This is what we do in game. Each neutral has a territory value and some kind of army and a few ships. You can attack them if you want. But u need to capture each neutral territory to get icp income.
If you lose battle then just that lone neutral joins other side.
But we also have a cost to try and influence a strict neutral to your side and you receive the territory value towards income and what is there for the ground troops and a possible ship. Nothing stronger than a Destroyer.
Not all countries can influence the same neutrals. We roll a d20 and a 4 or less u get neutral.
This is just an idea u may look at.
Spain and Turkey have the biggest Amy but cost more for those 2 to try and get.
Realism rules
This is something I have been tinkering and thinking on, not much mind you, but a little, and global got me thinking on it again. I want to redo all nations to be distinct based on their historical unit’s qualities and lack-thereoff.
An example would be Japanese tanks costing only 4, but having a movement of 2, an attack of 2, and a defence of 1. Some people may argue Japan will build all tanks due to this, but really, with a defence of 1, how long will they last once they get near an enemy boarder.
Other ideas I had included changes to some core rules, such as with aircraft attacking ground forces. If no friendly ground forces are part of the attack (did not join or are destroyed) then the current combat phase is the only one that takes place, but to make it so they still have the advantage, the enemy do not use hteir defence value, but instead each unit may use an attached AA brigade to fire one AA shot. Example: 2 infantry and 1 tank are attacked by 3 fighters. Before the attackers resolve attacks, each defending unit makes an AA roll, destroying a plane on a roll of 1. A single 1 is rolled, so 1 fighter is destroyed, but unlike standard AA rolls may still make its one attack roll. Two 3s are rolled, so 1 attacking plane is removed, as well as the 2 infantry. The tank remains, but now that the first attack has been resolved has gone to ground and are now untargetable by the planes. The planes return to base, and the combat ends. My reasoning is that planes will not be fired at by tanks or the infantry, but by brigades of AA units tasked with defending them. Now 2 things. An AA gun in the territory will still work as normal, thus removing a plane BEFORE combat. Also gaining Radar tech will not upgrade the AA bateries, who are always smaller caliber and will always need a 1 to destroy aircraft.
Any ideas? likes/dislikes/etc?
Sorry, should have put it here in the first place, I just have global on my brain.
japense tank cost = 7 IPC not less than that!
I am being serious, so explain this, as it makes no sense. They were tiny for 1, so less cost, also they were lousy, lousy tanks. Hence why I gave lower stats for attack and defence. I figured 4 ipcs was a good price for this, although that is only for moving 2, as I at first wanted to charge 3, simply because they were the reverse of infantry, but the movement of 2 means they do allow a great attack force for mobility, even if they die in droves when attacked.
Oh, and to offset the reason people should buy infantry besides costing 1 less than mech (who themselves get the extra movement and can tech to attack better thus creating an elite mobile landforce) is to give infantry bonuses when defending islands and coasts. This is similar to the revised extra rules where they defended islands at 3. With this rule, I know I would be shipping infatry to my islands and coasts, as this means removing them will require a sizeable force or lots of good bombardment rolls. Note for coasts this only works durring amphibious assualts.
You should make the only land units that can kill aircraft(Except AA’s) should be Art.
Jap BS should be extra strong in ATT and Def because they were the best BS in the war.
one class was, but to be honest battleships were proved weak compared to aircraft, which at the start was there thing.
_I am being serious, so explain this, as it makes no sense. They were tiny for 1, so less cost, also they were lousy, lousy tanks. Hence why I gave lower stats for attack and defence. I figured 4 ipcs was a good price for this, although that is only for moving 2, as I at first wanted to charge 3, simply because they were the reverse of infantry, but the movement of 2 means they do allow a great attack force for mobility, even if they die in droves when attacked.
Because the Japanese technology in the construction of armored cars were late compared with the other countries.
Furthermore, Japanese had an access limited to all the resources to build good tank.
So 7-2-2-2 is fine._ -
Ok, i need to explain then that I want to make rules that reflect quality, while not ruining the option itself. Lowering stats AND upping cost is in my opinion just plain crazy if I am to expect people too use the jap tank, as at that point you may as well just remove the whole notion from the game. Its not that I disagree that resources were sparse, but costing 1 more than a US tank and being much less effective is absurd from a gameplay stance, which is still what this is, a game.
Well, it’s not realist to see a lot of japanese tank division because japan didn’t have the capacity to do it. So if a japanese player wants more tank, he must pay the price!
Japanese tank was not bad.In fact most of them were used as infantry tank.
So now if you introduce a tank with a cost of 4 and defend at 1.
Well I will buy more infantry,plane and artillery!