German Opening Move (w/RR and 2HBS)

  • I was just wondering what your thought on the opening move for the Germans. I play online all the time so I use RR and 2HBS.

    The Russian Sub and Tranny are in UK sea zone.
    Russia bought 8 Inf all in Kar w/all starting troops.

  • Man I hear a lot of people talk up the eight

    inf for Russia in the Northern port but I

    would never do that. Those 8 could get rocked

    and Russia may never recover from such a blow

    There are many different options with Germany

    but I think Inf are your best bet. Not to

    say just Inf but never avoid them altogether

    in the first round. Germany’s future depends

    on the speed in which they can move their


  • if they get rocked…there infantry and most part of his armor gets rocked. Second turn you can counterattack with british forces and with your 4 russian tanks in russia. Its not easy to break a defence of 18 or 19 infantry combined with 2 fighters.

  • Build 1 transport, 8 infantry. Pull back from Ukraine. Attack British fleet. Attack British bb with 1 sub 1 bomber. Place 4 infantry in Southern Europe, 4 in Germany.

  • I to have attacked Kar on the first turn but have ALWAYS wished I had not. After UK knocks down your remaining force Russia then comes in to clean up. Yea Russia is hurt but I think that move really hurts the Japs because the USA can now be a big thorn in the side of Japan because they do not really need to be in a big rush to get into Europe and this in turn allows Russia to not have to worry about to much about Japan who is forced to cover his back door. While the whole time UK is buying trannys and keeping Germany at bay. So I think the attack into Kar is a BIG BLUNDER but if the dice gods are on your side and you are able to get into Kar with a larger then normal force and reinforced by a Japan fighter or two things could be very grim for Russia and in turn the Allies.

  • I think Yanny has a pretty could handle on

    the situation.

  • In my games the British force is non-existant

    Also I don’t recall the Russians cutting into

    any of my tanks. Tanks are great for

    firepower therfor you should avoid there hits

    as much as possible. 16 inf and a few

    fighters go right down the tubes while the

    Germans only loose some Inf….

  • germany lacks infantry on turn 1, so you will A.lose some tanks B.Send your fighters and bombers to help out and to neglect the british and us navy. Either way your gonna end up in a vulnerable position.

  • I was using the 16 inf as an example refered

    to earlier by someone else. Most attacks

    on Kar… don’t come in the first round…

    Wait… Okay I see that you plan on using the

    US all out against Germany. Therefor you have

    a sound plan. Let me ask you this though…

    Would you place a strong defense in Kar with

    Russia if you planned on using the US in a

    way other than going all out for Germany?

  • hmm yes i think so, i allways play all out germany though, so wouldnt know.

  • Yes, king tiger, I think at least for the first few turns it is important to build your defensive might while using hit and fade tactics to keep the Germans low on infantry (thereby preventing an attack). Then I slowly build tanks and offensive units to take the weakened territorys. It seems to work fairly well, even if the Americans aren’t coming.

    [ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-01-16 18:26 ]

  • It looks like the battleship at Gibraltar MUST DIE so I attack it with at least my sub and my bomber. Could it be necessary to use more? Ok usually you sink it and you don’t lose more than your sub but if your rolls go slightly wrong your whole Africa force will be wiped out! Furthermore I think that building tanks is a bit premature while being so low on infantry. Karelia is probably too well defended to kill it quickly, and even if you succeed you will only have some tanks left that will be destroyed in a counter attack. I like to collect IPC in Africa first before trying to expand in the east, so I also go for the extra transport+infantry in the south.

    [ This Message was edited by: Sadistik Exekution on 2002-01-18 04:10 ]

  • '10

    Assuming you are talking about a no bid game:

    Purchase: 8 infantry, submarine.


    Africa- blitz FEA with tank from Libya and move it to Algeria. Take FWA with infantry unit from Algeria.

    Take out caucauses if at all possible with ground units only(Russia usually only leaves one or two infantry there). I’ll usually attack one infanty with one infantry and a tank.

    Attack North Sea with submarine, 4 fighters, and a bomber.

    Attack Gibraltar Battleship with Battleship, submarine, and fighter from ukraine. Also load tranny and take Gibraltar and offload the other infantry to Algeria in non-combat(if your opponents allow you to do this, some are anal about this.)


    Move two infantry from finland to algeria using the baltic transport. Also move the remaining infantry in Libya to Algeria.

    Land fighter in Mediterranean and bomber in Algeria.

    Depending what Russia has in Karelia it may be hard to hold both Western and Eastern Europe…if I’m left with a choice I’ll trade western with the allies for a few rounds.

  • Why would you want to take Gibralter?
    Isn’t Egypt more important 1st round?

  • '10

    In a no bid game with Germany getting no extra units in Africa…hitting Egypt is a bad move. UK can counter with 3 infanty a fighter and a bomber which will most likely clear any German forces which survive the attack on Egypt. Taking Gibraltar is important because if you don’t UK can add two fighters to a possible attack on the German fleet in the W. Med sea because they now have a landing spot in Gibraltar.

  • Ahhhhh….

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