Thanks for the link, but if I may impose upon you guys for nother clarification?
I played my first start to finish revised edition game just a few weeks ago, and a critial part in the defeat was a suprise capture of Germany (a defending navy of 1 battleship and 6 uboats was eliminated with no British casualties) I knew about the skipping of all phases other than combatmove, combat, and noncombat move. But I was unaware of the reappropriation of all IPCs held by the country. In addition we interpreted the rule as after liberation, no troops could be purchased until the second purchase units phase.
Did we play correctly?
Off topic, in the many times I have played the first couple turns of AaA, Germany has never taken Egypt. Do you guys also have this happen? From this forum it seems that the allies usually lose both Egypt and India, when the opposite happens with my games