Hah! I’m full of it. Wrong settings
Here they are again.
*note - for UK I say inf, but it is likley inf/art. 2 inf defending is better then 1 tank, so I’ll ignore tank buys.
Worst case scenario for the German is:
Germany (worst)
11 inf, 4 tanks, 5 art, 1fht, 1 bmb, 1 BB, 1 CR (assuming horrific losses in air at sea, and France was won w/ 1 tank)
UK (best)
21 inf, 4 fht, 1 tac
Germany wins 7% w/ commonly 1 unit
Average case scenario for Germany:
10 inf, 6 tanks, 4 art, 2 fht, 2 tac, 1 bmb, 1 BB, 1 CR
UK (average)
20 inf, 4 fht
Germany wins 71% w/ commonly 4 - 6 units
Best case scenario for Germany:
11 inf, 3 art, 8 tanks, 4 fht, 3 tac, 1 bmb, 1 BB, 1 CR
UK (average)
20 inf, 4 fht
Geramny wins 99% w/ commonly 10 - 13 units
That is the math, and it is repeatable, unless I missed something.
Next turn Germnany has over $80 to spend, and the Allies have lost $28/turn.