Just wanted to see if there’s anyone in the area interested in gaming on weekends. Tons of AAM, AANM, A&A 1914, plus other board/miniature games. For anyone playing Panzer Corps by email, I’m DerLeiter there as well.
Merci pour l’offre, mais je ne suis pas interessé à jouer au plateau. Je pense que cela coûte trop de temps et de peine. Je suis plutôt fan du jeu par forum ou e-mail.
I just got the europe second editon and looking for people to play with and learn me how to play , im 28 years old. Je viens juste davoir europe et je cherche du monde avec qui jouer et me montrer a jouer jai 28 ans. Patricebolduc@hotmailcom
Je vit a bagotville quartier de la base , possible de jouer chez moi. Im leaving in bagotville front of cfb bagot , we can play in my pmq.
Battle of the Bulge
Axis 1941
Axis 1942
Axis Europe
Axis Pacific
Eagle Games - Napoleon in Europe
Eagles Games - Conquest of the Empire
Eagle Games - American Civil War
Can also play longer games if we can leave it set up:
HBG - World War II in Europe
HBG - World War II in the Pacific
Axis Global
Rise and Decline of the Third Reich
Hi I am in West View interested in playing axis and allies. Have global 1940 Anniversary issue revised, 1942 1984, guadalcanal battle of the bulge , the first Europe and the first pacific. as well as 1914 willing to play any of them
(209) 620 2423 chessdave50@hotmail.com
I’m in Lenexa. I’ve not played any of the 1940 games, but I like the idea of the global game and am not opposed to learning it. I’m typically a Spring 1942 player.