• Hi. I am a new player to Axis and Allies. I have played about 7 games so far with my friends. I was wondering if someone who knows the game well can help me out. Here is my problem:

    When i play Germany, i cannot take out russia. I always get beat by the UK. I dunno why. I have tanks, fighters, inf for defense, and even sea units.

    When i play Russia, I always get pounded by Germany, yet they do nothing different than I do as if I played Germany. I have plenty of inf for defense and i even widdle down Japan. Why can i not build up a force and attack?

    When I play the United Kingdon, I always get screwed by Germany. I am constantly bombed and cannot afford too much after the bombing run. I have plenty of AA yet it doesn’t help. How do I get out alive?

    When I play the United States, I always lose in the Pacific to Japan. Then i abandon the Pacific and move towards the Atlantic to start the invasion of Europe. However I never have the right things at the right times.

    And finally when I play Japan, I win the Pacific, but I get slaughtered on land. I have no clue how to play Japan at all.

    What i am really asking for here is help. I just want to know some good moves for each country so I can become a better player. I really appreciate your help. Thanks for taking the time to read my problems.

  • When i play Germany, i cannot take out russia. I always get beat by the UK. I dunno why. I have tanks, fighters, inf for defense, and even sea units.

    When i play Russia, I always get pounded by Germany, yet they do nothing different than I do as if I played Germany. I have plenty of inf for defense and i even widdle down Japan. Why can i not build up a force and attack?

    When I play the United Kingdon, I always get screwed by Germany. I am constantly bombed and cannot afford too much after the bombing run. I have plenty of AA yet it doesn’t help. How do I get out alive?

    When I play the United States, I always lose in the Pacific to Japan. Then i abandon the Pacific and move towards the Atlantic to start the invasion of Europe. However I never have the right things at the right times.

    And finally when I play Japan, I win the Pacific, but I get slaughtered on land. I have no clue how to play Japan at all.

    What i am really asking for here is help. I just want to know some good moves for each country so I can become a better player. I really appreciate your help. Thanks for taking the time to read my problems.

    There is a lot of strategey talk on this site, as well as many of the sites in the “links” section. I would recommend reading a little, and mostly trying new things with each country. But, here is what I have picked up in a nutshell.

    Germany- Get Africa early. This takes away UK money, and gives you more resources to fight USSR. And most people tell ya don’t buy german navy.

    USSR- DEFENSE. Hold both fronts, and try to put pressure on Germany.

    UK- Tough. You must support the Russian land invasion of Germany and the US naval invasion of Europe. Teamwork! The UK is nothing unless it is helping the other two Allies, and should always be triple-teaming Europe.

    US- Forget Pacific and get into Europe. As you’ve proven, UK and Russia need you.

    Japan- Forget Pacific, Asia is worth a heckuva lot more. You can’t do anything against Russia, UK, or US with a bunch of boats 3 turns away from anything.

    Since you’ve played 7 games with some friends, somebody must have won. Analyze what they did and look for ways to A)copy it B)improve it and C)defeat it.

  • Thanks alot for your help. The way I saw them win was actually very weird. In the best of the seven games here is what happened:

    Russia lost all its land except for the capital Russia. It was only getting 8 IPC a turn, yet it still hung on long enough. Germany opened up a two front war on Russia and the UK. Japan controlled the Pacific and took out the UK and US from Asia. The UK though kept up on defense and kept Germany out of the UK and prevented the capital from being taken. The United States did very little and had little impact, yet it still had enough planes and bombers in allied territor in the UK.

    What I don’t understand is this. Should Russia be the first target? And if so what should Germany do to win? Of all 7 games I was only on the winning side twice. I don’t get it.

  • testing … 1-7 … testing … 2-9 …

    Do 2 teqnickel difFikultys I tacke know
    wresponcibillitie 5 al phuchur posds!

  • LG, for newbies, Russia should always be the first objective for both Axis players. If US & UK make mistakes(bad moves) and you roll good dice Russia will fall- often by turn 6 or sooner.
    As Germany I recommend building 10 infantry(2 IPCs left for turn 2). Then us your air and sea power to wipe out the UK navy in the Atlantic and Mediterranean in turn 1 and…(see STRATEGY pages under A&A Germany for details and alternatives).
    As Japan I recommend building 3 infantry and 2 transports(keep buying 1 transport every turn until you have more than enough to transport everything you build in Japan [they can be fodder in case of attack and you will want to pull infantry off the islands to use on the mainland tempting the US player to waste effort in the Pacific]). Attack the US fleet at Hawaii, the Soviet Far East and China(see STRATEGY pages under A&A Japan for details and alternatives).
    “Dear Adolf,
    Blitzkrieg yourself!”
    Gen. G. Patton

  • “Russia lost all its land.” How did that happen? That’s an important thing to know.

    What side were you on when you won? Well, think of ways that the other side could have stopped you, and then use those tactics when you play as that side. One thing to remember about A&A strategy is that it isn’t side-specific. Allied or Axis doesn’t really matter. What matters is understanding the att/def ratios (very important to be able to calculate battles part way in your head), and understanding the important theatres of the game. A strategy that reads “Germany should take Africa to get more IPC” can easily read “Allies should hold Africa to keep Germany from outpacing Russia.” What’s the issue here? UK, Germany? No. Africa is what’s important, and you need to understand it’s value to both sides. Remember, everything in the game is either for you or against you. Depriving your enemy of gaining something they need IS a victory, because that’s one more territory against them for another turn.

    Another hugely important concept is the cause/effect relationship of every action. Taking Africa doesn’t just get UK more land and money, it also deprives the UK of 1/3 of its money. Therefore India is much harder to defend and Japan can grow in Asia faster. Then Russia has a two front war to fight. On the other side of that, Germany must divert resources that could be used against Russia to take Africa, so Russia may get ahead of Germany on that front. Yay for Russia, until Japan comes knocking on the back door and they have to weaken the Eastern front just as Germany is strengthening it. Wow, that’s a long post. The bottom line is that everything you do will affect the game in other parts of the world, and understanding this cause and effect relationship is vital.

    -Willy Wonka
    (I’m sure I said something wrong in here, so wait for me to be corrected before you take it as gospel)

  • Cool you called me LG. People that know me in Delta Force: Land Warrior call me that =)

    It seems that the United States gets involved too early and stops me from taking over Africa. It also means I have to open up 3 fronts, West Germany, Africa, and against Russia. Japan never gets to Russia in time. I think my die are weighted lol

  • LG, I like short posts (inside joke–- see above).
    As for taking Africa … on Germany’s turn 1 during movement phase move the Ger. BB (battleship) from Central Med. SZ (sea zone) to the E. Med. SZ, from S. Europe load a tank(That’s armor, you silly goose!) onto the TRN (transport, you twit!)and move the TRN to the E. Med. SZ to unload into AES (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan if it survives the battle with the British SS (submarine, you nimrod!). If the BB hits the SS you win the sea battle even if the SS sinks the BB(but, if the SS hits you and survives the BB attack, go ahead and lose the TRN with tank to have another shot at the sub…odds are that you will usually be able to land the armor.
    Back to the German movement…in Africa
    1)move the ALG inf south(+1 IPC for Germany),
    2)move the LIB arm south to FEA for a blitzkrieg(+1 IPC for Germany) and then east to attack AES,
    3)move the LIB to join the battle in AES(that will make it a 1 INF & 2 ARM v. 1 INF & 1 ARM battle to your advantage— attacks of
    1,3 & 3 v defense of 2 & 2—you will usually win with 2 ARM left to head south on the next turn.IF THERE IS TROUBLE YOU MAY BE ABLE TO TRANSPORT MORE UNITS FROM S. OR E. EUROPE ON YOUR NEXT TURN[no more than 1 INF or ARM or you weaken your attack on Russia too much.])
    Love keeping it concise! HA!
    “Sit on my Fat Man, Little Boy Tojo!”
    ------------------------Gen D. MacArthur

  • Germany needs to take Russia quickly, before the doughboys and the yanks can get orginized enough to send them any real help. Build all tanks on the first turn, and attack karelia with everything possible. (See My German strategy post) (see also my sovie and russian strategies) for the brits, build a bomber everyturn keep strategicly bombing germany. and build an IC in south africa. For the americans. build a battleship in the pacific and harras the japanese

  • LG,
    As for US moving into Africa too qiuckly…
    Arrange Germany’s air and sea attacks on UK foces on turn 1 so that you land your air power in W. Europe (to hit UK again on turn 2 or US transports…within bomber range at least).Options, always look for options.

    “Where did those bombers come from?”--------
    Japanese Imperial Command after Dolittle raid

  • i think people put way too much stake into what happens in africa. Granted, its important to both sides and Germany must eliminate the english tank and infantry in egypt T1, this way they can slowly overrun it and get about 6 ipcs/turn but I think it quite ridiculous for the allies to comeback with america or uk by retaking it. If they do not all collectively attack germany then the rising sun in the east is going to march on moscow. America’s tanks and men are needed much more in the capture of western europe or the defense of karelia then dinking around with 6-7 ipcs for england.

  • Affirmative!

  • So Africa is a good idea? I mean it is relatively unprotected and it will hurt the UK alot, but won’t it spread out germany? And what happens if russia keep building infantry and nothing else?

  • IMO you shouldn’t spend the money to build any sort of fleet in the med. Just use what you got, and send down a fighter.

    Doesn’t always work though…like everything.

  • So does Russia attack at all or not?? Are they just pure defense???

  • That is a call best left during the game itself. With Russia unrestricted, it is a must, but only attack when the German player has his flank exposed.

  • as russia you have to attack/defend based on what the german player does….if he brings all his tanks to the frontline then buy a bunch of men and a couple tanks and spank that booty…of course if he leaves them1/2 spaces away beware!..maybe just buying men is better.

  • OK ty to all who helped. I appreciate it

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