AA42 is easier and plays faster. Its got the aa50 prices on units, so you can bomb the enemy out of business.
Its for like $25 bucks on preorder. comes out in less than 3 weeks.
I’d like to start playing A&A by email, but I really don’t know how. How do I go about this? It would seem kind of difficult, but I really don’t know. So if there’s anyone out there that can explain it to me SLOWLY I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.
The best way to play by e-mail is go to th Axis and Allies Members club and sign up. They have all the map utilities and rules you need as well as a dice server to make your rolls for you. I belive they will even asign you a “mentor” to help you get started. Here is the link:
Give it a try.
playing via email is very slow. I suggest using the video game or doing it via Chat roo m, makes the games last longer.
On 2001-12-07 14:28, dezrtfish wrote:
The best way to play by e-mail is go to th Axis and Allies Members club and sign up. They have all the map utilities and rules you need as well as a dice server to make your rolls for you. I belive they will even asign you a “mentor” to help you get started. Here is the link:http://www.aamc.net/axisandallies.shtml
Give it a try.
Thanks very much. It would seem that it’s very confusing, but once I give the rules a read thru I’m sure I can figure it out. Thanks again.
On 2001-12-07 16:13, Yanny wrote:
playing via email is very slow. I suggest using the video game or doing it via Chat roo m, makes the games last longer.
I had a friend of mine that was gonna burn the CD for me, but he never got around to it. I have seen it in stores as recently as a couple of months ago, but you think I can find it NOW? I’ve checked ebay, but some of the prices are a bit steep considering I saw it in the ten dollar bin not long ago. So I’ll wait for it. Now that’s the one you can play on The Zone with isn’t it? If so, I’d like to play there, but I’ve found out the hard way what some people do on The Zone when they’re losing a game when I played backgammon online there. Really any online game as I’ve played a LOT of chess online and the same things happen there too. While I realize that email A&A may take a LONG time to play, I think I’d like that better unless I knew the person I was playing while online or the person was committed to finishing the game win or lose. Too much “dropping” goes on in those game rooms that has really turned me off to online gaming of any kind. Thanks for the reply.
Another Axis & Allies club where you can play by e-mail is International Axis and Allies Players Association at http://www.axisandallies.net. They also support CD Rom play and face to face board games.