Yes, they can.
Is it possibile to have kamikaze aircrafts? Let me explain: can i use aircrafts to conduct attacks at sea that they have no possibility of return?
No. You must be able to land, even if that landing site is pending a naval battle or non combat carrier move or sea zone build.
Japan has a special Kamikaze attack that is activated by the allies under specific conditions, but it does not involve normal air units on the board. These are 6 one time attacks on enemy ships excluding subs and transports.
See: page 21 AAEurope 1940 bottom paragraph under “Air Units” third bullet point, last sentence: “You can’t deliberately move an air unit out of range of a potential safe landing space.”
See also: page 13 AAEurope 1940 first paragraph under “Air Units” first sentence: “An air unit that moves in the Combat Move phase must generally reserve part of its move value for the Noncombat Move phase, at which point it must return to a safe landing spot using its remaining movement.”
Note: This is not an official answer, just being helpful.