Can Tanks move 2 areas in Non Combat Movement phase ?

  • '16

    The title says it all and it is really a silly question I dare to ask.  :-D

    By reading the unit charts (Move: 2) I have always assumed that tanks can move 2 areas both in Combat Movement Phase & Non Combat Phase.

    Now, re-reading the Blitz special ability, it occurs to me that I might have been wrong all this time and the 2 area moves is only for Blitzing in Combat Move Phase.

    Moving 1 area in NC Phase would make a big difference like the speed of binging reinforcements to the front and would really highlight the Blitz ability.

    Can any seasoned player clarify it ?

    Happy New Year and Gaming to all

  • Tanks can move up to a maximum 2 spaces in any given turn but if they have moved in combat, they cannot move in non-combat afterwards.

    They can “blitz” through unoccupied enemy territory (thus taking the territory) and into an adjacent territory, enemy or friendly (conducting combat and/or ending their turn in that 2nd territory) in the Combat movement phase or move through a friendly territory and into an adjacent enemy territory and conducting combat (not blitzing, just moving 2 spaces).

    Alternately, you can move them 1-2 spaces in non combat (if they didn’t move in combat) through friendly territory.

  • '16


    Tanks can move up to a maximum 2 spaces in any given turn but if they have moved in combat, they cannot move in non-combat afterwards.

    Yes, you are right. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I did not mean that they could move in both phases.
    My only concern was that if they moved in the NC phase, then they could only move 1 area.

    Thanks for the clarification. The fact that they can move 2 hexes in NC phase do no highlight the Blitz ability, IMHO. After all, a Blitz is simply an ordinary 2 area movement in Combat Movement Phase (with the restriction that first area must be hostile). I don’t see any special ability here.

  • The special ability is that they can move through an unoccupied enemy territory, taking it, and then move on to a 2nd territory.  Otherwise, they would be forced to end their move in the enemy territory (occupied or not) because taking a territory (even without fighting for it) is considered a “combat” move (all units end their turn when entering combat … except for blitzing tanks).

  • @Rorschach:

    all units end their turn when entering combat … except for blitzing tanks

    And planes, and transports accompanying a navy performing a sea battle before an amphibious assault, not to mention the retreat option  :-)

  • @jiman79:


    all units end their turn when entering combat … except for blitzing tanks

    And planes, and transports accompanying a navy performing a sea battle before an amphibious assault, not to mention the retreat option  :-)

    Their turns are all ended upon entering combat as well.

    The retreat option is part of combat movement. 
    Naval units cannot make further moves upon entering combat (transports unload during the combat phase, after conducting any naval battles)
    Planes must return to a friendly territory at the end of their combat phase.  :P

  • Official Q&A

    To clarify, land units must end their combat movement upon entering a hostile territory (blitzing tanks being the exception), sea units must end their combat movement upon entering a hostile sea zone (subs being the exception, if there are no enemy destroyers), and air units may move freely through hostile spaces.

    All units must end their combat movement either under the above restrictions or in a space in which combat will occur (which may or may not be the same thing).  Of course, there are various exceptions to this, such as transports conducting an amphibious assault from a friendly sea zone and sea units moving from a hostile sea zone to escape combat.

    Neither land nor sea units may move in noncombat movement if they either moved in combat movement or participated in combat.  However, air units may (and possibly must) move in both phases, as they must return to a safe landing space after combat, and this is done in the noncombat movement phase.

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