• I’m no stranger to Axis and Allies but this version has quite a few new gameplay mechanics and I just want to make sure I have everything right. Regarding political collapses… I understand that the nation returns all of its pieces on the board to the box, and that it no longer gets a turn, but I’m a little unclear as to what happens after that.

    1. If there are enemy pieces in their territories that were contested by the collapsing nation, do these territories become controlled by the enemy player automatically?

    2. If those territories were contested by the collapsing nation AND one of their allies, does the collapsing player simply remove their pieces and the territory remains contested by their allies and the opposing power(s)?

    3. According to my understanding, once their pieces are removed it seems like enemy nations can still gobble up all the territories once that particular nation surrenders. Is that correct? How does this work with allies of the collapsing power? Can they also take control of those territories, or do they only get to put their roundel down on the collapsed power’s territories if they take the territory from an enemy power?

  • Official Q&A


    1. If there are enemy pieces in their territories that were contested by the collapsing nation, do these territories become controlled by the enemy player automatically?

    2. If those territories were contested by the collapsing nation AND one of their allies, does the collapsing player simply remove their pieces and the territory remains contested by their allies and the opposing power(s)?

    Control of any territories that the collapsed power was contesting is established, if necessary, using the rules for moving all units on one side out of a contested territory found under “Land Units” on page 15 of the rulebook.


    3. According to my understanding, once their pieces are removed it seems like enemy nations can still gobble up all the territories once that particular nation surrenders. Is that correct? How does this work with allies of the collapsing power? Can they also take control of those territories, or do they only get to put their roundel down on the collapsed power’s territories if they take the territory from an enemy power?

    Former allies (or enemies) of the collapsed power may take control of its formerly controlled territories by simply moving an infantry unit into them.

  • Thanks Krieghund

  • I would like to add to answer 3, that if the capital that was captured is liberated, any of it’s territories that are in control of friendly powers, immediately go back the original owner.  ie.  Moscow is liberated by UK.  UK controlled Livonia goes back to Russian control.  See pg. 20 Capturing and Liberating Capitals, next to last para .

  • Official Q&A


    I would like to add to answer 3, that if the capital that was captured is liberated, any of it’s territories that are in control of friendly powers, immediately go back the original owner.  ie.  Moscow is liberated by UK.  UK controlled Livonia goes back to Russian control.  See pg. 20 Capturing and Liberating Capitals, next to last para .

    The OP’s questions are not regarding the capture of a capital, but rather the tournament rules for the political collapse of a power.  Once a power suffers a political collapse, it is permanently out of the game.

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