@superbattleshipyamato Right. alot more complications introduces longer play. More areas means longer play, More units longer play. I wish their was a light 12 page version with only about 6-10 more units, not 60 more. The map would have about 60% less areas and play would take 2-3 hours but still be buckets of dice concept. That would be my wish plus dedicated piece sets or a version that used counters like nova games edition.
Confusion about technology
In the rules for Global War 1936, it states on page 25 “No technology can be researched prior to July 1939”. Does this mean that no country can make any tech rolls before July 1939, or does it mean that the final stage of any technology cannot be researched before July 1939? The reason I ask is because in the game I am currently playing, my group has assumed a country can make tech rolls before July 1939, however, the technology cannot be utilized until July 1939. In my current game, America has spammed tech rolls, and now the current date is January 1940 with America having Long Range Aircraft, Heavy Bombers, and Jet Fighters, which seems extremely unbalanced. Hopefully someone could clarify this.
Thanks! -
I understand/define ‘research’ as tech rolls. Can’t imagine otherwise.
Else you risk ending up in the situation you describe.
I also believe you can’t roll for tech until 1939.
Here is a link to a Q&A that the creators have set up, they respond petty quick. You may have to register though.
Thank you for the clarification.