• I think the consensus and point I was trying to make has been made. Keep attacks on the game away from these boards. The game is balanced as far as we can tell and new strategies just need to be created and found. Anyone who claims otherwise is delusional.

  • @Clyde85:

    However, this game is trying to recreate history

    this game is not trying to recreate history, it is using history to inform a boardgame, to provide a backdrop and a theme, not to as accurately model WW2 as possible. far from it.

  • @rockrobinoff:

    this game is not trying to recreate history, it is using history to inform a boardgame, to provide a backdrop and a theme, not to as accurately model WW2 as possible. far from it.

    Really? How is the initial set-up not ment to be a recreation of the historical situation of 1940? I think thats the crux of the whole game, taking the situation of 1940, and seeing what YOU can do with it, unless im mistaken.


    That is the point CLYDE!
    Nobody need this game to be perfectly balanced!

    So we are in agreement then? cause that was the point I was making

  • '10

    That’s it.  8-)

  • Getting victory cities technically wins the game, but intermediary goals are necessary to capture the number needed. Trying to achieve some economic objectives and strike material blows to the enemies can put you in that superior position you need to meet the actual win condition.

  • '10

    Writing a poem and put it in his signature…  :?


  • @cminke:

    hey does any one know what larry is planing next?(retirement maybe :-o)


  • @Clyde85:

    I think thats the crux of the whole game, taking the situation of 1940, and seeing what YOU can do with it

    Clearly not. A&A is such an incredibly superficial representation of the world in 1940 that to suggest it to be a simulation is absurd. combine that with extreme unrealism in terms of rules, and access to information, what we have here is an excellent board game that simply bares a resemblance to WW2 and nothing more.

  • TripleA


    I need to point out that people need to stop assuming that Larry Harris is unable to make a game.

    i do not believe that anyone here thinks larry harris is unable to make a game. we are all here because we love to play the great games he makes. however, most of his games have turned out to have balance issues which have been easily fixed with a pre game ipc bid.


    If you think that the game is imbalanced it is probably because you need to sit down and think up some strategies for whatever side you feel is underpowered. Nerfing the opposition is not a viable fix, it is a band aid to people’s inability to be creative.

    this is bad theory. if i think the game is unbalanced it is because i have played the game and found out it IS imbalanced.


    Even if something did turn out to be imbalanced then it would be impossible to find out this soon after release.

    it took our group about 3 games to realize that japan was an overwhelming favourite to win pac40. i am not saying that global40 is imbalanced as i have only played less than 10 games, but i am confident with enough plays we will all find out which side is favoured.


    Lets stop jumping to conclusions and instead be thankful for the great job and effort that went into this fantastic game. If we really thought we could do so much better than perhaps we should have done so and created our own game. Since we haven’t lets give credit where credit is due.

    Thanks for a great game Larry.

    i do not think anyone that bought the game should be thankful. i payed $200 for a quality board game and i expect a quality board game.

  • TripleA


    Hope you design a 1941 and 1942 setup. :lol:

    if larry puts out a 1941 and 1942 setup then i will be very thankful. adding value to an already good product for no additional cost is classy and good for long term business.

  • @allweneedislove:

    Thanks for a great game Larry.

    i do not think anyone that bought the game should be thankful. i payed $200 for a quality board game and i expect a quality board game.

    No one should be thankful? Why? There’s nothing wrong with the game. The pieces are great, the rulebook is great, the map is great, the gameplay is great. Well worth 120 dollars

  • TripleA


    No one should be thankful? Why?

    because you payed for the game. i do not think you should be thankful for something that should be expected.

    i love the game and think it is very fun to play and discuss that is why i am here. however….


    There’s nothing wrong with the game.

    there is lots wrong with the game. there were not enough japanese pieces to play the game and the pacific setup is imbalanced


    The pieces are great

    the molds are very good. however,

    they did not provide enough japanese pieces
    italian units are wrong
    french colour does not match with the muted theme of all other nations
    ussr and italian colours are too similar to differeniate quickly
    difficult to locate card board chits were used instead of plastic units
    and thin hard to pick up cardboard was used in the pacific half of the game


    the rulebook is great

    one of the two rulebooks is awful and the other is ok


    the map is great

    the territory layout is good and makes for a very fun game. however my map is awful.

    the colours from pac and europe do not match
    north america is misaligned
    the 4 map boards do not align
    and worst of all the boards do not lay flat


    the gameplay is great. Well worth 120 dollars

    i agree the game play is very fun, despite the balance issues as they can be fixed with house rules easily.
    for me it was well worth the $200(which i think is the msrp of the 2 games) but it still could have been a better product. i do not feel like i need to thank anyone for letting me pay $200 to buy their product.

  • Okay? I guess we’re arguing semantics.

    With regards to your listed flaws:
    Not enough Jap pieces-only tac had that problem, and that has been resolved for no cost

    Imbalance is also being fixed at no cost. However, I was talking about global, which seemed balanced OOB

    Italian units are wrong, but so are French units, ANZAC units, allied artillery, etc. That’s okay since it doesn’t matter to most people.

    What is the “muted theme?” Maybe they were made to stand out since France does next to nothing in the game.

    USSR and Italians unis are easily differentiated by me due to differed sculpts and the fact that they are not usually near each other.

    Chits are good as they don’t move that easily, so they’re prefect for ICs and bases, and even most AAs, which remain.

    Thin cardboard was fixed. Keep in mind I was mostly referring to Global/Europe

    Colors of oceans don’t math-I concede

    NA doesn’t line up-Yes, but they don’t need to since most of the time, the only things moving across are from WUS-CUS and vice versa and ships thru Panama canal.

    Boards not laying flat is not a design problem; it is unavoidable.

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