I'm a Chinese player….....this is my Alpha +2 Experience

  • sorry ~~~~~my english is poor :cry:
    i play this game every week , about 30+ times,and one time had 8hours+

    everyday i use Google Translate Browse this BBS…OTL
    so…I use the Google Translate to this Experience:)

    Start to experience the German fixed-type -
    Germany needs to be done the first round of 3 points:
    1, the possible elimination of the British Navy
    2, flying two planes to help the British Mediterranean Fleet of the Italian defense
    3, won France
    2, 3, the two are very simple, with emphasis on 1\. 10 times as I opened the German experience, the best of all the British battleships destroyed. 2 side of the waters in London because of the British escort aircraft can take off, you need to consider each other's maximum DPS, at least 7 to 9 aircraft to fight Caixing. Next is  luck. . . . .
    And then to say that production. I have always been to give up direct sea lions in the second round of Barbarossa. 5 tanks each time, never the same.
    Many people like the British sea lions, unfortunately Alpha +2 version is very difficult to sea lions. And even laid, you can not stop the U.S. counterattack, and will invest substantial resources to promote the disruption caused east.
    I am also a second round 60+PIC for 10 tanks to take strong ground.
    I have never changed for Germany start their own, because I think the start is the most secure way.
    Leningrad hit Eastern Germany, the income should be up to 60 + .
    3 points need to be vigilant at this time:
    1, the U.S. landing in Normandy (if enough pressure on Japan to basically do not care)
    2, United Kingdom harassment Norway, Norway, you will lose less eight, and difficult to regain, to note.
    3, the U.S. fleet moved to the Mediterranean
    In addition to Article III, other basic can be ignored. Gibraltar is sure to win to win a place, at least prevent the landing of the United States a round time is very important! Southern France and Italy do not take, be sure to give Germany. If the United States south to the Mediterranean Sea, South France, Germany, ports and factories is the only place out of the Navy.
    In short, I think Germany is one of the forces for beginners to get started, and very easy to use well. Few variables, it is also very interesting with dozens of tanks and the ground is very cool feeling strong push.
    Start to experience the Soviet Union established formula -
    Soviet Union, mainly defensive start, unfortunately I have been very difficult to find a good way to defend Germany. Because every time I hit Moscow with Germany, never failed. . . . .
    Many people are focused on a wave file of all troops in Leningrad, and finally retreating to Moscow.
    I suggest that play is directly retreating all the forces in Moscow, cutting edge up. The reasons are two:
    1, the German cannon fodder supply is very difficult, from the territory of the great factory went to the front line last at least five rounds
    2, the German aircraft stopped in Berlin, you can take care of the entire European coast and Leningrad line. If the front continued eastward, the aircraft must be moved to Leningrad to hit Moscow. Coastal defense capability in Europe is bound to decline sharply, creating favorable conditions for the Allied landing.
    According to my experience, the Germans hit the ground Leningrad strong push, when at least 30 tank divisions and 20 infantry divisions + number of flight units. The Soviet Union was in any case could not carry, and can do is try to consume only the German cannon fodder.
    I often focus on all of the mechanized unit, walk around in the South line of Stalin's strong counterattack to Ukraine, the central northern part of the heap 40 to 50 infantry divisions clinging to the forefront of Moscow.
    The premise that all resistance to the Soviet Union, the United States and British pressure to give the Germans based on the premise.
    If the United States stubbornly dragged by the Japanese in the Pacific, the United Kingdom was again in Cairo, the Italian ace, the proposal can be re-opened. In addition, the core of the Soviet Union was allied, it is recommended strongly by the strongest or the second player to use, the Soviet Union were destroyed the game will basically over.
    Japan start to experience set-style -
    More difficult in Japan, and is the core axis, it is recommended by the axis of the strongest players to use.
    Japan to do only one thing: whatever it is holding the United States invested heavily in the Pacific, and you hide and seek cover in Germany in the 5 to 7 rounds won in Moscow.
    A start method:
    1, 1 small factory+2 transport
    2, native won the Hawaii fleet east
    3, sub-fleet won the Philippines
    4, Chinese troops across the board cut off the Burma Road to Sichuan pressure
    Start Act II:
    Made three carriers, all fleet concentration area to 36\. Do not hit the United Kingdom and the United States, for Calcutta, India won the third round.
    Start of Act III:
    1 small factory+2 transport
    All fleet concentration area 33, second round and the Netherlands won the Australia-New Zealand Islands
    Whatever the start, attention points for Japan only 3 points:
    1, if the United States ignored the development of the Japanese in the Pacific, Japan, you can now put the east landing fleet active posture in San Francisco, forcing the U.S. response.
    2, Burma Road in China is very important and must be cut off, or end of trouble
    3, 35, 33, 26, efforts to control the waters. This 3 place determines the lifeline of the Pacific Fleet, especially for the case of Japan.
    The Da Buda Soviet Union, my advice is either do not fight, fight to fight as soon as possible, but also to rapid decline in the Soviet Blitzkrieg 7 to 10 point income.
    Japan must make good use of the port control, mobile force with 3 points 2 points to move to avoid defects in the United States, forcing the United States can only visit one island to slow down the speed of U.S. advance. Are stretched as long as the U.S. front, the fleet replenishment rate slowed down, you can accumulate a superior force and the United States battle.
    I used the Japanese general income after 3 rounds of 60 easily, the best of times went to 80\.
    Start to experience American-style setting -
    I play the United States now think that the most simple but it is also difficult with good power, not one.
    A lot of money the United States, the default 82 up, of course, able to take the whole is another matter.
    There are 3 U.S. start strategic choice:
    Japan's efforts to fight
    Effort to fight Germany
    Play together on both sides
    But they are difficult to ah. . . .
    Efforts to fight Japan, the United States at least 2 to 3 rounds Tuen fleet to fight Japan and positive, if the first round of the Japanese direct pumping you up Pearl Harbor, Tuen fleet longer. . .
    Map of Canton and the Pacific, mobile and supplies are severely limited. South Korea won the previous two rounds threw a large factory direct style of play was canceled invincible, really do not know how to proceed.
    In general, Americans want to fight the Japanese, at least at least three rounds required to prepare, often in three rounds in Japan, when you have a U.S. income was flat. While Japan needs a person to deal with five, but the defense was more than enough you landfall in the U.S..
    The benefits of playing in Japan: economic recovery soon, easy to form a superior force.
    The disadvantages of playing in Japan: Germany in the east, such as unhindered, unless the player is God, the Soviet Union, or at most 5 to 7 rounds.
    Effort to fight Germany, dropped the first round will prepare a large number of landing transport ship. Germany's defense forced landing early preparations to reduce the pressure on the Soviet front.
    The benefits of playing in Germany: to open a second front in Europe to reduce the pressure on the Soviet Union
    Disadvantages of playing in Germany: a Japanese dominance, the British in India is very dangerous. If China were destroyed, the land of Japan to enter the invincible state.
    Play both sides, so I tried a start. . . .
    I was out of the Pacific region is relatively low limits of carriers and escort ships to harass the many small islands in Japan, while increasing their own income.
    I also play the Atlantic region's transportation and fleet size to help the British back to the Mediterranean, North Africa and Italy to the foot pressure.
    Other start. . . No better solution. . . . The difficulty in the United States, you do not know how to spend money in order to be effective as soon as possible. I have seen mad from strategic bombers, the large factories in Germany the whole deep-fried flat case.
    Since there are a large number of carriers in San Francisco, made ​​a lot of ground on the land, with the transport ship sent to Siberia play.
    British start-set experience -
    From the plane or if the German Navy, from the line of planes from the fleet also, the reactor can also be ground units.
    In general, the likelihood is very low landing, but it is not absolute. After all, Germany's upper hand, what you see him play for no problem.
    British Navy is the lifeline of the Allies and the Soviet Union, the importance of the player, the best is one of the strongest players to use.
    Britain's front stretching from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, is the only one up directly facing the 3 axis allies.
    UK strategy for fighting started around 3 -
    1, sticking to the Cairo
    2, sticking to the Burma Road line
    3, non-stop harassment landing in Germany and Japan, the South coast of the islands.
    Britain, Italy, up the Mediterranean Navy must fight, Quanmie is inevitable, but must replace half of the Italian Navy. I like to play the left side of the wave, because it's easy. . . . . .  can greatly reduce the pressure on the Italian landing in Cairo.
    If possible, Cairo can consider making factory, the premise is able to keep Italy's second or third round of the wave. . . . . . Kang Zhu, and North African war was basically OK, not Kang Zhu, half of Africa changed hands.
    If Cairo to hold, that is a major strategic victory. You can play a large number of tanks, advancing through the Middle East into the Caucasus to help the Soviet Union to resist the German Stalingrad south line. Moscow can basically ensure safety. Or landing from a large number of transport and fleet Apennine to contain a large number of ground units in Germany. No matter what, keep the strategic significance of the Cairo is very large. German players will help Italy win in Cairo at all.
    The best place to start harassing the German has 2: Finland, Norway
    Harassment of Japanese do not own to start, as long as keep the Burma Road in China, the military's crowd enough to Contain Japan.
    India in the end is from the Army or from aircraft or from the Navy, it should start to set in Japan.

    this is Original

























  • '10

    This is very hard to read.  Google Translate is not very effective.  It seems like you put much thought and work into your post, however.  Well done.  :-)

    It is good you found this BBS.  Your strategies are strong.  I am happy to see that there are players around the world.

  • @eudemonist:

    This is very hard to read.  Google Translate is not very effective.  It seems like you put much thought and work into your post, however.  Well done.   :-)

    It is good you found this BBS.  Your strategies are strong.  I am happy to see that there are players around the world.

    thanks :-D

  • Wumeng’s post does no seem that hard to understand for me. I can only imagine how hard our posts are to read once translated since we do not always spell out exactly what we are saying and abbreviate a lot.

    I agree with what Wumeng has said about Sea Lion taking up too much of Germany’s time. You have to use Sea Lion to keep the UK honest, but most people waste too much on it. Transports purchased and placed in SZ112 can do that effectively while also threatening Leningrad and its surrounding territories. My transport purchases stop when I reach 5 total transports. I also like to use the transports to reinforce Finland through Norway. Every turn there is a transport there, units are moving to Norway. Whatever was in Norway at the beginning of the turn moves to Finland. This way you can effectively put pressure on Leningrad from two sides and it keeps Russia from overloading Germany’s Eastern front.

  • @taschuler:

    Wumeng’s post does no seem that hard to understand for me. I can only imagine how hard our posts are to read once translated since we do not always spell out exactly what we are saying and abbreviate a lot.

    I agree with what Wumeng has said about Sea Lion taking up too much of Germany’s time. You have to use Sea Lion to keep the UK honest, but most people waste too much on it. Transports purchased and placed in SZ112 can do that effectively while also threatening Leningrad and its surrounding territories. My transport purchases stop when I reach 5 total transports. I also like to use the transports to reinforce Finland through Norway. Every turn there is a transport there, units are moving to Norway. Whatever was in Norway at the beginning of the turn moves to Finland. This way you can effectively put pressure on Leningrad from two sides and it keeps Russia from overloading Germany’s Eastern front.

    For Germany, I always thought that the presence of fighters more meaningful. Because aircraft can not only suppress the British navy, can also attack the Soviet Union. But the Navy can only be used at sea, I will for the manufacture of fighter PIC, not the Navy. Powerful air force, can suppress the U.S. naval fleet, can help Italian, Mediterranean defense. Navy poor speed, movement radius is poor, there are many limitations。

    For Britain, the most important area is SZ110. The Germany fleet concentrated in SZ112, there is no strategic significance

    BTW:I hope you can understand what I mean ~~:wink:

  • Thank you,  It’s good to hear from someone half way around the world.
      How many players do you have when you set up the two boards?
      I have four to seven players every week
      I found your post to be very informing
      There may be people here in the U.S. who could help with the translation,  have you tried to find someone there to help with translating?
      Keep them coming

  • @suprise:

    Thank you,  It’s good to hear from someone half way around the world.
      How many players do you have when you set up the two boards?
      I have four to seven players every week
       I found your post to be very informing
      There may be people here in the U.S. who could help with the translation,  have you tried to find someone there to help with translating?
      Keep them coming

    I have 20 players team ,Always 5~7 players fight every week
    we all english poor。。。 :oops:
    i can write this for Japanese,but i think you can’t use too :cry:

  • @wumeng874:


    Thank you,  It’s good to hear from someone half way around the world.
      How many players do you have when you set up the two boards?
      I have four to seven players every week
       I found your post to be very informing
      There may be people here in the U.S. who could help with the translation,  have you tried to find someone there to help with translating?
      Keep them coming

    I have 20 players team ,Always 5~7 players fight every week
    we all english poor。。。 :oops:
    i can write this for Japanese,but i think you can’t use too :cry:

    Better Translation:
    We have 20 players, and we have at least 5-7 players who show up every week.
    We all have poor English. :oops:
    I can write this in Japanese, but I doubt you can read that either. :cry:

  • '10


    Wumeng’s post does no seem that hard to understand for me.

    It is readable, but difficult.    :-D

    I agree that airplanes are VERY important for Germany.  I like to purchase a small amount of boats early in the game.  Once the U.S.A. begins to build boats in the Atlantic, Germany will not be able to compete with them in naval power.  Airplanes can be used to attack Russia and also to protect the water around Europe.

  • Welcome to this forum, Wumeng. Always nice to learn about other peoples play experience.

  • I think I have seem this post in other forum before ,

    but the last sentence that I saw is something like that :

    " In conclusion, US Player is meaningless if team up with a very good UK player… "

  • wumeng874 thanks for the effort. I didn’t have to much trouble reading your post. Your points for each power were spot on. Its really cool to communicate with people around the world that have the same interest.

    I would sea lion only if UK left London weak, and I as Germany could take it with only 4-5 transports, with out risking my entire air force. Help set up Italy, then pound Russia is a must. Try to get to the oil in the Middle east if you can. I agree that the German air force is the key, I like to have at least 15+ aircraft. As far as navy, after the first couple of rounds I tend to go to sub warfare.

    I haven’t played Russia much, but what I’ve seen is normally a defensive retreat. Make sure that you don’t get caught out of position defending your minor complexes. You need at least 35-40 infantry for Moscow at the end for a meat shield. Buy some planes.

    Tough to play, have to be decisive, but flexible (if that makes sense). Have to defeat China, take the Dutch East Indies, and keep the US in check. Building many transports is the key. Keep a steady flow of ground units pumping into Asia, and use your over powering air force as a tool on the land. Don’t let land battles go more then a round or two.

    As the leader of the allies (money talks :-D), TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE NEW TURN ORDER (especially in Europe). I think the US is the hardest to play, what you do will win or loose the war. As a team you must decide on a coarse of action, everyone is crying for help, and you can’t be everywhere. A weak US in to many places can be disastrous. I think your more effective when you can over power the opposition. You have to protect your ground troops, because it takes to long for them to get to the action. If you take a beach head, make sure that your allies can swoop in to defend your units. This is much easier now in Europe because of turn order (US leading the way). You should be able to get one of the French industrial complexes, or build your own in Norway to keep troop levels up.

    Your home nation. I’m glad to see them have a bigger role in Global 40. There is just something special about them being able to buy artillery. We don’t see it to often, but an early Japan attack on the Western Powers, or a crafty UK can make China more then just a speed bump.

    As you said, must be an experienced player. Sacrifices will be made. Your normally all alone in the beginning, so be ready for a but kicking. We have come to believe that getting the Med fleet to safety, or joining it with the Indian fleet can be helpful in the long run (gives you options). Loosing the British fleets in attacks on the Italian navy just hasn’t worked out to well in our group. Defend London, and Egypt until the US arrives. Start rebuilding your fleet in Canada if you can.

    You didn’t mention them, but they can be very helpful. They can be a distraction for Japan if they can threaten the Dutch East Indies, or can also reinforce US positions. Getting their income up really helps.

    Really depends on what you have when your turn rolls around. Can be dominate in the Med in the right circumstances for a few turns. You can earn a lot of income through NO’s depending on how things go with the UK. Gaining control of both sea entrances to the Med, and holding them is nearly impossible for long periods of time.  Trying to crack Egypt, control North Africa, and delay the US at Gibraltar is an unrelenting task. Oh yea, add the Mid East oil to to the mix, good luck.

    Make the most of any opportunity you get. Even if its just taking out a blocker ship for your allies, or helping defend somewhere in Africa. Hope they can liberate Paris, I like to see the “Smurfs” (blue cartoon characters) get to buy something.

    Good gaming from across the globe :-)

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