are you still looking, cuz im in port charlotte florida, and i live 1940 global
Looking to join OKC, OK global group.
I just moved to OKC and was hoping to find a group or community of AA players. I typically play the global version as it was meant to be played or in a more world domination custom style. Any info in finding a group or link to a group would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Hey Gunner! I live in Western Arkansas, just a four hour drive from OKC. Perhaps we can meet up sometime, or somewhere in the middle. Besides myself, I have a brother here who enjoys to play, mostly G40.
I live in Edmond and would love to find some other local players to roll some dice with.
Necro, I know, just don’t like making another topic for the same city. Looking for A&A in OKC
I live in OKC and play A&A classic. I have created a replica of the board game 50% larger. 30x50.
So since we are in the same area, anyone ever tried to set up on a Saturday at the only game store in OKC?
Game HQ on SW 89th and Western