Some more questions coming up:
The first one is probably really easy: The phrase from the rulebook
“However, if it’s not yet at war by the Collect Income phase of its third turn, the United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of that phase.”
means that they will get extra money in that very phase from their national objectives? So at the end of the third turn, they will earn seventy something instead of fifty something?
The next question I find harder to answer:
The Soviet Union is a neutral power at the beginning. But it may declare war on Japan, which makes her non-neutral in Asia. She can then move units into China, for example. But in Europe, she is still neutral. She may not move units to England, for example. While the fighters from England obviously cannot fly to Moscow, I suppose ANZAC fighters could land in Soviet Far East. But what about fighters from India, can they land in Soviet Far East? ANZAC and GB are at war with Germany and Italy, they are not neutral. In Asia, the SU is not neutral anymore. Although they have no common enemy, they should be able to interact. But what now if the ANZAC fighter flies to Moscow? Is it allowed to enter the “European” board? What if a fighter from India enters Moscow? What if a fighter starting in Egypt flies to India and then to the Soviet Far East?
And one last question: As the German player, is there any reason not to declare war on the U.S. in the same round of the game in which my Japanese ally will declare war on the US anyway? The only reason that I see is that Russia could fly planes on US territories – not very likely. Am I missing something?