Poor little Belgium
Belgium was - according to sources- the 5th or 6th industrial power of the world before the outbreak of the war. Although the Germans did not rape the amount of benefits from the occupation of Belgium they had hoped for (and they did their best!), the country only slowly recovered and never regained its position in the world ranking after the war. Okay, others catched up, it was a matter of time, but Belgium’s economy was ruined after 4 years of harsh and brutal occupation.
Furthermore, in the early months of the war, the Belgian resistance around the fortresses of Liège ( The big Bertha’s had to be brought in), the continuing threat from the Belgian army to the German flank from Antwerp ( till they had enough of it and took the town ) and finally the heroic resistance behind the tiny Yser river (helped by some floodings), bought time for the allies and saved the westfront from an early collapse. The German lost due to the Belgians!
The first world war was a big gamble for Germany and they probably had lost it anyway (however, consider Paris fallen?) In the game Belgium, its economy and therefore strength is underrated. Belgium was no walk-over for the Germans (as in WW2). As in the Franco- Prussian war it would have stayed neutral. The British had even plans to occupy Belgium.
Al the economic strengths and the armies are adapted to allow a more balanced play (AH!), i understand but a meagre 2? (Spain 4, Sweden 4 , Norway FOUR!, …) It hurts , it hurts. Maybe Belgium can be made more important for the Western front without altering the whole game.note : Played it only a few times but i think AA1914 is one of the best. And i played them all, a lot. It is not without flaws but wich version isn’t?
El Stef -
What about poor little Switzerland at 1?
Some of the IPC values were clearly decided for game play reasons; e.g. the designers definitely want the players to invade Belgium and Switzerland, they’re less keen on people sending their armies into Scandinavia.
There’s also a case for making the German attack on Belgium mandatory as per Austria on Serbia.
….and your suggestion for a house rule was ?
It was just one thought. For the moment no suggestion for a house rule. I will only suggest such a thing if it improves the balance (All the fronts are linked!) and gives the game more historical feeling.
I wil only tinker with the game after much consideration and playtesting.A good game ( and A&A14 is that ) is :
- playable ( clear and sturdy rules)
has the right historical feel: you are faced (broadly) with the dillema’s of the combatants, but it gives you options. However always within the technological constraints and strategic possibilities of the time.
Belgium & Switzerland
economic warfare (unrestricted submarine warfare is not good at the moment)
minefields: rule is Ok but can be clearer. ( example; bridging or ferrying in mined waters)
limited production in India and Ruhr
war weariness( “mines” can also mean; coastal defences, frogmen, and small torbedoboats. See the fate of the Viribus unitis and the Szent istvan)
El Stef - playable ( clear and sturdy rules)