There was no mark on his body
Not on the outside…which of course was all that mattered in those pre-CSI days. One has to admire the cleverness of the assassins, cringe-worthy as their methodology was.
But Japan neither has the population nor resources that define a superpower.
This is true. However, I do not see china or europe becoming the next super power
I can’t see Europe, but China? Hundreds of college Thesis’s have been about that subject.
If we were in a war against china, They would have nearly 6x times the size of our army. And remember, China is the only country besides us that can detect our Stealth Bombers.
Quote “Ummm, America isn’t a democracy. We are a republic” By Gul’Dan
True we a republic, but don’t split hairs guys you know what I meant. Okay then I support Republics that vote for thier leaders. Ill admit the two main parties for my country tend to get on my nerves, but living under a dictatorship would be worse!!!
For the person who said he or she didn’t believe China can become a superpower, have you actually been there within the past 5 years? Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong are the three of the most modern, high rise cities in the world. Shanghai by itself has a population of 16 million compared with Los Angeles’ 3 million in the inner city. Best of all, crime and careless discarded waste are almost nonexsistent. Fueled by economic growth, population, and natural resources, China is shaping itself to be one of the most modern countries in the world.
I agree, China’s growth is increasing while the rest of the world is slowing down.
China is scaring the hell out of me… that’s why i think they are the wave of the future.
America should of acted stronger when they took our pilots. Symbolically, China became the world’s most powerful power.
What I see happening in the future is a relatively sudden and drastic drop in the human population for one reason or another. Probably in military conflict over land and food. I don’t understand why we almost never hear anything about the absolutely ludicrous rate of growth of the human population. Many of the problems we hear about on the news or read about in the paper are at least indirectly related to the sheer number of people on the planet. People don’t seem to realize that there’s only so much Earth to go around. We here about the spread of disease all the time, but it’s never mentioned that if the Earth weren’t so densly populated by humans it wouldn’t be so easy for disease to spread. Also polution wouldn’t be as bad as it is. Driving would be safer. Endangered animals would be less endangered. Starving people wouldn’t have to starve. Oh, kind of got carried away, sorry about that. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
the earth is larger han we think. look at all the empty space in america.
once the earth population hits 10 billion, we won’t be able to feed ourselves.
I have never been to china. I retract my statement. I like and respect bush, but I dont think he acted all to well when they had our pilots. Also, the worlds population, especially Africa, is about to take a large drastic drop to to the HIV virus. The thing has a hundred percent death rate. I dont think our population will reach 10 billion or if it does, it wont stay their before long, due to HIV and war.
This is very utopian, it is not even my opinion, but I read it somewhere.
HIV is the savior of mankind. Man is on a pace to double every 25 years! Thats 12 Billion by the year 2025. By 2050, 24 billion. That would destroy earth.
I don’t agree with it, but its a unique point of view.
I heard something other than every 25 yrs, but it works out the same either way, eventually there will be too many people to feed. Let me give you an example of what happens when population exceeds food supply:
I don’t remember the exact time and place this happened.
About 200 reindeer were put on an island, where they lived for a while at a steady population of about 200. One year they started breeding like mad and they ended up at like 2000 or 2500. Shortly thereafter there were 8 left. If you look at a chart of their population growth and that of the human race they are identical in shape, the only difference is that our chart doesn’t have a vertical drop yet.
I remember seeing that same example.
Weren’t hunters called in to kill some off eventually?
I too think that HIV is a savior for mankind, and this may sound barabric to you, I also bealive the same thing about war. War is almost like a fail safe. If we over populate, then we go to war with eachother for food suplies. then the population drops, so theres more to go around. Course I could be some barbaric who belongs running in the woods with a club and a bear skin.
"This is very utopian, it is not even my opinion, but I read it somewhere.
HIV is the savior of mankind. Man is on a pace to double every 25 years! Thats 12 Billion by the year 2025. By 2050, 24 billion. That would destroy earth.
I don’t agree with it, but its a unique point of view."
In the 1600s, England thought it was “over-populated.” Aids might kill 4/5ths of Africa in 20 years, but i see hope. I’m sure india is going to wise up like China and start limiting over-population.
But here’s something to think about. America has 1/26 of the earth’s population, but produces 60% of the world’s toxic waste, and i think 30% of the world’s garbage. basically, if everyone in america was blown up, the world would be done a lot of good. our 280,000,000 people plus 30,000,000 illegal immigrants consume maybe the needs of 3,250,000,000 people. That is plain insane. I guess Americans need their paper cups, and SUVs.
I’m trying to make a difference! i washmy plastic utensils, and i no longer buy styrofoam cup of noodles. That and i’m trying to reforrest this area with the science club…
HIV the savior of mankind? What a horrible thing to say. I have friends who suffer from AIDs. The pain watching his/her body degenerate is simply appalling. AIDs is not a quick death, it’s slow, gruesome, and devoid of almost any hope.
With that said, it’s a shame we’re overpopulating the world. Though studies have shown that the human population will reach it’s maximum of 9 billion in 2070 due to declining fertility rates (by 2100 1/3 of the population will be over 60), I feel the world is overpopulated enough as it is. The solution to this question is not war or engineered disease, but laws regarding reproduction. The world should take heed to China’s example of 1 child per family with limits at 2 children per family worldwide.
Horten, I admire the fact that you try to conserve and regenerative nature’s once abundant resources. In the future I see huge problems arising over efficient garbage disposal. I too try to save and reuse whatever I can. There simply isn’t must of an Earth left to go around.
[ This Message was edited by: TM Moses VII on 2002-04-18 16:56 ]
Another killer that is on the rise is cancer. Because of the polution caused by an industrial society, and unhealthy diets, the cancer rate is going through the roof, and it’s going to continue to expand in 1st world nations like the U.S. faster than HIV is expanding in Africa. And Europe is so past it’s prime, they’re never be united enough, and apart they are weak.
Canada will most definitely rule the world, no doubt. :wink:
Im sorry that you have friends who are suffering with aids. However the HIV Virus is a super killer. It has a 100% death rate. Its not airborns, and it incubates for something like 10 years.Plus, It mutates fast as heck, so thier will never be a cure. I dont know, but it seems like it was something to control an overpopulated species like us.
On 2002-04-18 18:51, yourbuttocks wrote:
Another killer that is on the rise is cancer. Because of the polution caused by an industrial society, and unhealthy diets, the cancer rate is going through the roof, and it’s going to continue to expand in 1st world nations like the U.S. faster than HIV is expanding in Africa. And Europe is so past it’s prime, they’re never be united enough, and apart they are weak.
Canada will be at war with America in 35 years…and lose. Just a prediction.