@panther right on . I’m glad it’s working ok for others. The switch from firefox to Brave and the ubuntu update only thing I can think of that changed on my end.
Thanks again for all that you do :grin: :+1:
I have been playing AA Spring 42 online at Gametableonline. I was wondering if there is anything like that out there for Global?
not yet, although there is TripleAAA, which will let you play some of the A&A games for free. I have a friend who is trying to write a code for it using the TripleAAA format, we’ll see if it is a success.
If they came up with a Global 1940 for the computer my wife would probably end up divorcing me or destroying the computer
If they came up with a Global 1940 for the computer my wife would probably end up divorcing me or destroying the computer
Lol mine too