• What strategies have you been using for the ANZAC forces?

    WE are playing our first Global game and I started by making fighters and sending them to mainland Asia, only 3 made it before the Japanese came down and forced me to build a defensive army.  thanks to the dice I managed to keep the Capital and after a turn or 2 I was able to recapture the rest of the country.  After being repulse Japan moved it’s focus to other areas.  the US and UK were able to take control of the south Pacific while Japan is the undisputed controller in the north fighting the USSR and now in North America.

    ANZAC has 27 IPCs a turn now (10 in NO, plus 17 in territories) and I’m not sure what to do with them.  What is the best thing to do with them?


  • I’d build up a transport fleet to threaten the Japanese mainland to divert some attention from Russia/North America.  Carriers could help for that, too.

  • @HMS_Artemis:

    ANZAC has 27 IPCs a turn now (10 in NO, plus 17 in territories) and I’m not sure what to do with them.  What is the best thing to do with them?

    I believe the official rules plays that the NO’s only come into play when ANZAC is at war with Japan.

    Personally, I think that rule is too restrictive for such a small nation like ANZAC (10 IPC’s) that is why I wrote a thread on ANZAC autonomy. Imagine if Italy (10 IPCS) didn’t get their NO’s……>

  • @Idi:


    ANZAC has 27 IPCs a turn now (10 in NO, plus 17 in territories) and I’m not sure what to do with them.  What is the best thing to do with them?

    I believe the official rules plays that the NO’s only come into play when ANZAC is at war with Japan.

    Personally, I think that rule is too restrictive for such a small nation like ANZAC (10 IPC’s) that is why I wrote a thread on ANZAC autonomy. Imagine if Italy (10 IPCS) didn’t get their NO’s……>

    War with Japan generally doesn’t take too long for them, though.  And whatever they do they’ll be dominated by the US Pacific navy anyway.

  • @Ruanek:



    ANZAC has 27 IPCs a turn now (10 in NO, plus 17 in territories) and I’m not sure what to do with them.  What is the best thing to do with them?

    I believe the official rules plays that the NO’s only come into play when ANZAC is at war with Japan.

    Personally, I think that rule is too restrictive for such a small nation like ANZAC (10 IPC’s) that is why I wrote a thread on ANZAC autonomy. Imagine if Italy (10 IPCS) didn’t get their NO’s……>

    War with Japan generally doesn’t take too long for them, though.

    Wow Do you mean the UK declares war on Japan

  • the 27 points is in my game in progress.  I think ANZAC went to war turn 2 though.  Japan was so close to capturing it.

  • @Idi:




    ANZAC has 27 IPCs a turn now (10 in NO, plus 17 in territories) and I’m not sure what to do with them.  What is the best thing to do with them?

    I believe the official rules plays that the NO’s only come into play when ANZAC is at war with Japan.

    Personally, I think that rule is too restrictive for such a small nation like ANZAC (10 IPC’s) that is why I wrote a thread on ANZAC autonomy. Imagine if Italy (10 IPCS) didn’t get their NO’s……>

    War with Japan generally doesn’t take too long for them, though.

    Wow Do you mean the UK declares war on Japan

    That depends on the Japanese player’s (and the UK player’s) actions, obviously.

  • The Brazillian

    Turn 1 send a transport with 1 arty to SZ 66 on the europe board, leaving a fighter on New Zeland
    Turn 2 Annex Brazil, and land a fighter there, you now have 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 FGT
    Turn 3 Land at Gibraltar, or Morocco
    Turn 4 Be helping the allies in the Atlantic

  • @oztea:

    The Brazillian

    Turn 1 send a transport with 1 arty to SZ 66 on the europe board, leaving a fighter on New Zeland
    Turn 2 Annex Brazil, and land a fighter there, you now have 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 FGT
    Turn 3 Land at Gibraltar, or Morocco
    Turn 4 Be helping the allies in the Atlantic

    What about increasing ANZAC’s income by taking the money Islands? Going on a world tour so ANZAC can help in the European theater is a MEGA waste of time and resources. By the time you get to Brazil that loaded transport could have netted you could be earning 7 more IPC’s with Java and Celebes. As well, I’m sure the Italians are shaking in their boots……“OH NO, the big bad ANZACs are coming for us with their 10 IPC’s>>>>>>>>>>> we had better retreat”

  • provided Italy has attacked west and taken the french NAfrican coast, there’s another possible 3 dollars for them.  Also, if Japan attacks J2, then I think moving on Brazil is a wise idea.  If Japan is waiting till J3 or later, then going after the money islands is best.

  • @JimmyHat:

    If Japan is waiting till J3 or later, then going after the money islands is best.

    I agree

  • Anzac building a transport turn 1, in conjusction with the brazilian nets them 16 on their 2nd turn. If they take Java, India aiming to capture sumatra then celebs

    I expect japan to only attack on J3
    J2 attacks are attacks of oppurtunity, and rarley happen in my game group.

  • '10


    The Brazillian
    Turn 2 Annex Brazil, and land a fighter there, you now have 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 FGT

    Air units may only land in territories that have been friendly since the beginning of the turn.

    So you can’t land a fighter there on Turn 2.

    I agree with Idi Amin, there are some more interesting things to do in the pacific than going after Bresil right from the start with Anzac. Maybe later in the game you can go and take it if UK hasn’t been able to do it.
    Personally, if there is no J1 attack, i take Java with Anzac and Sumatra with india with 2 infantry each on Turn 1. Turn 2, Anzac can take Dutch New Guinea with 2 inf and leave Celeb to India.

    Anzac is tricky to play. You want to build some naval units because it’s about the only way Anzac can be useful in the pacific, but when you do that, with only a minor IC, you don’t get to build ground units, which leaves Anzac very vulnerable to any amphibous assaut from Japan. Any time Japan’s fleet (or part of Japan’s fleet) + 4-6 transports are in range of New South Wales, Queensland or South Australia, you have to be in position to defend/retake New South Wales. So basically, every time Japan has some loaded transports in Carolina, Philipines, Malaya, you have to bother about NSW. Often, the only way to stop it is relying on US troops from Hawai.

  • I ended up being able to Capture Japan (ANZAC had no part, it was all USA) when Japan failed on a some risky moves and I was able to counter attack against the island.

    I had been flying US fighters in a train from West US to Australia, because the transport supply line had been interrupted early on. ANZAC seems to be too far out of the way to do anything once Japan is more or less secured, the USA or UK would be the ones to actually do the fighting.  In my limited experience (3 games), all they have done is sit in a strategic defensive territory for another allied country.

    Thanks for the help and input!

  • I always like to build a factory late in the game in Queensland after the Anzac have the money islands, you cant pump out 31 ipcs in just one minor, but I suppose your looking for early game strategies… I’ve never done the Brazilian strategy but I think it’s better used in the pacific.

  • Whoops, the fighter landing there was me confusing the “Dutch” rules with the  “Pro-Allies” rules

    But still, ANZAC units in the atlantic arent all bad, consider this.
    In A&A there is one thing you cant buy, and thats another turn. But with UK and ANZAC you can almost get one,

    UK takes denmark, ANZAC lands at unprotected berlin? game over.
    You say no good player would fall for it, but the same could happen to Rome, or other places

    There is something to be said about having another combat move phase, and units to make a move there.
    Its not a great idea, but it is unconventional, and in a game when ANZAC can do little else to help the allies, then there is at least this move

  • Another event, worth noting, was a game wherin japan had lost all territory but the home island, with 2 fighters and 20+ infantry, but the island was totaly convoy raided. Moscow had fallen, and Germany stretched from France to the Soviet Far East, but couldnt get into china because it had 30 infantry at each border territory

    ANZAC had control of all the money islands, and French Indo China, and a minor there. It and India were doing all they could to hold germany back from india, with a german minor in west india.

    ANZAC was a juggernaut in this game, collecting 34 IPCs with NOs. Its 3 factorys stretched to the limit funneling units to india

    That was a WEIRD game, because no one wanted to quit. US eventualy ended the game by landing 20 tanks and 20 infantry at Korea, and Norway. And since this wasnt alpha anything….they built two majors on their next turn and germany surrenderd

  • @oztea:

    Another event, worth noting, was a game wherin japan had lost all territory but the home island, with 2 fighters and 20+ infantry, but the island was totaly convoy raided. Moscow had fallen, and Germany stretched from France to the Soviet Far East, but couldnt get into china because it had 30 infantry at each border territory

    ANZAC had control of all the money islands, and French Indo China, and a minor there. It and India were doing all they could to hold germany back from india, with a german minor in west india.

    ANZAC was a juggernaut in this game, collecting 34 IPCs with NOs. Its 3 factorys stretched to the limit funneling units to india

    That was a WEIRD game, because no one wanted to quit. US eventualy ended the game by landing 20 tanks and 20 infantry at Korea, and Norway. And since this wasnt alpha anything….they built two majors on their next turn and germany surrenderd

    How many days did this game last?

  • that was a 2 dayer

  • I find one of the best things best thing anzac can do is.
    1on round one Britain keeps its fleet in 81 to protect the transport.
    Then anzac puts one inf in Egypt on the british transport on turn 1.
    round 2 Britain moves the transport next to persia and anzac takes pursia.
    Round 3 anzac builds minor factory on pursia
    round 4 anzac can build 9-full income that can help Soviet Union india china or egypt…
    or my favorite move just set back and make the axis think twice about attacking :evil:

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