• Hello

    Just wondered what people think of the booster pack - D-Day - due out in June 2006.
    The pack contains tank traps, pillboxes, jagdtiger, etc.

    I am slowly working my way through collecting the other sets, but its looks like this game is going to go on and on, so i’m just wondering what costs we could be looking at over the next few months!!!

    I’m thinking perhaps i sould have stayed with A&A Europe so you know when you’ve spent £40 on the game there is nothing else to buy!

    Still, the idea of units like pillboxes and tank traps sounds good, but for this to work i think they really must produce better maps to use this all on.


  • You’re right. Big expenditure. I just get the units I really like. I have to admit the D-Day news was a bit disappointing for me. It boasts it will include the Spitfire which I was hoping was coming with Contested Skies. I was hoping for some new map tiles too. I’m sure the pieces will be great though.

  • This game advertizes asa collectible game, so there’s no mystery that they’re gonna keep putting out expansions for as long as there’s an audience to sell them to. Which is fine with me, since I bought the game knowing that. I didn’t know about this D-Day pack, but I’m stoked for it. Especially the pillboxes, tank traps and things like that. But there’s no new maps?


  • @GrimJesta:

    there’s no new maps?


    That is an assumption I am making based on the boosters not including any maps in the past. Since the booster pack box sizes appear to match all the previous releases I doubt any additional maps or map tiles will be coming.

    Check out this link to a forum post on this board for a company selling maps for this game;


  • I can tell you that I’ve easily spent $1000 on this game since it came out.  I have at least one of every piece in Sets 1 & 2, and I’m not spending any more money until Set 3 comes out!

  • $1000? Jesus.


  • 1000$ where are you buying your boosters?  thats a rip off if you only have 1 of each piece.  I have spent at most $350  and i have the entire set 1 and 2.  with many mulitple good rares.  with 1000 spent i would easily have 3 of every rare and like 20 of every common.  thats way too much for what you only have

  • Well, he did say “at least” so he probably has way more than 1 of each piece. I’ve spent under $100 and have most of both sets, so I’m sure he has like 5 of everything at the minimum.  :mrgreen:

    Regardless… jeeze. I’d have a dope new computer for me and my girlfriend if I had $1000 to spend. Damn you people with expendible cash! shakes fist villainously  :evil:


  • yup it wud b another spending spree all over again…i’ve just started buying contested skies n within the nxt 3 months there wud b another new epansion up for grabs… :-D…im already geting dizzy on the cash dats going out of my wallet…anyway thats wat moneys for… :-P

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I’ve also spend approximately $300 on the first 2 sets and will spend about another $150 for the next set to get my 18 boosters.

    There are a lot of units that never get used and the first 2 sets have been out for a while. If you do your research, you can figure out exactly what you need and put together a great collection for about $100. When new sets come out, you can save money by waiting a month before buying any units and, again, doing the research to figure out what to buy and what not to buy.

    Collectible is more costly that a boardgame but it is cheaper than other miniatures games like Flames of War. The collectible nature also helps generate and maintain a community that plays the game.

  • @djensen:

    Collectible is more costly that a boardgame but it is cheaper than other miniatures games like Flames of War. The collectible nature also helps generate and maintain a community that plays the game.

    Yea dude, this game is how I rectified my problem with FoW being too much money to bother with. My GF and I started collecting armies, but it just got to be too much. Yea, it looks cheap at first when compared to other wargames, but it’s still costly after paints, terrain, glue, scalpels, miniatures, game tokens, the rulebooks, etc…


  • Yea, it looks cheap at first when compared to other wargames, but it’s still costly after paints, terrain, glue, scalpels, miniatures, game tokens, the rulebooks, etc…

    Indeed. I use A&A as a “break” from Warhammer 40,000- a labor-intensive game if I ever saw one. Assembling, cleaning, painting, building terrain, converting minis 'cause the company got lazy… Wonder why A&A looks so “easy” by comparisson?..lol

    I can tell you that I’ve easily spent $1000 on this game since it came out.  I have at least one of every piece in Sets 1 & 2, and I’m not spending any more money until Set 3 comes out!

    :-o Ouch. My group tends to buy a case or so at a time (We’re only up to 2 series one cases, and 1 case of each series 2 and 3) and we have complete sets of our ‘chosen’ armies, as well as enough ‘spares’ to trade for whatever we might need/want…

  • Going to be some fun stuff in D-Day, oh yes indeed  :-D A lot of new units to add, and some more ‘basic needs’ like pillboxes.  While I’m not always happy with yet another Sherman variant, at least they are fairly different from each other.  Even the Veteran M4’s two SAs make it radically different from the basic M4A1.  Also let’s not forget… the Canadians are coming  :wink:

    On GW: Oh if I could only have all the time and money back that I spent on GW.  The only game of theres I still even play is Blood Bowl, and only because it’s not nearly as cost intensive as the rest of their games.  GW games aren’t bad, and can be quite fun, but I found it’s just not worth the effort, especially with lugging all your boxes of units around.  AAM is sooo much easier to transport, set up, play.

  • Lets not forget that GW releases “new editions” of the core books and codices once the money flow slows down a bit. Color me jaded and cynical. But I don’t forsee A&AM screwing my wallet in that regard. New sets are fine, since I can ignore them at will, but GW…  :x


  • I think what I should do is sell some of my existing units to stores in my area.  I have like 5 Tiger I’s, 4 IS-2’s, and those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head, not to mention other uncommons.  I’m pretty sure I’ve got like 20-ish Panzer IV’s, same with the Shermans.  Since Set 3 came out, I’ve accumulated 3 Stukas, 3 Me-109’s, 3 Mustangs, 2 IL-10’s, and only 1 Zero.

  • On GW: Oh if I could only have all the time and money back that I spent on GW.  The only game of theres I still even play is Blood Bowl, and only because it’s not nearly as cost intensive as the rest of their games.  GW games aren’t bad, and can be quite fun, but I found it’s just not worth the effort, especially with lugging all your boxes of units around.  AAM is sooo much easier to transport, set up, play.

    Amen to that. I have case upon case of 40k stuff- and that’s just for ONE army. A&A? A Walmart tackle/tool kit with one army in it…lol

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