• So then there is no way to land an AA gun in a territory that wasn’t yours at the start of the turn without having an extra transport dedicated to just that?

  • Official Q&A


    So then there is no way to land an AA gun in a territory that wasn’t yours at the start of the turn without having an extra transport dedicated to just that?

    Well, it doesn’t have to be dedicated to just that, as it can also bring an infantry, but it must unload only in noncombat movement.

  • When can allies move into russian territories?

    What is the Alpha setup?

  • Official Q&A


    When can allies move into russian territories?

    If the USSR is at war with Germany and/or Italy, Allied nations that are also at war may move units into Soviet territories on the Europe map.  If the USSR is at war with Japan, Allied nations that are also at war may move units into Soviet territories on the Pacific map.


    What is the Alpha setup?

    It’s a new, experimental setup for the game (with some rules adjustments), which can be found on Larry Harris’ website.

  • Does a minor upgrading to a major count toward production capacity?

    Like, if I upgrade a minor complex to a major complex, can I still build 3 infantry or does the upgrade itself count as a production and I can only build 2 units?

  • You can build 3 other units.

  • If the UK buys tech where is it subtracted from? London or India? Or is there a choice of how to split it?

  • Official Q&A

    Either can pay.

  • But they can’t split it(UK can’t pay 3 and India 2, for example)

  • Official Q&A

    Why not?

  • @Krieghund:

    Why not?

    That was my impression. Is the UK allowed to split the 5 ipc cost of 1 tech roll between London and Calcutta?

  • Official Q&A

    I can’t see any reason why they shouldn’t be able to.  Can you?

  • Well, I guess they can.

  • Is an Italian tank in Egypt allowed to blitz empty British-controlled Jordan and activate Iraq?

  • No, the tank may not. A “blitz” (AAE40 rulebook page 14, last section) can only be done during a combat move. Moving into friendly neutrals is done during a noncombat move (AAE40 rulebook page 21).

    Also see reply #482 of this thread, Gamerman01 shows friendly neutral info on page 10, and asks about blitzing.

    Somewhere (this thread maybe?), I think Krieghund had an in-depth explanation of the two-step process of a “blitz”.

  • Can fighters scramble if enemy ships are moving through an adjacent sea zone that has no allied ships in it?

  • Official Q&A


    Can fighters scramble if enemy ships are moving through an adjacent sea zone that has no allied ships in it?

    No.  They may only scramble in response to an attack in the sea zone or an amphibious assault being launched from it.

  • Hi Wardog, has the FAQ been released yet and did I miss it? Or do we still have to be patient.

  • I have couple questions as I get ready to play soon

    1: How may people can you realistically play with so people dont have to double up? Can someone play and succeed at being Italy, China, France or Anzac

    2. Do any troops go on French Indochina to start the game as part of the global rules or does France just kiss it goodbye?

    3. With the U.S getting some many IPC’s (82) do they just dominate or does it balance itself out?

    4. When it comes to blitzing with a tank and mechanized infantry can you do this… starting in country A, both move to B, then the tank to C and the mechanized infantry to D. or do they have to stay together?

    5. In a neutral country we will say Italy attacks and someone put U.S troops their to represent that neutral country and Italy fails in the attack. Next turn U.K. moves in and takes it over do you just swap the U.S colored troops and make them U.K troops?

  • Official Q&A


    Hi Wardog, has the FAQ been released yet and did I miss it? Or do we still have to be patient.

    No, it hasn’t been released yet.  I doubt it will be now until Alpha is finalized.


    1: How may people can you realistically play with so people dont have to double up? Can someone play and succeed at being Italy, China, France or Anzac

    I wouldn’t go more than seven players, giving one of them France, China, and ANZAC.


    2. Do any troops go on French Indochina to start the game as part of the global rules or does France just kiss it goodbye?

    There are no units there.


    3. With the U.S getting some many IPC’s (82) do they just dominate or does it balance itself out?

    That depends on how far the Axis gets before the US is in the war.


    4. When it comes to blitzing with a tank and mechanized infantry can you do this… starting in country A, both move to B, then the tank to C and the mechanized infantry to D. or do they have to stay together?

    They must start and end their moves together.


    5. In a neutral country we will say Italy attacks and someone put U.S troops their to represent that neutral country and Italy fails in the attack. Next turn U.K. moves in and takes it over do you just swap the U.S colored troops and make them U.K troops?


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