Btw, what do you guys think of the developments in Israel this last week. Israel is jailing Arafat in his compound, not allowing him any contact to the outside world, and asking him to DO something! What the hell is he gonna do?
Egypt pulling out of Israel, I can see other countries not hesitating to do so.
Ariel Sharon is the worst Prime Minister (from my point of view) In Israel for a long time. Hell, Israelies voted out their best hope for peace during a special election (Sorry, its late, I forget the guy’s name)
Now, Israel takes military action and screws over their chances for peace. If it continues, the UN would probably side with Palestine.
Now, I ask you, why does the US stay in Israel? They produce nothing of worth, have no oil, and we no longer need them as a presence there to fight against the Soviets! I think we should pull out, put our aid somewhere where its better spent, either on Humanitarian aid or US interests.
Put money into these (IMO)
(a) Somalia - We gave up 9 years ago
(b) Fight Against Aids - There is always a cure, we just need to fund it
© Other Middle Eastern Countries - Jorden needs it a hell of a lot more than Israel, Jorden doesnt even have enough water for it’s own people.
(d) Home - Domestic issues. Social Secuirity (which we need to get rid of entirely, the system is flawed), and Economic issues.
(e) Pay off our Debt!