• Anyone intrested in a realistic, historically accurate WW2 tatical RTS? Then look no further!
    here’s a review:

    This game looks awesome, has an intuitive interface, is stunningly detailed graphics, dead on with it historic accuracy, and mind-numbingly, straight jacket wearing, little animal stomping, white knuckle crackingly realistic/difficult!!! I have had this game (down-loaded from STEAM) for the last few months and its is quite the experiance, fun, fast paced, and f***ing brutal! This is not a tradational RTS, there is no base building or really an resources to collect. The only resource is a point system that increases over time, and faster the more objectives you capture. The points allow you to call for reinforcments that come in from off screen. Objectives are marked by flags posts, usually defended by sandbag and MG emplacments. The more objectives you capture the more points you get and the more units you gain access to. The realism is top notch, and forces the player to take a combined arms aproach to combat. Seriously, building a horde of infantry and throwing them against a section defended by troops and a few MG’s and you watch as your troops die in droves. Similarly, if you send your colum of tanks against an infantry unit you’ll get to watch (with increasing fury) as these “puny” infantry pop your tanks like beer cans(not just allied tanks) with their anti-tank gernades, mines and AT rifles, and AT guns you didnt know were there. Great fun, very challenging, extreamly detailed and over all a great game. Check this one out!

  • Played last night, tried to take Carentan from the Germans as the US last night, didnt go so well. Took the first line of German positions, got caught up in trying to press the Germans on their left flank and didnt notice the German puma move in on my left flank and it wiped out 2 squads worth of men, and a mortar team and then moved in on my center. I quite after that (felt bad getting so many G.I.s killed and angry that none of them had the presence of mind to throw a damn AT gernade!)

    I moved on to playing as the Germans and pushing the US out of St. Hilaire, which went much better. with the help of 2 mortars I managed to take the first line position with minimal loss and moved on the trying to take the town center. I got bogged down here for a bit as US Sherman tanks kept showing up and managed to get the drop on the 1 or 2 Stug or Panzer III I had once or twice. Enentually I managed to secure the center, after digging in on my right with some MG’s and a Pak40. I thought I had secured my left with a 20mm flak cannon be used against US troops and light vehicles, until a bumped into a dug in 75mm artillery, which promptly destroyed my flak cannon. Brought up my mortars and finally killed the crew (but the gun was intact and my troops made good use of it  :-D ). I also managed to repair a few abanonded Sherman M4 tanks and turned them against the US position as well, which was hilarious! Finally after over running the US’s right flank and taking out 2/3 of their supporting 75mm (may have been 105mm actually) artillery (4 pieces total) I managed to mass 3 Stug’s, 2 Panver IVs and a Tiger tank and over run their final position and secure the town. In total I think it took me like and hour and a half to accomplish, its a brutal game!

  • I’m going to check this out…

    Is there multiplayer?  And can you play CO-OP vs the Computer?

  • @Gargantua:

    I’m going to check this out…
    Is there multiplayer?  And can you play CO-OP vs the Computer?

    Yes, Men of War Assault Squad was actually designed with a mulit-player focus and the online community is alive and kickin! You can play one of a number of 1v1 or 2v2 up to 5v5 multiplayer or you can play on-line coop with another player and play the regular missions. also, if you go through steam they have all the DLC thats been released for the game available, the “supply packs”(DLC) bravo and charlie have extra multi-player maps while the supply pack alpha has an additional mission for all 5 factions. Its a great game Garga you could do alot worse  :-D

  • Here’s a little about some of the games I’ve played in the on-line matches.

    In one game I was playing as the Germans (I seem to get stuck playing as the Germans alot) and was fighting a night battle against the US over a partial destroyed railroad/industrial center. I had secured the central objective and then pushed hard to my left into the next objective (there were 4 objectives in the middle of the map, 3 of the 4 were in the half ruined railroad/industrial center in the middle of the map). The US had secured the two objectives on either side of me, plus the 4th one which was in a bombed out village across the road. I hit the objective to my left with the aid of a Panzer I and pushed the GI’s out. The tried to do the same on my right, this way I could clear the railroad/industrial center for myself and focus on pushing across the road and pushing the US off the map altogether. I botched the initial attack on my right and sent in the assault platoon first(which got butchered) and then the Panzer I, which was promptly blown up. I tried again but this time called in a Puma and another assault platoon, sending the assault to creep along the outside of the building while the GI’s focused on the Puma charging into their area. I was apparently fighting a group of US combat engineers who had rigged a number of mines along the only route into their half of the building, and my Puma was blown up, however this enabled my assault platoon to take a flanking position and mow the rest of the GI’s down (the ones the my Pumas initial advance didn’t get). After this I secured their objective and now controlled the entire industrial center area. As I began to re-position my squads and prepare to assault what I assumed to be the lightly held bombed out town, a M4A1 Sherman showed up and plowed into the center of the industrial center with guns blazing. I rushed another Puma into position to try and stop the damn thing and felt that I should make short work of it as I had realized in had backed into the building. My Puma rolled up, fired its shot into the rear armor of the Sherman, I watched in horror and angered disbelief as my shot BOUNCED OFF THE REAR ARMOUR OF A SHERMAN, it swung its turret around, fired, and blew up my Puma in one shot, which exploded masterfully. I promptly punched my lap-top and exited the game. Its a great game but it can be so frustrating!  :-)

  • The entire MEN OF WAR pack is available for less than $20 on Steam for the next 27 hours.

  • Does that include the new Viet-nam game? Have you been playing any of them?

  • JUST bought the whole setup… will be playing this weekend!

  • Do you know if there’s any good ww2 tactical game with turns instead of real time?

    I tried heart of iron 3 (and that game doesn’t have turns either) but I find it too deep in rules to like it. (I feel like I need to read a 200pages manual to be able to play it)

  • @Gargantua:

    JUST bought the whole setup… will be playing this weekend!

    well? How did it go? Im dying to hear what you thought of it!

  • So Gar did you like the game or are you cursing me for telling you about it now?  :-D

  • I bought SO MANY GAMES on the steam sale, I haven’t had a chance to play it! lol.

  • @Noll:

    Do you know if there’s any good ww2 tactical game with turns instead of real time?

    I tried heart of iron 3 (and that game doesn’t have turns either) but I find it too deep in rules to like it. (I feel like I need to read a 200pages manual to be able to play it)

    I wouldn’t give up on the entire series, try Hearts of Iron 2 or Hearts of Iron Darkest Hour edition, both are much simpler and intuitive. You can download it from STEAM but make sure you get the game that says Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron game and not Darkest Hour Europe 44-45, thats and FPS not an RTS.

    Darkest Hour is alot of fun with a much better map then the other HOI games. Also its the only one with a 1914 start date, which is alot of fun.

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