This is a synthesis of some units developped here on this tread and other extrapolations.
Which one do you prefer?
A) U .S. Marines (USA only) A1 D2 M1 C4 from A&A Pacific
1-During Amph. Ass. (any one unit being part of Amph. Ass.) give A2
2-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give A2, in regular combat
3-Paired (1 on 1) with Art during Amph. Ass. A3
Units to be produced by any naval Power
B1) Marines (strong & combine forces): A2 D2 M1 C5.
1-During Amph. Assault (any one unit being part of) give A3 on OR after 1st round.
2-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give Art A@3 on 1st round.
B2) Marines (strong & combined forces): A2 D2 M1 C4.
1-Paired (1 on 1) with support ships A3 on 1st round.
2-Paired (1 on 1) with Art/Arm/Fgt/TBom A3 after 1st round.
B3) Marines (weak & strong combined forces on 1st rnd):A1D2M1C4 or C7/2 units.
1-Paired (1 on 1) with 1 Marines, both get A2 on 1st round.
2-Paired (1 on 1) with support ships to get +1 attack on 1st round (A2 or A3). OR all the battle.
3-Paired (1 on 1) with Art/Arm/Fgt or TBom to get +1 attack on 1st round (A2 or A3 even A4). ****
To determine: which type of marines can be mobilize in a Naval Port?
Wich type of marines can be 3 in a troop transport instead of 2?
Units to be produced by any Power (Elite unit: commandos, marines, SS, Gard�)
C1) Elite unit (strong & combine forces): A2 D2 M1 C5
1-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give A3 on 1st round.
2-Paired (1 on 1) with Arm give A3 on 1st round.
3-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give Art A@3 after 1st round.
C2) Elite unit (medium): A2 D2 M1 C4
1-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give A3.
C3) Elite unit (medium & strong combined forces after 1st rnd): A2 D2 M1 C4
1-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give Art A@3 after 1st round.
2-Paired (1 on 1) with Arm give Arm A@4 after 1st round.
C4) Elite unit (weak 1st rnd/medium combined forces after): A1 D2 M1 C7/2 units
1-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give A2 on 1st round.
2-Paired (1 on 1) with Arm give A2 on 1st round.
3-Paired (1 on 1) with Elite unit, both A2 on 1st round.
4-Paired (1 on 1) with Art give Art A@3 after 1st round.