships as they progress. Enjoy!
    ––Unless I’m mistaken these are the first highly detailed, painted and decalled SHIPS that the
    WarMachine has done so far.

    Tall Paul Â

    That is definitely a cool looking transport. :-D

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