A&A Variants with Interchangable Pieces

  • Hello all. I have a copy of A&A revised that is in excellent condition. However even with good care, I am missing maybe 1-7 pieces, something like 1-2 german tanks and a few other random pieces. Also Avalon never has been very good at providing enough pieces in the first place. I don’t really want to buy another copy of the same game, and I’ve wanted to try out one of those smexy variants. Out of all the other A&A games (spring 42, 1940, global, etc) which one is in your opinion the best/most fun/most similar to revised (I really do like revised). Also which of them have pieces that could be reasonably well mixed with the revised pieces as I would like to have a lot more spare pieces for my games.


  • Revised is one of the best.
    The new games have flaws in my opinion and need setup changes like the alpha rule changes.
    I have spare revised pieces, go to www.historicalboardgaming.com

  • @coachofmany:

    Revised is one of the best.
    The new games have flaws in my opinion and need setup changes like the alpha rule changes.
    I have spare revised pieces, go to

    _That site is amazing.   :-o  I love you.

    So are there still people playing revised? There’s no way I have time for a real time game over triple a but if there are any games by e-mail or forum left in revised I would be interested. It seemed to me like everyone had moved on to the new games._

  • I have been playing Rev since it came out.  I just within the last month, found out about the other games.  I’ve been sick for 2 years, and wasn’t online.  I played my first aa50 game two weeks ago, and may be playing my first g40, in another two weeks!  My buddy found a meetup group of 67 other players just 16 miles away.  :-D

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  • If you’re sticking with playing Revised get Revised pieces as replacements. The new pieces that came out with Pac/Eur40 and AA42 will stand out in the middle of them. If you want to get the new pieces then you should get them from those games.

  • What I really want Larry Harris to do is make a new Axis & Allies game with the Revised rules and Tech tokens.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







