And don’t worry about mine, honestly. Thanks again for the offer.
Request for Website Additions/changes
Would it be possible to add some of the most often sought after links to the main website instead of the current frequent re-posting to the Message Boards?
Specifically, links for the various Dicey’s, TripleA, etc?
Perhaps we can fill in the “Play” link on the main page with this info? I am willing to search the boards to get a consolidated list of those links if it is needed…Also, while we are discussing links, several of the links on the main page are now dead… is apparently out of business.Offering whatever help is needed as part of this, or strategy collection, etc…
Djensen is on vacation right now. He is planning a makeover when he gets back I think.
Not a problem… just offering suggestions :-)
Links? No problem.
Post a list.
OK… link suggestions…
Classic Dicey: Dicey: Zone/Territory Abbreviations (Classic): Harris Tournament Rules (Revised):