Probably because its based on a time frame. If you have inf with these landings then they have established a landing. Maybe both sides suck at hitting.
I like where attacking art and tanks get no 1st round attacks and attacking ships bombardment hit art and or a motorized unit first. If non then a inf.
Also when there is a landing most Inf won’t be on the beachhead. They’ll be dug in further back.
Merchant Marine
Collect 1 IPC for each transport you have present at a convoy location next to a territory you control. Collect 2 IPCs if you have an operational naval base in the same sea zone. Collect a maximum IPC amount equal to the sum of all adjacent territories’ IPC value. Must not be any opposing warships present.
If there is a naval base, is it then 2 ipcs for each transport?
I doubt you want this to apply to the United States, since it usually has at least 4-6 transports, which will be 8-12 extra ipcs?
In fact, I think the only nations that should be affected by this are:
ANZACAll other powers are continental powers and don’t derive much of their economy from trade with the rest of the world(Germany, Russia, Italy, US).
If France ever has the ability to use this, the allies have already won.
good point calvin. :-)
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