• OK…we all know what it takes to win the game! With a little debate amongst everyone, we all pretty much have the winning formula down. I’ve seen a couple threads in here about the same strategy, where the same 2 guys debate back and forth, to and fro, over and over and over…boring! Agree to disagree. How many different ways are there to make the same point?!?
    What I want to know is, what other strategies have you tried? The ones that are risky but FUN…not your usual, run of the mill, boring old strategies that everyone pretty much knows.
    You know what it takes to win, but what does it take to spice up a game?

    P.S. you will be marked on your essay for imaginative creations…

  • i think my russian attack on turn 2 against eastern europe kinda spices up the game. Germany has to defend itself long enough, to help Japan fighting its way into Russia. Usually ends up with a fight for moscow with the Japs devastated and germany defeated :smile:.

  • Most people probably wouldn’t agree with me, but I like to keep the US out of Europe and focused on the Japanese. I think that Germany can be taken out by Russia and the UK and I often play this way. By threatening Japan from the Pacific the US can limit the number of troops the Japanese will have on the mainland.
    I also think my hit and fade tactics with Russia not only keeps them alive but allows them to eventually go on the offensive. You just hit the Germans with everything you have to draw off their infantry then you simply retreat; this prevents the Germans from attacking, allowing you to build more infantry and eventually tanks and perhaps fighters.

    [ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-01-02 17:11 ]

  • Build 3 tanks 3 infantry as russia first turn, 2 tanks 6 infantry second turn. Makes for some fun, aggresive play.

  • I agree with Bossk. Love keeping the US in the Pacific to attack Japan either directly or in Asia. It puts alot of German pressure on Russia and Britian’s got to help them quick. But overall, it’s a good try for the Allies. Ocassionally, it will work…

  • the US in Pacific is always a twist….I like trying to creep up thru the islands to basically pester the Japs. Sometimes I like buying IC’s for odd locations to see the outcome. an IC for UK in S. Africa, or Australia.
    Once in a while, my group will just have an abnormal game where we must all try strategies other than the usual. This makes for some interesting matches.

  • us in the pacific.all out tank battles for africa.operation sea lion or a my personal favorite a us attack for germany.Russia attack germany all out and huge fleet batles in the pacific plus sub warfare in the atlantic.

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