• I think the US-Germany vs UK-USSR-Japan game set up could be balanced with a few minor modifications:

    1. Change play order to UK, US, USSR, Germany, Japan
          -Royal Navy gets a chance to get its act together and avoid being gutted on G1
          -Africa is preserved, at least for a while
          -US Carriers allowed to escape Japanese (who won’t have the Brits to worry about)
      2)Add Chicago and subtract Manila as Victory Cities,
          -Preserves the six per side start.
      3)Alter the map slightly to make North America a little more detailed.  Too convoluted to explain in text
          -I advocate this even for Spring 1942 in general
          -I’ve sketched a proposal but can’t figure out how to add the image  :? I drive a folk-lift for a living, this sort of thing isn’t my strong-suite. The file is on my desktop.  If you want to see it tell me how to show it to you.

  • So my roomate and I have been playing Germany-Us vs UK Japan USSR with the turn order UK,US,USSR,G,J.

    It is actually extraordinarily balanced. We’ve played over 12 turns now, probably about 10 hours, and it looks like there is no end in sight. UK got shut down but it takes fairly constant US investment to keep them down while fending off the Japanese. Germany and Russia have been going back and forth forever now. Africa was conquered by Germany and US, but is now back in UK’s hands thanks to Japan. The game may finally end if Germany can take down Moscow, but Japan has built an IC in Sinkaing to flood in defensive troops, otherwise it could be at least 5 or 6 more turns and go either way.

  • Started a game with Mr.Biggg’s pairing and turn order.
    It’s shocking how powerful the UK is when they go first: Sank US carrier in Hawaii, German battleship in Med, and German destroyer in Baltic; captured Algeria; reenforced Egypt (total: 4I, T, B); finished UK1 with: battleship, cruiser, and  two transports off Algeria; fully-loaded carrier with cruiser and transport off Egypt; newly purchased carrier (loaded), and two destroyers in the Channel; and a loaded transport in the southern Indian Ocean.
    I thought the Brits would land themselves a participation trophy….  :-o

  • @Nomarclegs:

    Started a game with Mr.Biggg’s pairing and turn order.
    It’s shocking how powerful the UK is when they go first: Sank US carrier in Hawaii, German battleship in Med, and German destroyer in Baltic; captured Algeria; reenforced Egypt (total: 4I, T, B); finished UK1 with: battleship, cruiser, and  two transports off Algeria; fully-loaded carrier with cruiser and transport off Egypt; newly purchased carrier (loaded), and two destroyers in the Channel; and a loaded transport in the southern Indian Ocean.
    I thought the Brits would land themselves a participation trophy….  :-o

    I’d be interested to hear what happens in the Atlantic as you and Mr.Biggg progress in your game. It seems like Germany should be focusing all of it’s attention along with the US to capture London; I’m not too sure if you can maintain a large enough fleet to prevent waves of transports (as both enemy capitals need only a pair of fleets each to have a constant stream of impending transports).

  • UK-USSR-Japan may be unstoppable…
    US: Evaquated Hawaii; sank Kwantung transport; overran Canada; and bought two each carriers and subs (all to east coast).
    USSR: Captured West Russia and Sinkiang; failed to take Belorussia; fortified Caucasus.
    Germany: retook WR; took Karelia (in force); retook Algeria (saving Brazil).
    Japan: Conquered China and Hawaii; consolidated Pac fleet off Hawaii; moved East Indies fleet to Carolines; sent two fighters and bomber to Caucasus IC in FIC.

    All signs point to epic US/UK naval battle(s) in the Atlantic. Japan onws the Pacific; Britain owns the Med; Russian and Japanese forces pooring in to prop up Moscow.  NOT what I saw coming.

  • We’ve literally put about 18 hours into this game, well over 20 full turns. It looks like it will finally end with Germany taking Moscow in a turn or two.

    Basic flow went like this:

    First 5 rounds:

    UK is a super power, the control Africa, have a fleet in the Med and in the Atlantic. Transport guys into Germany.
    US built navy and bombers to invade UK. They never really get the chance though, UK loaded up about 20 inf over the first 5 turns and any landings would be futile.
    Germany took out much of UK navy focused on ground game vs USSR+some UK+Japan coming in. Major battle of attrition they nearly lost.
    Japan invaded Alaska and established a an Industrial complex. They constantly flooded troops into Alaska.
    Russia did what Russia does, build infantry and trudge.

    Next 10 rounds:
    UK navy eventually gets completely destroyed by US and German air forces. They are crippled and poor for the rest of the game.
    US Spends a lot of time and money fighting Japanese. Sends Transports into Archangel in Lieu of attacking UK. Loses Naval fleet to UK planes and switches to mass bombers for the Atlantic.
    Germany gets pushed back pretty far into Germany by combined allied forces. With the help of US in Archangel, pushes forward though, and eventually takes Caucasus. Builds basically nothing but tanks, infantry and artillery.
    Japan retakes Africa for UK, and sends ships int Mediterranean. Eventually builds some Industrial complexes in Asia to help push Germany.
    Russia did what Russia does, build infantry and trudge.

    Final rounds
    US responds to Japan’s Asia activities by building a new Pacific fleet, eventually takes control of Pacific.
    With Japaneses help, Russia vs. Caucasus is a massive stalemate, skirmishes for nearby territories ensue.
    UK Can’t do much, at any point, 7 bombers are within range of anything they build. They build fighters to send to Russia.

    In a few rounds it looks like Germany will have enough to take Russia.

  • Very fun read, enjoyable thought experiment.

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