1d6: 5
Cereal vs Booger-10
missed both
damage to NB
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (6)
damge to AB
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (6)
NB damaged to limit (6)
AB damaged to limit (6) -
Trans from z92 with 1 tnk 1 inf from Gib to z98 unload in Egy
Navy from z92 to z91 with planes
Sub from z109 to z91
Sub from z110 to z91
3 fgt from fra to Gib
2 tac from bombing to Wfr
1 strat from bombing to Fra
AA gun from hol to wfr
2 tnks from wgr to yugo
1 tnk from Hun to Yogo
3 inf from Hun to Yugo
1in from Hun to Rom
6 inf from Hun to Pol
1 inf, 2 mech, 2 art from wgr to ger
2 mech from fra to wgr
3 art from wfr to fraPlacement of units
1 stra to fra
2 inf to fra
3 inf to wfr
8 inf to HunCollect = 63
IPCS = 47
NO = 5+5+5
Saved = 1Doing the best I can with what I got.
forgot to show the NCM for the planes used in russia combat
1fgt and tac from Bal to Pol
1 tac from Epl to Hun -
New map
you only get +10 NO’s as you are now at war with Soviet.
IPC: 38Buys:
1 Transport = 31
3 Arty = 19
6 Inf = 1
saves 1 IPCDeclares War on Japan.
Combat Moves:
1 inf from Amu walk inMan
15 inf and AA from Amu walk inEpl (2 inf)
3 inf, 2 mech, 1 arty, 3 tanks from Bel
9 inf, 3 mech, 2 arty from BesBal (2 inf)
5 inf, 2 fighters, 1 tac from NovRom (1 inf)
1 tank from Bes
1 tank from SukrEpl:
Rolls: 14@1 6@2 3@3; Total Hits: 614@1: (1, 5, 5, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 5, 5, 1, 6, 5, 3)6@2: (6, 3, 3, 4, 2, 6)3@3: (5, 2, 2)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 3)
Epl twol
Rolls: 5@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 35@1: (1, 6, 3, 1, 6)2@3: (5, 5)1@4: (4)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 2)
Bal twlo 1 inf.
Forgot a combat move, if its okay
10 inf, 5 arty from Nov to KarBattle for Romania
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 02@3: (5, 4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
Romania round 2
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 02@3: (4, 6)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
Romania round 3:
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (3, 4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
Romania twlo 1 tank.
Battle of Kar:
Rolls: 5@1 10@2; Total Hits: 45@1: (6, 3, 5, 2, 5)10@2: (2, 6, 6, 6, 2, 1, 4, 1, 5, 5)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
2 Fighters and 1 tac from Bal to Bel
1 tank from Sukr to Bal
6 inf and 2 arty from Sukr to Bes
1 inf from Ros to Cau
1 Mexg from Vol to Cau
2 tanks from Vol to SukrPlacement:
1 Transport in z115
3 Inf in Vol
3 Inf in Vol
3 Arty in SukrRussia Collects:
43 IPC + 3+5 NO + 1 saved
total: 52 IPCJust noticed to Sub in z125 thats minus 2 for Germany, so germany should be on 56.
Map and Japan.
J4 = 44 +12 war with Russia = 56
7 tnks = 42 = 14
2 trans = 14 = 0CM
She (6inf)
1 tnk from sze to sik to she
4 inf 2 art from hop
2 fgt 2 tac from yunCha (1 inf)
1 inf 1 mech from jeh
Stra from yunBur (walk in)
1 inf from YunSui (twol)
1 inf from hopShn (walk in)
1 inf from yunFic (walk in)
1 inf from yunSum (2 inf)
1 tran with inf & art from kwa z36 to z41 unloadJava (twol)
1 trans with 2 inf from kwa z36 to z42 unloadBor (twol)
1 trans 1 inf 1 art from kwa z36 to z43 unloadZ37
Fgt from z36Hon (2inf)
1 inf 1 art from kwa
2 fgt , 1 tac from kwaKsi (1inf)
1 fgt, 1 tac from kwaGua (twol)
1 tran from z36 to pau load go to z21 unloadCel (twol)
Trans with 1 inf 1 art from car z33 to z44 unloadPhi (2inf)
Trans with 1 inf 1 art from car z33 to z35 unload
4 tac from z33 land on car after battle
2 bb, 3 ss, 2 car to z35Wak (twol)
Trans with 2 inf from car z33 to z32 unloadZ20 (tt)
1 fgt from kwathat took awhile
Rolls: 2@2, 4@3, 2@4; Total Hits: 32@2,: (6, 6)4@3,: (6, 5, 1, 4)2@4: (1, 4)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (4, 4)
phi twol
Rolls: 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (2)1@4: (4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
ksi cleared wol
Rolls: 2@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 6)2@3: (4, 2)1@4: (6)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (4, 4)
hon twol
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 3)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 6)
sum 2
firt to hit
Rolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 210@2: (3, 2, 5, 5, 1, 4, 3, 4, 4, 6)
Rolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 410@2: (2, 4, 3, 3, 6, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3)
never mind sum only had 1 inf def not 2
sum twlo 1 infcha
Rolls: 2@1 1@4; Total Hits: 02@1: (2, 2)1@4: (6)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)