So What you are saying is, that you use 3 letter abbreviations and 2 letter abbrevations, and basically have no set system or standard at all, and are just going with it.
And if you don’t play online, why do you care at all? why not just type out transport and submarine for what it matters. The problems isn’t me not understanding the terminology it’s other players and users of the forum who don’t.
People start moving AP’s around the board and BB and CV’s and suddenly what they are actually typing is a totally different unit style, but they stick with the 2 letter abbreviations because they think CA is Carrier, and that their right. It becomes a problem sometimes, especially when battles go south and suddenly it’s - well that was really my CV defending not my CA - even though the last 10 posts the CA was the carrier bla bla.
The Term ABBREVIATION also means to shorten a word with the letter it uses. There is no V in Aircraft Carrier, or A in Cruiser, or 2nd B in battleship so on and so forth, and if you are ALREADY using 3 letter abbrevations for land units then WTF is the problem with standardizing the whole set? That’s what we are looking for here…
A STANDARD - that EVERYONE understands, is CLEAR, and Easy to use, that applies equally and universally to all unit types.